fairy flame

Chapter 1039

The black and white needle sank into the old man's forehead in a flash, and disappeared without a trace, but in an instant, under the painful groan of the old man holding his head in his hands, a sharp and unshakable aura emanated from Old Ghost Xu. It spread from the body, and then a very strong sense of consciousness swept away *bubble! book*

The soaring magic power of the old man was faintly entangled with the invisible power of the formation. A series of screams from the void sounded in the secret room. As if the restriction of the power of the formation was cut off, the mighty spiritual pressure began to circulate in the space of the formation

Although Yan Lingsu didn't know what kind of spell the old man had cast, but at this moment Xu Laogui faintly made her feel awe-inspiring.

At this moment, the old man is most aware of his own situation, and the power of his sudden burst of divine sense has more than tripled compared to before, and everything seems to be the credit of those few light needles, but seeing the changes on Xu Old Ghost's face The yin and cyan se, obviously the method just now is not cheap

"It's not good that the formation's eye is above the earth's orifice, and it can change the earth's energy to control the physical properties of the earth and rocks."

When all kinds of chaos gradually became charming, Xu Laogui finally regained a trace of clarity, but as soon as Shen Nian Fang felt the situation outside his body, he said with an unbelievable expression

Because at the moment just now, although all kinds of illusions and confusions came one after another, after the powerful divine sense thoroughly checked them out one by one, there was only one feeling left that really existed, that is, the ice layer and earth and rocks under the feet were gone. Falling quickly like a support, if the thick layer of ice under his feet had not remained unchanged, Old Ghost Xu would have suspected that he had fallen into a hole in the ground

The huge earth-colored boulder floating above his head is getting more and more frightening, while the ground beneath his feet keeps sinking. The old man naturally understands what the problem is

But what the old man doesn't understand is why the earth and rocks under his feet can be gathered into a rock mountain after being lost for no reason.

At this time, Old Ghost Xu was frowning, and couldn't help but look up again at the huge rock that was growing above him, his eyes were filled with surprise {book friend upload}

It's just that the old man had just realized this, and before he could come up with a way to break the formation, the remaining white sword energy outside his body was suddenly invaded by a huge force, shaking violently

It was precisely after the accident of lightning and flint just now that the seven transparent sound swords that fell fiercely on the old man's white sword shield defense slashed down mercilessly, the old man's expression sank immediately, and the two came into contact , the situation is one-sided

Although there were a lot of white sword qi, they were slashed by the giant transparent sword light with ease, and the sword shield roared and rolled and cracked. The formation was thrown into chaos for a while, and then the thin blade on the transparent sword light trembled wildly. After rubbing against the air thousands of times, it emitted a sharp and piercing howl. It can actually combine a sound wave attack, which is transmitted as a tangible pale white ripple

Under the shock of these weird ripples, the white sword energy that was out of proportion and headless flies, the sharp sword light suddenly disintegrated into white balls, and disintegrated and disappeared in the blink of an eye. The sword and shield defense in front of the old man disappeared without a trace

The supernatural power of the seven-string invisible sword was passed on to Linger hand in hand by the ice demon Yan Yuqing who was full of praise. In the past, when Linger cultivated to a small degree, the power of this supernatural power was still focused on the sword energy. Now it seems that as long as it is the sound wave The supernatural powers of human beings are always the same

At this time, after the shield of sword energy that collapsed at the touch of the sword blew dissipated, a faint sound wave swept over the mask made of the golden mirror, instantly surrounding the mask, and continuously impacting it

The golden mask didn't support it for a moment, it just looked like a flat boat in a raging sea, and began to shake violently. Seeing this strange sword sound, Xu Laogui directly broke through layers of shields trend, there is a trace of fear on the face that is not lightly shocked

After all, he is a monk in the alchemy stage, and it is impossible to lose the power to fight back. After Xu Laogui took a deep breath, he suddenly spun around like a wheel with ten fingers, and shot a series of magic formulas full of spiritual power at the magic weapon Xuan Gezhu above his head

With the whistling sound of the waves, the blue rays of light above the orb flew out in pieces, and the body itself also grew rapidly in the package of rays of light.

