Xiulong stage

Chapter 67 Exploring Yanlong Mountain - Hug Her

Chapter 67 Expedition to Yanlong Mountain (11)—Hold her

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Hanzi has always had the habit of waking up early because of practicing Qianlong Jue. Although he went to bed very late last night, he still woke up early the next day.He woke up around five o'clock in the morning.

As soon as he woke up, he saw an extremely evocative scene: he was no longer lying flat, but hugging a person sideways to the left, and a soft body behind him hugged him and straddled his legs On his body, he could clearly feel two lumps of softness pressing against his back...


According to the sleeping situation last night, the beauty in his arms should be Gao Shirou, a young and beautiful girl who is almost mature.And the person behind should be Liu Xinyi.I actually slept so dishonestly, and in my dream, I started to misbehave against Gao Shirou. It seems that what happened in my dream last night was also true!

Knowing that he can no longer stay in such a beautiful environment at this time, otherwise he will make a mistake later, so he gently and reluctantly pulled his hand out of Gao Shirou's pajamas, and moved his lower body back slightly , left the place where the man was so excited, then got up, took Liu Xinyi's hand off her body, and moved her legs down.

At this time, the candles lit last night in the tent had already been extinguished, and the sky was not yet bright. Maybe the moon had already jumped over Yanlong Mountain, and the light outside was very dark.But he can still see the scene in the tent at this time.

That's right, the beauty he was hugging just now was Gao Shirou, and Liu Xinyi was indeed behind him, Xie Jiaying had let go of his leg at some point, and hugged Liu Xinyi's left leg instead.

The pajamas on Gao Shirou who had just left her arms were very messy, probably the masterpiece of her dream last night.Fearing that they would discover the bad things she had done, Hanzi hurriedly helped her tidy up her pajamas carefully. Gao Shirou seemed to move a little while tidying up, and Hanzi almost jumped up in fright.Not daring to do it anymore, he stood up gently and walked out lightly.

After getting out of the tent, I breathed the fresh air before dawn, took a long breath, and then took a deep breath. After a long time, the beating heart in my chest slowly eased down.

Thinking of the experiences of the past two days, especially last night, it was really like a dream.I used to fantasize that one day Gao Shirou would go on a date with me, but unexpectedly, the dream came true. What is even more incredible is that such a beautiful scene happened last night, which made him dare not even dream about it. thing.

Thinking of last night's dream, I seemed to have scratched a lot of places. I don't know if Gao Shirou in her sleep noticed it?Probably not, otherwise she would let herself be so presumptuous?

Hanzi walked along the lake for a while before he completely calmed down from his excitement.

Not far from the tent, he stretched his hands and feet, and did a few sets of Sanda fighting movements, feeling in a good mood.

Looking at the electronic watch in his hand, it was past six o'clock, the east was already bright, and the sun would rise in a while.

"I don't know if the three princesses are up yet?" Han Zi thought as he walked back.

"Your Highnesses, are you up yet?" Han Zi shouted from outside.

"What are you calling, what time is it?" Xie Jiaying's impatient voice came from the tent.

"It's already past six o'clock, the sun is not very bright in the morning, so I'm on my way! Get up quickly, my princesses!" Hanzi said loudly.

After about ten minutes passed, Liu Xinyi came out of the tent, followed by Gao Shirou, followed by Xie Jiaying, all three of them were sleepy, and when they got outside, they couldn't keep their eyes open, yawning non-stop. Rubbing his eyes and complaining.

"Hanzi, isn't there a lot of dew in the mountains early in the morning? It's not easy to go up the mountain at this time, is it?" Liu Xinyi also has a little common sense of nature.

"There is no way. There is no road here. We have to open the road as we go. It may take an hour or two to get to Yanlong Mountain. If we have to wait until the dew recedes, it will be noon by the time we get there. It's not easy to arrange." Hanzi had to analyze with them.

The three girls reluctantly went to wash and change their clothes, but when they turned around, Gao Shirou glanced at Hanzi quickly, his face was a little unnatural, and after turning around, his face turned red, just like the sky The morning glow is average.

But Hanzi didn't see it, and Liu Xinyi and Xie Jiaying were both sleepy and didn't notice.

After the four of them washed and had breakfast, it was already 07:30. Hanzi took out a machete knife with a length of one meter from the toolbox, carried food and water on his back, and led the three beautiful girls Go in the direction of Yanlong Mountain.

To go up the mountain, you must first pass through a dense virgin forest. Because of the accident a few years ago, no one has come here to explore the adventure in the past few years. The road opened by someone before has been overgrown by overgrown weeds Covered by vines, there is no road leading to the mountain at all.

In front was a patch of wild grass taller than a human head. I walked carefully through this dense barbed grass field. After walking for a while, there was a field of wild vines full of thorns in front of me, completely blocking the road ahead.

"Hanzi, this field of wild vines is so dense that the sun can't even get in. Will there be snakes or other animals in it?" Xie Jiaying said with a little fear.

"This may not be possible, everyone should be careful." Hanzi said while chopping vines with a long machete to open the way.

These wild vines are thick and tough, with dense thorns, so it is very troublesome to clean them up.Fortunately, Hanzi's Qianlong Jue has been cultivated to the current level. I dare not say other benefits, but this strength is extremely strong. It is easy to deal with these immobile plants. The vines are always broken.Therefore, the opening speed is very fast.In less than four or 10 minutes, I drove a road of nearly twenty meters, and it seemed that there were still five or six meters before I could climb to a place on the mountain where there were no wild vines.

Xie Jiaying saw that he was chopping these wild vines as easily as chopping tofu, and said: "Hanzi, you see that you have been chopping for four, five, 10 minutes, and show me the rest."

"It's easy for you to say, these wild vines are very hard and tough, can you cut them?" Hanzi stopped and said.

"Don't underestimate me. I have been trained in martial arts since elementary school. I have very strong arms, and I may not be worse than you." Xie Jiaying said unconvinced.

Stepping forward, he took the scimitar from his hand, let Hanzi go behind her, raised the scimitar, and chopped off a wild vine as thick as a thumb. With a muffled sound of "porf", the wild vine was bent down, but it was not cut off, just cut open.

"Wow, can't you? My lady's three-level skill can't cut through a small wild vine like you!" Xie Jiaying shouted unconvinced.He raised the scimitar in his hand again, and slashed at the wild vine again.This time she used all her breastfeeding strength, thinking that this time she would not be cut to the ground, and this is the only way to show how powerful Miss Xie is.

To be continued.Favorites, favorites, favorites!

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