Xiulong stage

Chapter 72 Exploring Yanlong Mountain—I was spit out by a pack of saliva

Chapter 72 Expedition to Yanlong Mountain (16)—was spat out by a bag of saliva

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"It's another dragon, hey, I said Boss Dragon, why did you bring me here so well, I have no enmity with you, why did you say that you have been waiting for me here for more than 2000 years, you are too good at bragging Well, I don’t know who my ancestors were more than 2000 years ago.” Han Zi didn’t feel scared when he faced him.

"Good boy, you have a lot of guts. You won't be afraid to see me, Long Lao Liu. You can call me Brother Long Liu. I don't dare to call me the boss." Julong said with a smile.

"Brother Long Liu, right? You haven't answered my question yet." Hanzi asked.

"Hey, I don't know about this question. It's useless for you to ask me. I only know that we received the highest decree from our Dragon Clan more than 2000 years ago, asking me to come here and wait for someone who can relate to me to appear. Then I came to This place is attached to this mountain, and a space has been split here. I have been playing in it for thousands of years, and I am tired of playing, but the Dragon Emperor's will cannot be violated. I can only stay here. His grandma's , This is really not a place for people to stay, very few people come here, only a few thousand people have come here in the past 2000 years, let alone beauties, you are not bad, this time you even brought three beauties here, let me Feast your eyes, for the sake of the three beauties, I will save you from suffering later." When Long Liu mentioned the beauties, his saliva almost flowed out.

"Wow, it turns out to be another color dragon!" Hanzi thought to himself.Said: "Brother Long Liu, you are a huge monster, you don't think you will fall in love with these little beauties in the mortal world, right? They are all my friends, so don't mess around with your thoughts."

"My friend, hey, beautiful women are for use. If you have to use them, you can use them boldly. You should use them when you need them. Isn't there such a saying in the human world? I won't be able to pick flowers when they grow old, but these little babies are so tender that my sixth son won't be able to use them any more, so I'll give you an advantage." Long Liu said with some regret.

"It's what you don't pick, it's 'there are flowers that can be broken, don't wait for no flowers to break the branches', but I'm not as sexy as you." Hanzi scolded.I thought: "So it is a dragon without culture."

Long Liu didn't feel embarrassed at all, he laughed and said, "It doesn't matter if it's a fold or a pick, that's what it means anyway, the human world loves to play with these literary things, it's so sour that it's so sour. Boy, why don't you just pick it up now?" Don’t say it yet, I’ll see if you still dare to say me when you’re more lecherous than me in the future. What’s the point of being a man if a man isn’t lecherous.”

"This Long Liu is really full of fallacies." Hanzi thought to himself. "I said Brother Long Liu, let's not talk about this for now, what is the reason you asked me to come into this space, tell me quickly, I have to go out, otherwise the three beauties will wake up later and disappear, I will be very big Not good."

Long Liu laughed loudly and said, "Don't worry, I've adjusted the time difference between here and the outside, you'll be fine even if you stay here for ten or eight years. But it doesn't take that long, you only need to stay here for one The month will do."

"I didn't eat enough to hold on, what are you doing here?" Hanzi didn't believe his nonsense.The last two times he was tortured by the self-proclaimed Dragon Soul, and this time he didn't know what strange tricks this Dragon Six had used to tease him.

"Stop talking nonsense, and you'll know when you do it." The dragon six seemed impatient, jumped up, circled in the air, opened its huge dragon mouth, and jumped down on Hanzi, as if To swallow him in one gulp.

Hanzi was startled and shouted: "My mother, Brother Long, you want to eat me!" He turned around and ran away.

"Hey, boy, can you still run? But you are too timid, right? We dragons don't eat human flesh. I heard that human flesh is very smelly." Long Liu's huge body flashed slightly, and he stopped Hanzi's front.

"Then why are you staring at me with your mouth wide open?" Hearing that he doesn't eat people, Hanzi was relieved a little, and his fear gradually disappeared, so he asked strangely.

"Stop talking nonsense, don't you know after a while?" After Long Liu finished speaking, he mouthed a big mouth, and a large bag of saliva suddenly spewed out. With a "pop", Han Zi was completely covered. But he felt a strange fragrance coming, and before he could react, his body was tightly wrapped, and he couldn't make a sound even if he wanted to scream. The muscles and bones all over his body seemed to be injected with sulfuric acid, and immediately boiled and burned. He yelled but didn't make a sound. After struggling in pain for a long time, he finally couldn't help it before he passed out...

When Han Ziyou woke up, he was still sitting cross-legged in front of the west-facing stone wall on the top of the mountain, not in that different space. Everything that happened before was still like a dream, but obviously, this time the dragon He didn't know what Liu had done to him. He only knew that he was spat out by the stinky dragon and suffered endless pain before he fell into a coma.

"Dead Dragon Six, Smelly Dragon, I have no grievances or grudges with you, why did your grandma spit on me, I will definitely repay this hatred, just wait and see!" Hanzi said to Long Liu I can't let go of a bag of saliva, and the more I think about it, the more angry I get.

But he didn't know how long he had been in there, so he quickly raised the electronic watch in his hand and breathed a sigh of relief, "It's only before four o'clock, it seems that the color dragon didn't lie to me, but he said he would I stayed in there for a month, is this true? I really stayed in there for a month? This seems a little unlikely, right?" He stood up and thought.

I raised my head and looked at the stone wall again, but I couldn't see anything. The stone wall is the stone wall, and it is no longer another space.

Turning to the other side of the stone wall, I saw that the three girls were sleeping soundly at this time. It seemed that they were exhausted and had the habit of taking a lunch break. The air on the mountain was good and the temperature was moderate, which was a good weather for sleeping.

Seeing their sleeping faces happily, Hanzi felt very peaceful in his heart.Walking to the edge of the peak, looking at the distant world, his mind is clear, as if he has already merged with this world.

After a long time, Hanzi looked at his watch, it was past four o'clock, and it was time to tell them to get up and go down the mountain.

"Princesses, it's time to get up and go down the mountain." Han Zi shouted loudly.

"Don't make noise, sleep later." Xie Jiaying reprimanded with her eyes closed.

"Wow, what a big bird!" Hanzi yelled a few times, seeing that the three girls ignored him, he had an idea, and suddenly yelled loudly.

"Where, where?" The three girls got up one after another and ran over to ask him.

"You guys got up too slowly, you flew away!" Han Zi sneered.

"Well, you bastard, how dare you lie to us, let's see if we don't deal with you." The three women chased him at the same time and started fighting.

"Help, Yangui is asking for your life—" Hanzi ran away quickly.

The four of them quarreled for a while, and the three women had already fully woken up. They took a few scenes and took a few photos before packing up and going down the mountain.

To be continued.Ask for collection, collection, collection!

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