fairy flame

Volume 1 The Land of Xiliang Chapter 1 Fu Shen

Yuanjiang State - 33 states in Xiliang, one of the Three Kingdoms in Mengzhou.

Both belong to Mengzhou, and the two sides of Yuanjiang Kingdom are Yundu and Xixia.

Mengzhou is located in the east of Xiliang, and the east is connected to another large state "Chizhou" with the same area as Mengzhou. Chizhou is the end of the east of Xiliang. The land area of ​​Mengzhou and Chizhou is 33 in Xiliang. The middle of the state is considered to be lower than the middle level, but because it is close to the vast sea area to the east, it is rich in many seafood and some precious pearls and agates and other exquisite jewelry. In other states in China, they often have to worry about "survival" and "livelihood", causing wars and people's misery, so Mengzhou and Chizhou are also places that many people yearn for.

Our story is born in this affluent place, Mengzhou, Yuanjiang.

In the early morning, everything wakes up, the morning mist fills the air, and a high-pitched cock crows, like a shooting star tearing apart the void, across the sky, and the sun also shows its head slightly for it.

At this moment, in the Luo Mansion in Anding City, the capital of the Yuanjiang Kingdom, there was a clear and powerful sound of reading from a remote and dilapidated hut in the backyard. When he got closer, he found a thirteen or fourteen-year-old man, dressed in cloth and white clothes. There are a few obvious patches on the clothes of the boy. Although they are a little torn, they are extremely clean and tidy. It is obvious that the wearer loves cleanliness very much.

The boy has fair skin, narrow forehead, thick eyebrows, and slightly sunken eye sockets. He is not handsome, but he looks smart. Even when he is reading, his brows are slightly frowned, and his eyes are staring at the book. God, seems to be attracted by the strangeness within.

The layout in the room is even more peculiar. There are many bookcases, all of which are old and dilapidated books. The bookcases, tables and chairs are arranged in a nine-square grid. When ordinary people walk in, they go from the door to his sleeping place. It is necessary to pass through the Nine Palaces. People who don't know how to play this game will walk around in it, get lost, and choose a farther path, while those who are proficient can go directly from the middle palace to the left.This can be regarded as a set of defensive gadgets. Although it is not complicated, for a thirteen or fourteen-year-old child, he is indeed very talented.

He is Luo Yu. He was supposed to be the third son of the Luo Mansion. He wanted to be rich and famous, but because of his mother's humble status, he turned out to be a embroidery girl from the Luo Mansion named Liu Qiao who happened to be in Luo Zeng. After being drunk once, by accident, some shameful things happened to Luo Zeng's indiscriminate sex. Originally, Luo Zeng's original wife, Mrs. Fan, was planning to kill Luo Yu's mother directly after she knew about it. It was found that she was pregnant, and Luo Zeng couldn't bear to put his mother and son in the backyard. He wanted to treat her mother and son well, but Mrs. Fan made too much trouble, and Luo Zeng, as the Minister of Rites, was not easy to openly accept concubines, so They could only let their mother and child suffer in the backyard. Unexpectedly, Liu Qiao actually went out to find work to make a living during her pregnancy. Under that kind of extremely poor life, she successfully gave birth to Luo Yu, but their status did not change because of this. On the contrary, Mrs. Fan repeatedly suppressed Sheng Sheng, and often photographed some servants to bully their mother and son. It was because Luo Yu was often bullied that he set up the Nine Palace Formation to guard against others.

Fortunately, Luo Yu was very sensible and filial to his mother since he was a child, so his mother was pleased to be able to persist in living in this environment until now. However, Luo Yu became mentally hard because of suffering from childhood and suffering from human feelings. Learn the skills and grow up to recover these debts one by one.

However, he didn't pursue the road of fame and fortune, because no one in Yuanjiang Kingdom dared to touch the Luo Mansion except the emperor. He knew that it was useless for him to study. What he wanted to pursue was the illusory and mysterious road of cultivating immortals. The road to longevity.

A good friend of his father's is Li Xiao, who is said to be a man in the fairy forest. Regardless of the outcome, they became very good friends. When he was ten years old, that Li Xianren once came to see if the descendants of the Li family were destined to be immortals. Luo Yu did not see the specific process, because people from Luofu I won't give him a chance, but in the end I heard that Luo Yu's third sister, Luo Qingqing, was taken away by that fairy, and she hasn't come back once in four years since she left. He thrust the blood-red long sword straight into the sky, and with a flash of red light, it disappeared into the distance with lightning speed.

This left a deep impression on Luo Yu at the time. If he could have those abilities, he would be able to make others dare not bully him, and the third sister who was taken away was the only one in Luo's mansion who cared about their mother and child. Luo Yu was very impressed with this sister, and vowed to repay the third sister when she had the ability in the future.

At this time, Luo Yu was holding a book called "Ghost Way of Go", the pages of the book were already yellowed in many places, but there was no sign of rot, and which dynasty it belonged to. It's smooth, as if it's not made of wood.

This is the time when Luo Yu accidentally helped an old man. The old man was grateful and saw that he was studying hard, so he gave him this book. It is said that it was passed down from his ancestors. The book is not worth a lot of money, but it is right The insights into Go are very incisive, and Luo Yu has learned a lot from it.

Although Luo Yu learned all these things in order to gain the appreciation of Li Xianren, holding a glimmer of hope to one day enter the path of immortality, this may be a funny thing in the eyes of others, but it has to be said that he, despite his age, Small, with big ambitions.

