Xiulong stage

Chapter 3 was KO

Chapter 3 was ko

Hanzi smiled and said, "When it comes to solving crimes, are foreigners as good as Chinese people? We had Bao Qingtian, Di Renjie and many others in ancient China. Why don't you learn from them and read old foreign detective novels instead?" coming."

Wei Guangxing snorted and said: "You can see those in China all day long in TV and movies. There is nothing unusual. Of course, you have to change your taste and read foreign old ones. The so-called combination of Chinese and Western can revitalize the motherland. Hanzi, really I won’t lie to you, this book is really good, if you don’t believe me, I will lend it to you after reading it tonight. I got it from my dad, and my dad has no objection to me reading this kind of novel. "

Hanzi said: "Did your dad tell you to watch it in your spare time? Did he tell you to bring it to school to watch? You're the only one who can break it. I won't tell you anymore. The bell rang again. What did you say?" Ah, take it back for me to watch tonight."

In the next two evening self-study classes, Hanzi couldn't read the book at all, his mind was in a mess, and he didn't know what he was thinking.But he never dared to look at Liu Xinyi sitting next to him again.

After evening self-study, Wei Guangxing did not break his promise, and borrowed the "Sherlock Holmes Collection" to take away with him, and Hanzi returned home in a daze.

I flipped through "The Collection of Sherlock Holmes" before going to bed, and I was really attracted by the stories in it. After reading it for a while, I saw that it was already 11:30 in the evening, and I had to go to class the next day, so I read it I threw the book next to the pillow and dreamed that Duke Zhou would go.

This night, Hanzi had a dream. In the dream, he vaguely saw that he was dating a girl in a white skirt. The girl seemed to be Liu Xinyi, but she didn't seem to be. His hands were still on the girl. I scratched and touched it randomly, feeling ecstasy, but I can't remember what happened afterwards.

When I woke up the next morning, Hanzi found that his underwear was a little wet with some sticky stuff on it. The wet stain looked like a small map. After that, Han Zi secretly said: "Damn, is this a nocturnal emission? Who was the girl in the dream last night? Was it Liu Xinyi? Who did I give the first body in my dream?"

After thinking about it for a while, I couldn't figure it out, Hanzi thought to himself: "Khan, the boy body in my dream was KO'd by the girl in my dream for no apparent reason, what a pity!" Hanzi changed into a pair of underwear, and Scrubbing the underwear that was stuck with the child essence, she ate a few mouthfuls of porridge and went to school.

When I saw Liu Xinyi again, I thought of the spring dream last night. In the dream, it seemed that I was messing with her. Hanzi seemed guilty and didn't dare to look at her, didn't even dare to say hello, and spent a day in a daze. After listening to the class, as for what the teacher said today, he couldn't hear a word.And Liu Xinyi also seemed to sense Hanzi's strangeness, and without even looking at him, the two deskmates passed the day like strangers.

In the evening, when he returned home after evening self-study, Hanzi saw that he was not in the mood, so he continued to take out the "Holmes Detective Collection" and read it. At this time, he could only put his thoughts into the weird plot of the novel. No need to think about it.

But Hanzi doesn't know, in fact, everyone will have a ignorant first love when they are teenagers. I don't even know why I am like that. Only when my body and mind are fully developed after a few years, I realize that it is just a natural reaction of physical development when I was young. When it comes to feelings, young people at this time are I don't know what it is, even if there is, it's just the moon in the mirror, which can be seen but not touched.But that hazy feeling may remain deep in his or her heart, and perhaps it will never be forgotten for a lifetime.First love is a beautiful feeling.

As soon as his thoughts entered the world of Sherlock Holmes, Hanzi couldn't help temporarily forgetting his troubles, and his thoughts followed Holmes into the book, studying the strange thoughts of the characters in the book.

Hanzi put down "The Collection of Sherlock Holmes", stretched his waist, turned off the light and lay on the bed ready to go to sleep, but he always felt a little messy in his mind. For a while, he thought of Liu Xinyi's pretty face, and for a while he remembered the girl in the dream last night. The hazy and seductive scene reminds me of the detective novel I just put down...

As if thinking of something, Hanzi's heart suddenly lit up, and he turned on the light and got up.

He took his grandfather's precious wooden box from the desk and put it on the bed, opened it and took out the "Pingyang Luolong" from it.

