Xiulong stage

Chapter 30 Mutation

Chapter 30 Mutations

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In the afternoon, Dr. Zhang invited his teacher, Professor Long from the Provincial Medical University.

After Professor Long finished examining Hanzi, he was stunned and exclaimed: "It's a miracle. I have been practicing medicine for 40 years, and I have never seen such a thing. Such a severely burned skin can be detached and grow back. It's incredible to have new skin and flesh."

Doctor Zhang asked excitedly: "Teacher, is this true, that is to say, my previous judgment was correct?"

Professor Long said: "Xiao Zhang, your judgment is correct. This is indeed an astonishing and strange case."

The happiest one was Liu Xinyi. At this moment, in her heart, Han Zi was the most important thing. As long as Han Zi was fine, she would be willing to give her a ten-year birthday.As soon as Professor Long finished speaking, she rushed out.She wants to tell Hanzi's family the good news!Or even everyone!

After a while, Lu Yunlin accompanied the old man and Meng Yuzhi to Hanzi's ward. Looking at Hanzi on the bed, Hanzi's parents and grandfather shed tears of excitement.Meng Yuzhi prayed secretly and piously: "Almighty Bodhisattva, thank you for giving my son a clear sky. As long as my son is fine, I will do whatever you want me to do! I will burn incense and worship Buddha for a long time in the future." you!"

Hanzi's reaction to the fact that he can recover is much smaller, mainly because he has already been psychologically prepared.But seeing his family and Liu Xinyi's joy at seeing himself recover, he couldn't help being very excited.

However, the subsequent development made everyone even more astonished. Ten days later, when Hanzi was able to walk on the ground, the family was surprised to find that Hanzi was about 10 centimeters taller than before. The happy thing is to count Liu Xinyi again. Although the new skin has just grown, the burnt skin has not come off, and the top of the head is as smooth as a monk, but standing there at nearly 1.8 meters tall, she is taller than Liu Xinyi a head.Liu Xinyi believes that he will be a handsome guy in the future.Which girl doesn't like to be pretty, but to have a handsome and charming boyfriend is the dream of every young girl.

Of course, only they knew about the sudden growth of Hanzi, but the doctors and nurses in the hospital didn't notice it.Considering that this matter is a bit shocking, they dare not tell the doctors and others about it.

Liu Xinyi secretly went to help Hanzi buy some new clothes for Hanzi to wear when he was discharged from the hospital.Yes, I have grown more than 10 centimeters all of a sudden, and I can no longer wear the original clothes. Besides, when Hanzi is discharged from the hospital, of course she will appear in front of everyone with a brand new look. This is what Liu Xinyi told Hanzi's mother , In fact, in Liu Xinyi's heart, she wants to know what the Hanzi will look like when she grows taller in the clothes she bought?Also, her relationship with Hanzi had just been confirmed, so she naturally wanted to worry about her boyfriend.

When Liu Xinyi bought four sets of clothes for him at a time, Hanzi felt sweet and strange, and asked, "Xinyi, why are you buying so many clothes at once? I haven't even tried it. Don't you be afraid?" Am I wearing something wrong?"

Liu Xinyi laughed and said: "It must be suitable. Besides, even if it is not suitable, you have to wear the clothes I bought. This is the first time someone bought you clothes. You are not allowed not to wear them."

Seeing her delicate and smiling attitude, Hanzi's heart warmed up, and he felt a sense of happiness spontaneously, so he said with a smile: "Okay, I will definitely wear it, the clothes that our little beauty bought for me, I will wear them." How can you not wear it!"

Liu Xinyi blushed, and hummed, "Who is the little beauty of your family, you don't know how to be ashamed!" But her heart was sweet.

Hanzi's new skin grew very quickly. On the ninth day after he woke up, the burnt flesh on his body had begun to fall off. When the doctor saw the dead skin on his hands removed and the new skin appeared in front of them, Once again, I was amazed by this miraculous phenomenon.Seeing the miraculous rebirth of his grandson, the old man seemed to be in good health all of a sudden, and he returned to the optimistic old man who walked like flying and laughed all day long.Under the influence of her son, Hanzi's mother also recovered very quickly, and her face became much rosier.

After Hanzi's new skin had all grown out, when he was able to face the crowd, there were quite a few disturbances. Both the L County TV station and the L County Daily will interview Hanzi. The reporters from the two media met outside the ward. Because there was no tacit understanding in advance, in order to fight for the right to interview, the reporters from the two media started arguing quietly outside. , although it is a civilized way of quarreling, it still attracted the attention of many people.

After questioning, it turned out that it was for the right of first visit. In the end, Liu Xinyi came up with an idea after getting Hanzi's approval: "Your family is a TV station, and the other is a newspaper office. Wouldn’t it be nice to do interviews together, each taking what he needs? That way there won’t be any conflicts.”

The beautiful female reporter from the TV station said with a smile: "This little sister is so clever. What do I call you?"

Liu Xinyi said, "I'm classmate Lu Mohan's cousin."

The female reporter smiled and said, "My name is Yang Lanlan. I'm a reporter from L County TV Station. Nice to meet you!" She said and extended her hand to Liu Xinyi.

Liu Xinyi shook hands with her and said, "Sister, you are so beautiful!"

Yang Lanlan laughed and said, "Sister Liu, your mouth is so sweet! You are also very beautiful. Alright, can we interview classmate Lu Mohan now?"

Liu Xinyi has a good impression of Yang Lanlan, probably because she thinks she is beautiful and young. Judging by her age, she should have just graduated from school. Although she works in a TV station and is a reporter, she has been engaged in communication with people for a long time The job, but still maintain a pure, people give birth to a sense of intimacy.

When Hanzi saw Yang Lanlan, he felt amazed.The innocence and charm of that mature girl and Liu Xinyi are two completely different types.But Yang Lanlan didn't defend himself when facing this little boy who was still a junior high school student. Under the wide white shirt, his plump breasts almost rushed out, stimulating Hanzi's nerves from time to time, causing Hanzi's nose to almost bleed Seeing her looming breasts, she took a mouthful of saliva.There was a faint strong desire in his heart, thinking of pressing her under his body and possessing her violently.

Hanzi glanced at Liu Xinyi next to him, was startled, and thought, "What's wrong with me, I have such nasty thoughts? Isn't this sorry for Xinyi?"

But the eyes still couldn't help but slipped to Yang Lanlan's plump and mature body from time to time, and the desire to possess did not abate slightly.

To be continued.Please collect, collect, collect, collect!

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