Xiulong stage

Chapter 8 A Strange Change

Chapter 8 Strange Variations

Xiao Miao next to him said in surprise: "Wow, high fever of 43 degrees? Hanzi, do you remember correctly? It seems that the highest temperature on a normal temperature needle is also 42 degrees? Is it called 43 degrees when it reaches the top? I remember the last one. I had a fever of 39 degrees last month and it almost killed me. I was sore all over. I couldn’t get out of bed for three days, and I was unconscious. You actually had a fever of 43 degrees, and you burned for three days. Didn’t your brain burn out? ?”

When the surrounding students heard about it, they all came over to ask, one by one, which made Han Xiao feel annoyed, so he had to simply tell them about his illness and being hospitalized with a fever. After hearing this, the students were all very surprised.

After finishing speaking, Hanzi ignored them and told them to leave. He squeezed himself next to Wei Guangxing and asked in a low voice, "Guangxing, tell me the truth, have I really become taller, whiter and more handsome?" ?”

Wei Guangxing said: "I'm not lying to you, you used to be as tall as me, but now you are at least three centimeters taller than me, and your skin has become a lot fairer."

Hanzi said mysteriously: "No wonder, I found that the girls in the class looked at me a little differently. Do you know that when I came in today, the girls who saw me all bowed their heads in shame. Sneaking at me secretly, just now I was wondering, I thought my face had grown flowers, so it turned out that I really became handsome, hehe, tall and mighty enough, right?"

Wei Guangxing said: "Wow, I think you are crazy, let me see if your brain is burnt out?" He said and patted Hanzi's head: "No, the head is still fine, I think You are really a nympho, are there any girls looking at you? Why didn’t I see it? Damn, I also found that girls seem to be peeking at me. Girls look at you, go live your big dream. "Wei Guangxing didn't believe what he said, so he said a lot.

Hanzi snorted and said, "It's up to you to believe it or not, and you'll find out later that I didn't lie to you."

There was no class that day, and as soon as Hanzi entered the house, he grabbed his grandfather and asked, "Grandpa, do you think I have grown taller again, and become taller and mightier?"

The old man looked him up and down, and said with a smile: "Hehe, don't tell me I didn't realize that our Hanzi has really grown a lot taller, he has become taller and mightier, hehe, it's time to come It's time for puberty, your illness is a blessing in disguise, once you recover from the illness, it seems that you have grown two or three centimeters taller."

Hanzi was very happy, rushed into the room and said loudly: "Mom, I have grown three centimeters taller. Your son is getting taller and more powerful."

Her mother, Meng Yuzhi, was overjoyed when she heard that, and said, "Okay, okay, it's good to grow taller." She laughed from ear to ear.Seeing her son alive and kicking, don't mention how happy she was. Thinking of the days when Hanzi had a high fever, she felt terrified. Those days were like a nightmare, and she didn't dare to think about it. Secretly praying that her son can live a healthy life in the future, that is her greatest expectation.

After that, Hanzi discovered an annoying thing: since he recovered from this illness, his eyes don't work very well, and he always likes to go to girls' breasts and buttocks, and he often thinks about those things in his mind. A picture of a boudoir rejoicing in this "The Yellow Emperor's Royal Women's Classic".

What made him even more troubled and surprised was that he found that black hair began to grow on his lower body. Although he had learned about these physical changes in physiology and hygiene classes and medical books, he knew it was puberty. It was a normal reaction during the period, but once he saw these strange changes in himself, he still felt very novel. These theoretical things are quite different from what he experienced personally.

Han Zi secretly said: "I have finally grown into an adult."

Due to the inner turmoil in adolescence, nearly half a month after the start of school, Hanzi found that he couldn't calm down to study at all, couldn't listen to the lectures, couldn't read the books, and made a mock test in the second week after the start of school. , He didn't pass any subject except Chinese, which annoyed him endlessly.Teacher Yan, the class teacher, saw that his grades had been declining repeatedly, and even asked him to do ideological work, encouraging him to study hard and strive to improve his grades, otherwise he would be hopeless in the high school entrance examination, which would affect his future.Hanzi agreed one by one, but he was still the same after he came back, and he couldn't control himself.