And no one thought that many years later, he was still a naive child full of fantasies and hopes, but in the end he would continue to transform into a famous fairy and demon existence, which will be passed down through the ages.

At night, in Anding City, the capital of Yuanjiang Kingdom, there are few pedestrians, the bright moon hangs high, and the night is soft and beautiful. The soft moonlight shines on the earth, bringing a little bit of starlight. For those who have been busy all day, they should take a good rest .

However, there are a few brightly lit places that are particularly eye-catching. Luo Mansion is one of them. The tall and simple red-ringed gate with lions inlaid is about ten feet high. The stone lion looks very solemn.

At this time, a group of men in black, with their heads covered by black cloaks, each had weapons such as knives or swords in their waists.He was in a hurry, as if there was something urgent to deal with.Between them was a fat man in brocade clothes. The man looked about 50 or [-] years old, with a golden hairpin on his head, thick face, and narrow eye sockets. At this moment, he was holding hands with one of the men in black. The man in the gold silk gloves said something playfully, with a flattering expression, matching his narrow eyes, giving people the feeling of hiding a knife in his smile.

After a few breaths, they quickly walked to the gate of Luofu. At this moment, the man in the gold glove raised his right hand slightly, made a stop gesture backwards, and then walked cautiously to the gate. In front of him, the footsteps were extremely slow, as if he was afraid of disturbing something inside.He raised his right hand, grabbed the crimson door knocker on the right, knocked lightly three times, and then put his hands aside, waiting quietly. The man in black behind seemed to know the importance of the matter. The voice of speaking disappeared without a trace like the wind blowing away the clouds.

Not long after, there was a "creaking" sound, and a gap as big as a slap appeared on the red-painted door, and then a hoarse voice came from inside: "Guard Wang, how is the matter going? "The voice was sharp and hoarse, but there was a trace of a superior person in it.

When the man in the gold glove heard it, he walked respectfully to the opening of the gate, and said in a low voice, "Mr. Gao, the person you want has arrived. Brothers, be very careful on the road, so that no one will know." The voice It was neither hot nor cold. After the voice came inside, the people inside did not answer immediately. After a while, a thin old man with a pale complexion came out slowly, playing with the emerald green finger of his left hand with his right hand. A pair of slender eyes stared at the group of men in black with cold eyes.Every man in black who was stared at by him seemed to have a feeling of being stared at by a poisonous snake, and did not dare to look at him.Seeing everyone's expressions, Mr. Gao's family looked away satisfied, put on a smiling face and said: "Guard Wang has always been cautious in handling affairs, I am very relieved, well, don't stay outside for too long, take Follow me to see the young master, then I will naturally speak a few words for you in front of the young master."

After hearing this, the man in the gold silk glove suddenly became very happy. He waved his hand at the people behind him, and followed the executive into the Luo residence quietly.After entering the mansion, Mr. Gao's family took the lead and walked in front, and the rest of the people followed neatly behind. Everyone seemed to be very familiar with the route in Luo Mansion, but their eyes looked to the left and right from time to time while walking, as if Fear of being seen by others.

When they had just walked for a short distance, the Mr. Gao's family seemed to be aware of this tense atmosphere, and said in a flat tone: "Don't worry, all the guards and servants on this road have been arranged by me to other places Go, no one will see, but after you see the young master, don't talk nonsense, the young master has a bad temper recently, if you say the wrong thing, the old man can't keep you." Speaking of this, his eyes swept away Scanning the group of men in black, the voice suddenly became a little cold.

The man named Wang Huwei walked up to the old man quickly, clasped his fists in his hands and said, "Thank you for your concern, senior executive, I will naturally know what to do." After speaking, the senior executive nodded slightly, then A group of people walked quickly along this straight road.

It didn't take long before everyone came to a beautiful and gorgeous house. The door was carved with patterns of dragons and phoenixes playing. The workmanship was exquisite, and one could tell at a glance that the people living inside were of extraordinary status. There was also a thick red carpet on the floor. , You can hear it from a long distance, and there is a sound of men laughing and women coquettishly coming from the room.

At this moment, the executive turned around and waved his hand to the man in black behind him, and said, "You guys wait here, I'll call the young master out." Then, without waiting for any reply from the crowd, he walked quickly to the door Standing in front of him, he knocked slightly on the door with his right hand a few times and said, "Master, the person you want has been brought here." The voice was deep and powerful, as if it had alarmed the people inside.

"Okay, you guys wait outside now, I'll come out later." The voice was a little vain, anxious, and mixed with a gust of wind getting dressed, came out quickly from inside, and seemed to be mixed with a little anger, and that The senior manager's face was calm, as if he knew the temper of the people inside very well, he just put his hands aside and waited quietly. After about a cup of tea, a fair-skinned, handsome man walked out of the house, wearing a Gao Guan, wearing a gorgeous gold silk brocade dress, with several extremely exquisite rings on her ten fingers, shining and dazzling, if anyone sees it here, they will be very surprised, because these rings or pearls, or agates are all Some expensive things are only eligible to be worn by the wealthiest people in the capital, but it also shows his prominent status from another aspect.

The handsome man looked up at the executive's family and said, "It's done, no one knows?" His voice was vain, lacking confidence, and he looked like he was overindulging in sexual desire.

Director Gao bowed slightly to the man and said, "Here I am. This is the biggest bank in the Song Kingdom, Treasurer Fang of the Baotong Bank." After speaking, he pointed with his left hand at the fat man behind him.

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