fairy flame

Chapter 1032 Ice Cave

It's hard for ordinary people to imagine Old Monster Xu's state of mind at this time. It's not that this old man doesn't have a deep mind. On the contrary, it is precisely because of his unfathomable character that after experiencing unexpected twists and turns, he has a little bit of hope. , the extreme excitement in his heart suddenly far surpassed that of ordinary people.

The woman in Taoist robes at the side also showed joy when she heard the news, and after hearing Xu Laogui's confident words, most of the doubts in her heart disappeared immediately.

"Oh, from this point of view, the worries you and I had before were superfluous, and without further delay, Xu Dao should find out the whereabouts of the colorful spirit tree as soon as possible. Now we don't have much time left for you and me to find the treasure tree."

In a blink of an eye, Master Yuxuan nodded slightly without noticing it, smiled back, and reminded Old Ghost Xu again.

"Hey, don't worry about this, it's up to the monk who fell into Xu's hands to tell the truth or not."

The creepy and yinyin strange laughter came out of Xu Laogui's mouth with great satisfaction, and at the same time, there was a flash of ferocity in the old man's narrowed eyes.

After finishing speaking, the old man's unceremonious figure flashed, and he disappeared in place. The real Yuxuan sitting in the room turned his eyes and looked at the dark passage behind the closet, as if staring at Xu The direction in which the old ghost left showed hesitation.

The underground stairs are not too long, and the blue light transformed by Old Ghost Xu doesn't seem to be in a hurry, and flies downwards unhurriedly. When I come down this time, I feel that there is a world of difference from the anxiety and anxiety of the previous time. The old man's face was a little bit of contentment and uncontrollable joy!

Old Monster Xu has been guarding outside the hidden door of the mechanism for the past few days, and he knows it well. Once he entered the stone gate, he did not see any movement. A faint light of restraint flashed behind him. It disappeared like a mist, and the scene in front of it also changed surprisingly, revealing an ordinary gray wooden wall instead.

Seeing this, Old Ghost Xu was not surprised at all. Only by passing through the illusion restriction in front and the restriction of this wooden wall, can the passage below be unimpeded.

The old man just swiped casually, and began to use several spells quickly with his hands like wheels. When the auras of various colors fell behind the old man, his figure shot forward immediately, and the gorgeous glow outside his body was like a wooden wall. Without making a sound, it passed through easily.

Naturally, there was nothing strange about the rocky passage below, but Old Ghost Xu, who was already too excited, looked at the end of the passage with burning eyes, and couldn't help but let out his divine sense, sensing everything around him.

After a few breaths, after Mr. Xu walked through a passage of more than twenty feet, he stopped at a corner. On the other side of this cross passage, there was a small dark hall. His eyes fell on the opposite side for a moment, and he saw the three side-by-side stone rooms. There was a faint layer of purple light flowing outside the stone doors of the stone rooms on both sides. I don't know when the ignorant yellow restriction was removed, and even the array of formations that Yan Lingsu added for the sake of caution are also missing.

The strange thing is that this originally brightly lit underground secret passage is now completely dark, and the three dark stone walls on both sides of the stone room also glow with a faint blue light. Anyone who comes here will feel extremely uncomfortable.

Even after Old Ghost Xu entered this place unpreparedly, he couldn't help but feel a sense of coolness all over his body. There was an extremely gloomy chill in the ground. eliminates this discomfort.

However, there was a sudden change here, and the fiery heat in the old man's heart was stimulated by the bone-piercing cold, and he woke up suddenly. The much calmer old ghost Xu couldn't help but probe his spiritual thoughts more carefully towards those stone walls glowing with faint blue light. .

As a result, as soon as his spiritual sense touched the stone wall, a icy cold feeling suddenly hit his heart, but the spiritual sense of a monk in the alchemy stage was so powerful that Xu Laogui could sense clearly what the blue color in front of him was in just one breath.

"How can there be such a cold air here, which completely turned this underground stone chamber into an ice cave? Could it be caused by the escaping cold air when the ice spirit was dissolved?"

Those faint blue lights, where are the stone walls, they were clearly formed after the rock and soil were frozen. No wonder the moonlight stone embedded in it disappeared, probably it was frozen and cracked at a certain moment.

But a few days ago, this place was not like this at all, and it changed drastically in just a few days. While Xu Old Ghost was shocked by the terrifying power of the Ice Spirit and Cold Soul, he couldn't help shaking his spirits in his heart.

They have come to this point, the old man doesn't want anything to capsize in the gutter.

The old man calmed down slowly, and looked around at the same situation of ice melting all around him. After pondering for a while, he gained confidence in his heart, but he did not rush to the stone house in the middle, but raised his hand on the spot, The bean-sized three-color flame sprang out of Xu Laogui's fingertips with a "chiliu", and landed on the ice layer on the ground Zhang Xuyuan with a flash!

The old man's move is obviously not at ease and he wants to verify it!

I saw the three-color flames that I let go rolled over and turned into a fist-sized fire wave that burst and exploded on the blue ice. A layer of three-color flames was spread on the ten-meter-large ice layer, one cold and one hot. After the opposing spiritual powers were violently intertwined, a large amount of white smoke burst out from the spot with a 'chi la'.

Old Monster Xu, who was staring at the whole process, couldn't help but his expression changed slightly. The Sanwei Zhenhuo he sensed with his divine sense was consumed at a rapid speed. After a while, although the wisp of the three-color flame he released would not be extinguished , but the ice layer has only melted an inch deep, and it stops there and cannot continue.