On this day, Hanzi felt that his heart was very chaotic, so he put down the book in his hand, looked out the window at the green fields and the winding river, suddenly felt a tranquility in his heart, and the Qianlong Jue in his body started to work naturally , For a moment, my heart was empty.

With the continuous operation of Qianlong Jue, Hanzi not only felt that his heart became calm, but also his mind became clear and flexible, as if material molecules were constantly floating in his mind.

Taking advantage of his unusually sober mind at this time, Hanzi hurriedly picked up a physics textbook and read it, which surprised him a lot. He found that the courses that he didn't understand well before could be understood at a glance. In one hour, he flipped through the knowledge he had learned in this physics textbook, closed the book, thought about the content in the book, and found that everything seemed to be in front of his eyes, and the knowledge had been deeply imprinted. In his mind.

Hanzi was overjoyed, fearing that these situations were just a flash in the pan, he hurriedly took his textbooks and looked through them one by one. During this day, he actually reviewed all the knowledge he had learned in the textbooks of the third grade of junior high school, and found that he had read them all. Then it was all in my mind.At this time, Hanzi couldn't help laughing from the bottom of his heart.

Of course, Hanzi didn't want to give up this great opportunity. After school, he took all the study materials home. While his mind was still working, he studied one by one. At midnight, his mother saw that his room was still lit. Light, come over to urge him to go to bed earlier, don't affect the body.Hanzi said: "Mom, I'm still very energetic now, and I'll fall asleep after watching it for a while." Seeing him like this, his mother felt distressed and happy, so she had to persuade him not to watch it too late.

Hanzi worked hard and stayed until two o'clock in the middle of the night. He insisted on reading all the junior high school textbooks he had studied before in one day.Later, I was really sleepy, so I went to bed.

As soon as Hanzi woke up the next day, he immediately sorted out the knowledge he had learned yesterday when he was sober, and was pleasantly surprised to find that it was still firmly engraved in his mind.Suddenly, Hanzi was full of hope and confidence in his future.

Look at the time, maybe I went to bed late last night, it was past seven o'clock, and it was less than 10 minutes before the morning reading time.After hastily eating breakfast, Hanzi picked up his book and rushed to school.

During the class, Hanzi tried to use the Qianlong mentality method again, and felt indescribably comfortable physically and mentally for a while, and his mind became extremely flexible. Yes, later on he simply stopped listening to the teacher's lectures and started to study on his own. If he didn't understand something, he would write it down and save it to ask the teacher.

His method was indeed extremely useful. In the following period of time, he relied on self-study, relying on the magical Qianlong mentality method, and quickly finished all the junior high school courses.Then he began to do various exercises in a targeted manner.From simple to profound, and then from complicated to simple, in less than two months, Hanzi's mastery of junior high school knowledge has reached a new height.

During this period of time, Hanzi's changes did not attract the attention of teachers and classmates at first.I can only see Hanzi studying very hard during this period. In the next few mock tests, Hanzi's grades have been improving, from only passing one subject at the beginning of the semester to passing all of them in the second test Teacher Yan felt that these changes were normal, and thought it was the result of Hanzi's hard work, and the head teacher Yan also felt very relieved.

But when it came to the fourth test, all the teachers and classmates couldn't believe it. Hanzi's scores in every subject were above 85, and his best Chinese subject even got a high score of 116. Points, the average score mentioned the top fifteen in the class.

Although this kind of situation is sudden to a certain extent, it has not happened before in the history of the school. The teachers and classmates have also seen Hanzi's hard work during this period of time, thinking that it is the result of his own hard work. He used examples to encourage underachievers.

To be continued.Xiaoding strives for faster updates, readers and friends give a lot of support!

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