Xiulong stage

Chapter 12 Amazing Results

Chapter 12 amazing results

After Teacher Yan smiled as bright as a flower blooming, he finally spoke.In the short two or three minutes before he spoke, the students felt as if two or three centuries had passed, and the feeling of suffocation filled everyone's chest.Of course, Hanzi was the only one who didn't have to worry about his grades. He was confident that no matter how badly he performed, his total grades would definitely be among the top ten in the class.

"Students, Teacher Yan hasn't been this happy for a long time. Everyone did very well in the section test this time. According to the results of this section test, at least one-third of our third (fourth) class took the high school entrance examination. The top five students are expected to enter the county's key high schools. Here, I would like to praise Liu Xinyi. Her grades have always been among the best in the class. This time the section test is no exception, with a total score of 595 points , is still No.1 in the class, and the total score ranks No.3 in the school grade." Speaking of this, Teacher Yan glanced at the students.The students were very calm. Liu Xinyi's grades were already within their expectations. For more than two years, she has been the No.1 in the class. Everyone has been used to this result for a long time.

"But this is not what makes Teacher Yan the happiest. The happiest thing for Teacher Yan is that there is a student in our class who, through his unremitting efforts, has grown from a poor student to an excellent student in just two months. , from the bottom ten in the class at the beginning of the semester to No. 2 in the class's total score in this section test, with a total score of 594 points, ranking No. 4 in the school's individual total score." Teacher Yan said, looking around He glanced at the students, but seeing that the students were all in an uproar, they all guessed who this person was.

"He is classmate Lu Mohan, please give him warm applause and congratulations." Speaking of this, Teacher Yan couldn't help the tears from the corners of his eyes, extremely excited.

After a brief silence, the students burst into thunderous applause.Everyone looked at Hanzi with astonishment, envy and other complicated eyes, and among them, Wei Guangxing and Liu Xinyi gave the loudest applause.Wei Guangxing was happy for his brother; while Liu Xinyi had a joyful and sweet emotion.But the applause of the two was real and the most sincere blessing to Hanzi.

Hanzi himself was also surprised.According to his estimate, his grades have greatly improved, and it should be no problem to enter the top ten in the class, but he suddenly jumped to No.2 in the class. The total score is only one point behind Liu Xinyi, who is No.1. Unexpected.Facing the protracted and thunderous applause from his classmates, he was stunned and couldn't accept this fact for a while.

After a long time, the applause stopped. Teacher Yan coughed lightly and said, "Student Lu Mohan's progress is the hope of our junior three (four) class, and also the hope of our Shuize Middle School. The reason why he has made such great achievements I believe that the eyes of our classmates are sharp, which is inseparable from his hard work in the past two months.

"We should follow the example of classmate Lu Mohan, work hard, and strive to improve our academic performance. Now we have only gone a quarter of the third semester of junior high school. Seeing the progress of classmate Lu Mohan, we should Believe that: no pains will be rewarded, hard work can make up for failures. The ancients said it well: the fragrance of plum blossoms comes from bitter cold.

"Student Lu Mohan is our best example. He went from No. 30 in the mock exam at the beginning of the semester to the second in the class in this section exam after more than a month, and No. 4 in the whole school grade. This is What an astonishing improvement. Students, we still have time. Lu Mohan can improve his grades to this level in more than a month. I believe you can too, even if you can't compare with him, but you At most, it will take a little longer than him, he will spend more than a month, and you will spend three, four, or even five or six months to improve your grades, which is not impossible." Yan The teacher naturally took this opportunity to cheer up the students.

Teacher Yan continued: "Of course, judging from the results of this section test, not only Lu Mohan, but most of the students in the class have improved greatly. The overall average score of our class this time has already Jumping to No.2 in the grade, the average score of the whole class is 450.5 points, second only to the 453.6 points of the second class. The achievement of these results is inseparable from everyone's hard work.

