Xiulong stage

Chapter 50

Chapter 50 Love Letter Storm

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"Go, go, I don't want to get into this muddy water and ask for trouble. I like innocent boys who are dedicated to feelings. Besides, love is selfish. You will know when you are a little older. Today your This kind of thinking is unacceptable, in the end we girls are always the ones who get hurt." Gao Shirou reprimanded with a smile on his lips, but his face was thoughtful.

"Sister, you are out of date. There are no innocent boys who are dedicated to feelings in this society. Even if you go to the kindergarten to find one, you may not find one. Let me tell you, I have a cousin." , is only five years old, and is still in the top class of the kindergarten, and now has at least four girlfriends."

"No way? Such an exaggeration? Isn't it too carefree?" Gao Shirou said in disbelief.

"Why am I lying to you? One day, my uncle brought him to our house to play. He was with me at the time. He connected four calls that day, all of which were from his girlfriends, and they were four different calls. Little girl, do you think you are fierce?" Xie Jiaying said proudly.

"That can't be counted, it's all children's jokes, it can't be taken seriously. Also, you said he went to your house to play, why did his girlfriend know your phone number? He also called your house Going to find him, isn't this a way to lie to me?" Gao Shirou thought of the loophole in her words, and wanted to cut through her on the spot.

"Hehe, sister, you are even more wrong about this. Although my little cousin is only five years old, he already has his own mobile phone!" Looking at Gao Shirou's expression of disbelief, Xie Jiaying said again: "There is nothing strange about this." Yes, maybe my uncle spoiled him since he was a child, so when my little cousin said he wanted to use a mobile phone, he bought one for him, and it was the latest full-featured 3G mobile phone!"

"No way, is there someone who spoils children so much? And what kind of mobile phone do children use? Isn't it just like playing with a toy, it will be broken in three or two days, isn't that a waste of money?" Gao Shirou couldn't believe it even more .

"They don't care about that, anyway, they have more money, so what are they afraid of." Xie Jiaying said indifferently.

Gao Shirou can be regarded as a real high-ranking child, but she will feel distressed if she spends money like this. Seeing that Xie Jiaying doesn't care, she can't help asking: "Jiaying, what does your family do? Money doesn't matter at all?"

Xie Jiaying said with a smile: "My dad is an investor, so he still has some money." He seemed unwilling to talk about what he was doing.

Gao Shirou saw that she didn't elaborate or delve into it, so the two returned to the original topic.

"Although children's play can't be taken seriously, what kind of social phenomenon does this explain? It shows that boys' minds have become more open now, and there are no more single-minded and pure boys like before. This is caused by the social environment. Yes. Sister, if you want to find a boy who is devoted to you emotionally and only loves you, I am afraid it will be difficult to find in this life. The current talk of single-mindedness is just a false pronoun. If there is anyone now The boy said in front of me that he is devoted to me, that he only loves me for the rest of his life, and swears such a poisonous oath, and I will not be called Xie unless this lady kicks him into the street. Such a person is not worthy of trust. "Xie Jiaying made a vicious gesture, but that look was very cute.

Gao Shirou said with a smile: "As you say, the hearts of boys nowadays can be regarded as "a man's heart, a needle in the sea"-unfathomable? Isn't the world in chaos?"

"Who says no? What kind of social environment will produce what kind of people. This is my theory of the subtle influence of the environment." Xie Jiaying said with some emotion.

The two chatted for a while, Xie Jiaying looked at her watch, stood up and said, "Oh, sister, let's not talk, it's getting late, go back and take a shower for evening self-study."

The two left each other's mobile phone numbers, and then went back to the dormitory.

Life in high school is tense, and all the time is arranged very tightly. Before I know it, it has been a month since the start of school, and Ma Yi is about to go to the National Day.

During this period of time, Hanzi was very troubled. Ever since he played the football match with the third team in the second year of high school, troubles followed one after another. He kept receiving love letters from girls in various classes. There are no less than five love letters from the first grade (1) class, and the love letters written to him by girls from all classes in the first grade can fill a large schoolbag.The second year of high school also had nearly ten letters, but the third year of high school didn't have any. It may be that they are about to graduate, or they will take the college entrance examination in less than a year.

But how many of these letters there are, even he himself can't remember clearly.These girls either quietly put their love letters on his desk or entrusted others to pass them on. Some of them also sent them through the post office, and some bold girls simply came over and handed the letters to him.Sometimes Hanzi can't believe it in his heart, that such a situation that only appeared in movies and TV dramas will appear in a key high school in the district, and secretly sighs that the world is getting worse.

Although these so-called love letters are very implicit, saying that they admire his golf skills, want to make friends with him, discuss academic problems with him, and be pen pals with him, there are also a few who directly express Want to be his girlfriend.It made him really one head and two big ones in the past half a month, and it was so annoying.He opened the first few letters to read them, but later he simply handed them to Lin Yuesong, who was at the same table, without even looking at them, so that he almost gave him the letter from Liu Xinyi once.Fortunately, he had a sharp eye and a quick hand, otherwise Lin Yuesong would have discovered his secret.

Some people write love letters, and naturally there are bold girls who are more direct, handing him a small paper to invite him to meet, and some bolder invite him to a date face to face. Every time at this time, he thinks of Liu Xinyi, yes All the opportunities that others couldn't ask for were rejected one by one.He firmly believed that at this moment, there was only one Liu Xinyi in his heart, at least so far.But probably the main reason is that among the girls who asked him to date, none of them was as beautiful as Liu Xinyi or touched his heart.

Sometimes Hanzi would also think: "If a beautiful woman like Gao Shirou came to ask me out, should I go or not?" It was because he wanted to go a lot, and later, he realized that he was too dazed, thinking about things that didn't happen as real, it seems that the love letter turmoil really made him dizzy.

"Will Gao Shirou ask me out?" Hanzi also thought of this question at this time.Immediately he denied it: "This is impossible!" Thinking of Gao Shirou, I couldn't help but think of the dream I had that night, and I felt a little hopeful in my heart, even though I knew it was impossible.

To be continued.Please collect, collect, collect, collect!

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