Even the Sanwei Zhenhuo, which is close to Dacheng, can't completely refine these ices. It seems that the cold air in this place is really not trivial. Now that we know the power of this ice, there is no need to continue to test it. Xu Laowei turned his palm slightly , the three-color fire wave on the ground was extinguished leisurely, and then Old Xu grimaced and walked forward slowly.

After a while, Old Ghost Xu hesitated but pushed open the stone door decisively with both hands, and walked into the stone room in the middle. With a glance, he found that the closer to the inside, the ice in the stone room was much more severe than the outside. , the ice layer that had condensed on the ground was about a foot thick, and the cold air inside was also a bit fierce.

But the old man didn't care about these things. When he first came in, he just stared at the opposite side and didn't move.

At this time, there was a woman in palace attire and a man in yellow robe sitting cross-legged in the room, as if they were healing their wounds with folded hands. , After lingering for a while, they all forcibly dissipated into a piece of fine ice crystals and fell to the ground.

The two are naturally Yan Lingsu and Luo Yu.

But it seemed that Luo Yu's face was still pale and bleak, and his breath was extremely weak.

Moreover, Luo Yu in the stone room was still trapped inside by a three-color fire cover several feet in size. It seemed that even the movement of Old Ghost Xu coming in did not arouse Luo Yu's awareness in the fire cover, and he did not even move his eyelids. After a while, but the faint aura exuding from Luo Yu's body proved beyond doubt that he was still alive.

Old Ghost Xu was overjoyed, but he turned his head to the side without showing his voice. Yan Lingsu in the room looked indifferent, with his hands behind his back, and when he saw Old Ghost Xu coming over, he turned his pretty face Turning around calmly, Yan Lingsu couldn't hide the suspicious look on the old man's face, and only heard her speak calmly without blinking.

"This three-flavored fire cover can isolate this person from the cold air from the outside world. Otherwise, with the injuries in his body, even if he managed to survive, he wouldn't be able to last for too long. I didn't expect that there are still people who can survive such serious injuries, but After rescuing this person from the ice, it made Senior Sister Yuxuan's retreat look like this."

While Yan Lingsu was speaking, there was a hint of emotion and surprise on his face.

Seeing his prudent and cautious appearance being pointed out by others, which seemed to make the woman in front of him a little bit critical, Old Ghost Xu narrowed his eyes, and immediately smiled slickly and skillfully.

"Fairy's methods really impress the old man. Thanks to the invitation of Fairy this time, he is so careful. If it were someone else, how could he be so thoughtful."

At this moment, the more Yan Lingsu became cold and unkind, Xu Laogui felt more at ease. As for saying some polite words with a smiling face, Xu Laogui was naturally very skilled.

What's more, Old Ghost Xu used his divine sense to scan the place several times when he came in. Except for the thick layer of ice under his feet that could not be probed deeply and carefully with his divine sense, there is nothing weird about other places.

Even if there is something wrong, how many tricks can be played in a place of more than ten feet in size, for the old monster in the alchemy stage who is used to all kinds of storms, there is no need to worry too much.

"It's best for Xu Dao not to blame, since people have saved you, then it's Xu Dao's business, goodbye!"

Just after hearing Xu Laogui's words, Yan Lingsu was still indifferent, and said directly without any emotion. As soon as the faint voice finished speaking, Yan Lingsu walked out with a movement.

Seeing this, Old Ghost Xu couldn't help being taken aback, and wanted to say something, but found that he couldn't find any words to persuade him to stay, not to mention that he wanted to get such a secret from Luo Yu's mind, so he was not prepared to let outsiders around.

So Old Ghost Xu murmured for a moment, frowned and then relaxed, until he watched Yan Lingsu walk into the passage, and after using his spiritual sense to induce Yan Lingsu to return to the ground, Old Ghost Xu finally felt relieved.

But at this time, the moment Xu Laogui turned around and looked at Luo Yu in the fire cover, his expression that was light and calm before was completely clouded, but after seeing Luo Yu's motionless appearance, Xu Laogui sneered With a cry, he quickly took out a bunch of colorful restraining instruments from his arms.

At the same time as the mantra was typed out again and again, the old man opened his mouth without saying a word, and a mass of pure spiritual power instantly wrapped all the equipment. One by one, they soared into the sky with great radiance, and quickly began to shuttle and intertwine in mid-air...

It took half a stick of incense time before the spiritual fluctuations in the secret room calmed down. At the same time, a magic circle covering tens of feet wide but flashing red, blue and white colors appeared in the stone room. Covering all the underground passages outside together, it seems that it intends to isolate all movement below.

The ice under the feet of Luo Yu and Old Ghost Xu also disappeared. Both of them were in the square of the magic circle. Obviously, Old Ghost Xu still had some fears about the ice spirit and cold soul.

Soon, after setting up this set of small prohibitions that can isolate the sound of spiritual thoughts, Old Ghost Xu nodded in satisfaction, and at the same time returned his gaze to Luo Yu.

"With the blockade of the 'Three Elephant Gangling Restriction', even if there is a big commotion inside, it will not be spread outside. Boy Luo, you should have heard what the old man said just now, so you don't need to pretend anymore."

There was only a moment of silence in the secret room, Xu Laogui stared at Luo Yu for a while, and suddenly said with a low and strange smile.

Although Yan Lingsu didn't confess anything when he left, the old man knew Luo Yu's situation well.

Although Old Ghost Xu didn't seem to say anything harsh, his voice sounded a little unscrupulous.

"Old ghost Xu, you worked so hard to keep Luo alive, but for the colorful spirit tree, but since your Excellency knows that Luo has woken up, have you ever wondered why Fairy Yan left in such a hurry? "

Luo Yu opened his eyes with a meaningful sigh in his mouth, looked at Xu Laogui's gaze without avoiding it, and said slowly without a trace of panic on his face.

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