As Xuan Gezhu was urged by the old man at all costs, the first wave of sunlight that appeared first continued to grow and become thinner and thinner. When its own light dissociated and faded, it finally turned into countless blue light threads, forming a cloud of blue light. Fluffy stopped and fluttered around the old man, and soon the blue light visible to the naked eye was no longer in all directions, Xuan Gezhu controlled the remaining blue light to return to a place far away from his side, and began to piece by piece. Superimposed rotations, in the blink of an eye, an azure blue solidified shield was formed behind the blue light filament

However, as soon as the two layers of defense were formed, there was a loud booming sound from above the head suddenly. After the seven sword lights shook the golden shield to ripples, they all slashed violently, and the golden light finally shattered unbearably. go

But immediately after, the seemingly invincible transparent sword light encountered a puff of blue light inside, and made a "zzzz" friction sound, and the forward momentum immediately stopped

I saw each strand of blue light shining brightly, and the giant sword landed on it. The latter was immediately like an open bowstring, and was struck into a curved arc, but it obviously had extremely strong toughness, showing signs of breaking nothing

Even the blue light thread outside can't be broken, not to mention that there is a layer of azure blue shield inside, judging from the old man's posture when casting spells, the defense of this shield is probably higher than the blue light thread in front

Seeing that the effect of his natal magic weapon was released immediately, Xu Laogui was shocked, thinking that the time to fight back had come, when suddenly a dull and thunderous roar sounded from the top of Xu Laogui's head again.

Hearing this sound, the old man was vaguely aware of something and hurriedly looked, but just when he raised his head, he found a vast expanse covered by dark clouds, his joyful face was instantly pale as paper, without even a trace of blood

I saw that at this moment, the boulder, which was only a few feet in size just now, took advantage of his distraction to turn into a giant of twenty feet, like a towering earth-yellow hill, slowly turning on top of the old man's head

The original stone chamber, which was only a few feet in size, should not have been able to accommodate the existence of such stone mountains, but after the earth energy and earth and rocks have been misappropriated by the power of the formation, I am afraid that the original stone chamber has long since ceased to exist, and the space of the formation has also expanded. more than several times

Appearing behind the earthy hill of more than [-] feet at this time, it seems that the power of the formation has reached the limit. Not only is the flying speed of the earth and rocks under the feet decreasing, the flying yellow clouds no longer appear, even the earthy hill seems to be It's almost too heavy to turn

But when Old Ghost Xu saw such a stone mountain, one can imagine the shock in his heart. He didn't need to think too much and knew that if he was hit by this stone mountain head-on, no matter the seemingly sharp blue light wire or blue mask outside his body, They will all be useless, the so-called one-power drop ten times, no matter how weird and powerful the defense is, under the pressure of absolute power, it will all disappear in smoke

Moreover, Xu Laogui has not experienced this type of supernatural power for hundreds of years. If the hill in front of him is a treasure, then Xu Laogui will never be able to defeat him and will flee immediately. The legal restraint was barely formed, and it was obvious that the mountain was a little blunt when it was running, and it probably took a lot of effort to control such a huge supernatural power

Xu Laogui knew that a head-on confrontation would not be his opponent, but he immediately thought of several ingenious methods in his mind, which could make the opponent's success fall short without much effort

It's just that this time, Old Ghost Xu knew that he would have to take advantage of the momentum to counterattack after a successful blow, otherwise the mana in the old man's body might not last long, and it would be too dangerous to continue to consume it like this if he didn't preemptively strike.

While thoughts were spinning in his mind, the old man patted the back of his head without hesitation, and suddenly a stream of blue water rushed out of Tianling, and fell gently and slowly into the old man's hands

As soon as this radiant Xia Qi appeared, an indescribable aura suddenly filled the void, faintly causing all the treasures and supernatural powers in the formation space to lag behind before returning to normal

"Aura of the real name"

Seeing this scene, Ling'er, who had always been as cold as ice, finally raised her head a little moved, and stared at the old man's hands with a solemn tone.

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