fairy flame

Chapter 106

It's not their fault, it's just that the words "Ancient Magical Artifact" are too scary. Anyone who hears about Ancient Magical Artifact can't help but be moved.

As the name suggests, ancient magic tools are those magic tools refined by immortal cultivators in the ancient world of cultivating immortals. Compared with today's ordinary magic tools, their power is not at the same level. However, the power of the ancient magic weapon, unless it is the top-grade magic weapon refined by the great supernatural cultivator in the Nascent Soul Stage, the higher-level magic weapon exists!

Because those top-grade magic tools have one or two special magical powers, they can be compared with ancient magic tools, because ancient magic tools also have all kinds of weird magic powers, but the Yuanying monks in Yuanjiang Kingdom add up to five. People, one can imagine how rare top-grade magic weapons are.

And from ancient times to the present, the world of cultivating immortals has undergone countless major changes. The Taoist inheritance of those ancient monks has long since been broken. Speaking of ancient artifacts, there are only a few records in some ancient books, and it is precisely because of this that these enigmatic ancient artifacts are so precious.

Once in the world of cultivating immortals, because of various temptations and rumors, there was a frantic search for ancient monks' caves, ancient magic circles, and ancient magic tools. Those ascetics who didn't care about the world were shocked, and they joined the group of people, hoping to find some ancient relics, and so many people searched together, so that the group really found some ancient secrets. But most of them returned empty-handed, and their cultivation time was greatly delayed. This craze gradually faded away after a short period of time. Up to now, very few people know what ancient artifacts are.

But now in the world of cultivating immortals, in a sect like Cuixia sect, there must be one or two ancient artifacts. There is no doubt about it. The number of artifacts is still the standard for a sect to rank among the big ones. The longer the sect, the more ancient artifacts it inherits. It is very likely that there will be a crisis of extermination!

In short, ancient artifacts are something that the world of cultivating immortals is crazy about!That's why the 'Six Immortals of the Wood' were so surprised when they learned that Zhou Jin was going to auction off the ancient artifacts.

Facing the question from the horse-faced old man, Zhou Jin replied with a calm face and a smile: "Dear friends, calm down, this 'ancient artifact' is indeed true, but what we auctioned this time is nothing more than It’s just a remnant! If there are really intact ancient artifacts, how can we Wanxianlou care about the little spirit stones? Leaving the ancient artifacts in Wanxianlou can still be regarded as a town treasure, attracting many people’s attention , and most of the ancient artifacts in this auction have been damaged. Presumably, fellow Taoists know that ancient magic artifacts cannot be repaired. After all, the methods of refining artifacts in ancient times are quite different from those of today, so this ancient artifact I'm afraid it will be completely destroyed in a few times, and who would offend our two big forces, Wanxianlou and Sanxiu Alliance, for a defective ancient artifact? Besides, with my friendship for so many years, everyone Do you suspect that Zhou will harm you!"

"Okay, third brother, fifth brother, since we have promised Zhou Daoyou at this time, how can we break the contract because of a damaged ancient artifact? Even if this ancient artifact is really intact, I believe there will be no Who dares to offend the Sanxiu Alliance and the Wanxian Tower at the same time, unless he has a long life." A bony old man in Tsing Yi who was sitting on the farthest side suddenly opened his eyes and said in an extremely sharp tone.

"Brother, but..."

"That's enough! That's the end of the matter!" said the old man in Tsing Yi, frowning slightly, and the white-faced old man next to him originally wanted to persuade him, but after seeing the eyes of the old man in Tsing Yi, he immediately swallowed what he wanted to say .

The old man in Tsing Yi glanced around and saw that no one objected to him, so he smiled at Zhou Jin with a changed expression: "Brother Zhou, the matter of this auction is settled like this, but there is one other thing that needs to trouble Zhou Jin." Brother, the old man has a granddaughter named Ximen Yan. This daughter is the direct descendant of the old man. She has been spoiled and spoiled. The old man helped her find a position as an auctioneer. Originally, the old man didn't like her being a girl who showed her face, but she begged me for the past few days. Now she is the only one of the old man's direct relatives, and I can't bear it ,so…"

"Hehe! I think it's a big deal. Ximen's granddaughter is my grandniece. Zhou has also heard about the peerless beauty of Ximen's granddaughter. It is said that Ximen's grandniece is also known as one of the three fairies in Mengzhou." One, if she can preside over it, I'm afraid our auction will attract more people, which Zhou can't wait for." Zhou Jin was very respectful to the old man in Tsing Yi.

This old man in Tsing Yi is one of the "Six Immortals of Chumu", and most of the names of "Six Immortals of Chumu" were created by this person. A well-known title of 'Iron Hand Venerable', don't look at him smiling at you, once he starts to fight, he will be disowned by his relatives, and his methods are extremely cruel.

After the seven immortal cultivators in the foundation stage discussed the auction, Zhou Jin chatted with these six people for a while, then got up and said that he had left beforehand.


Not long after Zhou Jin left, there were six people talking again in the cave.

"Okay, this person has gone far away, third brother, what did you want to say just now, you can say it now." The old man in blue turned his eyes and asked the horse-faced old man beside him in a flat tone.

"Brother, this time the Loose Cultivator Alliance ordered the six of us to investigate this surname Zhou to determine whether there will really be an ancient artifact in this auction. Why didn't you let me ask a few more questions just now?" The old man with a horse face looked puzzled. asked the solution.

"Third brother, have you ever thought about it, even if you ask it, so what? This person surnamed Zhou really has an ancient artifact in his hand. Once we report it, the higher-ups will probably ask me to snatch it back. Once the matter comes At that level, if we succeed, Wanxianlou will definitely not let us go. If we don’t succeed, the Loose Cultivation Alliance will also blame us. You don’t know how many people in the Loose Cultivation Alliance are against us now How can I be so stupid as to do such an unpleasant thing for both sides." The old man in Tsing Yi explained with a warm and angry face.

(Second update), I found out about the network disconnection in the morning. It turned out that a group of thieves cut the network cable and stole it. It’s crazy. It should be repaired in the evening. Youdao will go home to code today after finishing this chapter. The third update of the original plan remains unchanged. It is estimated that it will be uploaded at 10:30.

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