Turning the pages of the book, took out the first bookmark and read it carefully.I saw a group of strange numbers on it, "0...", thinking of the digital code mentioned in "The Collection of Sherlock Holmes", Hanzi put the book "The Collection of Sherlock Holmes" Collection", open the page about the digital password, and study it seriously.

After an hour of comparing and excluding possibilities, he finally solved the first few numbers on the first bookmark for him. .40 line No.16 eight characters, the second is a "dragon", the third is a "yu", the fourth is a "Yuan"...

The numerical codes were deciphered one by one, and Hanzi couldn't help being extremely excited. After two hours, he finally deciphered the strange number on the previous bookmark, which was a passage: "Dragon diving into the abyss, like a tiger falling In Pingyang, the power is on the outside but hidden in the inside. If you seek the well, you can't get it. If you dive into the inner classics, you can't get it. If you want to do it, this book can be called the Secret of Qianlong."

When he deciphered all these passages, Hanzi couldn't help but be ecstatic. It turned out that this is a book of "Qianlong Jue", and its scriptures are hidden in this seemingly boring "Pingyang Luolong" Among them, it is really strange.

I thought to myself: "I don't know what kind of book this "Qianlong Jue" is. Is it a martial arts secret book like those mentioned in those martial arts books?" Looking at the time, it was already more than two o'clock in the middle of the night , because I have to go to school tomorrow, Hanzi thought: "Anyway, I have found a method, and it will not be too late to study it tomorrow, but this matter must never be discussed with others. Wait until I research the "Qianlong Jue" Let’s talk about the mystery.”

So he put away this "Pingyang Luolong" carefully, and then lay down on the bed to sleep.But because of the excitement in my heart, I couldn't fall asleep for a long time, thinking that this might be a martial arts secret book, maybe one day I could practice the peerless magic skills according to the method in it, that would be great.Thinking about it, I don't know how long it took before I fell asleep in a daze.

When Hanzi saw Guangxing at school the next day, he was very grateful to him, but he didn't say the reason.The boy Guangxing saw that his attitude towards him suddenly seemed to have changed, and he even bought his favorite dried sweet potato for him to eat, so he couldn't help being very surprised.But when he asked Hanzi what he was happy about, Hanzi didn't say anything, he just said he was happy, without any other intention, which made Wei Guangxing very depressed.

In the next few days, every day when Hanzi got home, he went into his room to decipher the bookmark password of "Pingyang Luolong". Even when he was in class, he thought about those passwords. I feel that Hanzi is a little weird, and I often see him sitting there giggling from time to time.

In the class, Hanzi can be regarded as a student below the middle level, and his grades are neither high nor low. According to his grades, it is difficult to get into high school, let alone a key point, so the teachers treat him a little strangely. However, the students were just curious about him, but couldn't get anything out of him. They all thought in their hearts: "This Hanzi must have encountered something happy, but Why doesn't he share it with others? But it seems that he didn't like to talk to people very much before." Thinking about it, everyone didn't think it was strange, and after a day or two, everyone gradually got used to it.

Only Wei Guangxing was the best friend with him. Seeing that he looked a little weird, he came to play with him from time to time, trying to get a secret out of his mouth, but Hanzi's mouth was tight, and he said nothing happened. After being asked a lot, I said that I got it from reading his "The Detective Sherlock Holmes Collection", which made me think about the plots in the book all day long, so I thought it was like this, and joked that this is "Sherlock Holmes Comprehensive disease".

Wei Guangxing didn't believe it, but Hanzi spoke clearly and logically, explaining all the details of Holmes' investigation in an orderly manner. He had seen it himself, but he couldn't remember so much.In the end, I had no choice but to believe Hanzi's words, and there was nothing I could do about his current situation.Little did he know that the reason why Hanzi was so familiar with Holmes' investigation process was entirely to study the bookmark password, and had nothing to do with interest.

But at home, it is easier for the child to deal with it. He tells his parents that he is preparing for the final exam and needs to spend more time reading.Parents are very supportive, they all know that their son's grades have never been very good, and it is very difficult to get into the ideal high school with this grade, but parents all over the world hope that their children will live up to their expectations, and see their son take the initiative Working hard, I am happy in my heart, who would have thought that what he hid in the room to read was not homework, but to study those bookmark passwords.

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