"The teacher hopes that the students will continue to work hard. Everyone will learn from Lu Mohan and strive to achieve better grades in the final exam. I also hope that Lu Mohan will continue to work hard and make further progress to become the leader of our class." No.1, even No.1 in the grade, created another miracle for our junior three (four) class, for our Shuizawa junior high school. Everyone once again cheered for him with warm applause." After speaking, he took the lead in applauding Come.In an instant, thunderous applause rang out again in the classroom of the third (fourth) junior high school.This is the end of a class that students have been looking forward to for a long time.

Liu Xinyi said softly to Hanzi: "Hanzi, congratulations, work hard, try to surpass me in the final exam."

Hanzi glanced at her, read joy and sincerity from her eyes, moved deeply in his heart, and whispered: "Thank you, Xinyi." Seeing that he only called her name, Liu Xinyi didn't know why. Feel the use, and feel sweet in my heart for a while.

Wei Guangxing rushed up from behind, patted Hanzi on the shoulder hard, and said loudly: "Okay, Hanzi, I have convinced you. From now on, I sincerely ask you to be the boss, and I decided to follow your example. Study hard, work hard, and move towards my great goal—to be a great diplomat!"

Hanzi felt the expression of his true feelings from his words, and was very moved. He patted him on the shoulder and said, "Guang Xing, you can do it too. I support you. Let's work together and make progress together." He glanced at Liu Xinyi slightly, implying "even you together".

Liu Xinyi understood, her heart was sweetened, and a sense of happiness came spontaneously.

The astonishing progress of Hanzi's academic performance made Mizusawa junior high school boil.There was a wave of "cold" learning in the school.The school newspaper and the wall newspapers of each class rushed to report on Hanzi's deeds.

Hanzi can take these things lightly, and it doesn't have much impact on his psychology, but he is a little bit cold at the envious eyes of those young girls in the school.He has become a celebrity in the school, and there are always people pointing at him when he walks on the road. Even the family members of the school staff use him to teach politics to their children, asking the children to follow him as an example and study hard, every day. Up and so on, it made him feel a little unnatural.

The joy of his parents and grandpa at home is what makes him happiest.Parents had no hope for Hanzi's studies. In the village, students with only middle grades in a class generally have no hope of going to a higher-level middle school, and Hanzi's academic performance has always been He was just hovering in the bottom [-] of the class. His parents wanted to wait for him to graduate from junior high school, send him to a technical school or something, learn a little technology, and then find him a job in a factory or enterprise. Depending on his own good fortune, he may be able to make a good job if his fate is good, and he can support himself. That is the most basic requirement for them as parents.

But now the surprise that Hanzi brought them was too great, as if a poor and accustomed person suddenly picked up a large piece of gold, that feeling was really difficult to express in words.Hanzi's sudden success is a big deal for his parents. Seeing their son's hope for a good future, they are of course happier than eating honey.

That night, my mother specially made Hanzi’s favorite twice-cooked pork. My father also caught a lot of chicken that was raised in the chicken coop for the New Year’s slaughter to celebrate. On this day, Hanzi’s family can say that New Year's Eve should be lively and happy.

The old man was so happy from ear to ear, he even took out his bottle of old Moutai that he had kept for nearly ten years to share with his father.Hanzi's progress made them happier than they made a fortune.

After drinking two taels of Moutai, my father said to Hanzi at the dinner table: "Hanzi, your father and I are really happy today. I saw you have made such great progress in just two months, sir. Dad is happy from the bottom of his heart. You continue to work hard and strive to be admitted to a key high school in the county, or a key high school in the district. Dad and your mother will work hard to make money for you to study. No matter where you go to study, the family I will take care of your money. Don’t worry about this. If you can go to a key high school and enter a university in the future, you will be the first college student in our family. Your parents support you, so you can rest assured to see you Study hard, don’t think about anything, reading is your first choice now. We don’t put pressure on you, you just do your best and do your thing with your heart, and your family is behind you Cheer you up."

Hanzi's father, Lu Yunlin, seldom drank alcohol. Seeing his son's progress this time, he was very happy. He drank a couple of taels with the old man, and after drinking, he started to talk more.After listening to it for a while, Hanzi got tired of it, so he excused that he was full, and went back to his room to read a book.

To be continued.I wish you all a happy new year and all your wishes come true!

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