fairy flame

Chapter 1074 Strange Painting

"You haven't been out this year, I've made it difficult for you ()!"

Luo Yu could see everything in the stone room at a glance, but when he looked back, he couldn't help saying with a sore heart. [Just find novel materials]〖59 Learning〗

It is not difficult at all to go out and find some spirit grass and spirit trees to build a comfortable spirit nest with the ability of destiny. It is also easy to find some spirit fruits and beasts to satisfy the hunger, but the stone room is empty and there is no such trace at all.

You must know that Luo Yu and Tianming have not signed a natal blood contract. Tianming can completely act according to his own instinct!

Now it seems that without the restriction of the spirit beast contract, it is more effective than the forceful restraint of the contract.

After feeling a lot of emotion in his heart, Luo Yu patted Tianming's little head, and with a wave of his hand, he threw out a wind blade that cut off the rattan like lightning, and a suction gushed out of his palm, and he took all the storage bags back into his sleeves.

At this moment, Xiao Tianming was squeaking and screaming on Luo Yu's body, and he didn't even look at his hard-working 'masterpiece' being destroyed by Luo Yu.

And Luo Yu's spiritual thoughts went deep into each storage bag one by one, and after looking at it, he was secretly delighted that there were many treasures in his storage bag. With these reliance, he was enough to protect himself in front of the alchemy monks. Not to mention that there are several kinds of elixir that Luo Yu only refined in advance to prevent it from happening, and a lot of elixir powder that has been refined with mysterious flames, and another batch of elixir can be refined at any time in the future.

As long as you give him a little time, Luo Yu doesn't have to worry about recovering his cultivation base, and it's even more guaranteed that he won't have to worry about not having enough pills before the alchemy is formed (). []

But today he came here to get everything he should have. After thinking about it longingly, Luo Yu calmed down, and then his gaze fell on the white halo floating in the corner of the room.

At a glance, the white halo has not changed in size or aura in the past year, and still exudes a pure spatial fluctuation.

This is not the first time that such a situation has been encountered. Whether it is a blessing or a disaster, since Luo Yu has been prepared for a long time, even if there is any danger, he will go there himself.

But just when Luo Yu made up his mind to approach the white halo and planned to dodge in, the destiny on his shoulder screamed excitedly at Luo Yu and made a funny expression of scratching his ears and cheeks!

"You mean...you've been in there?"

As soon as he felt the news sent by Tianming Xinshen just now, Luo Yu was taken aback for a moment and then asked in surprise.

If Destiny can freely enter and exit this space, then Luo Yu has nothing to worry about.

I saw Xiao Tianming shook his mouse tail proudly when he heard this, and before Luo Yu could ask more about the situation inside, Tianming's body flashed a demonic light, and he looked like a vanguard, wrapped in a layer of red-green fire, and disappeared into white light middle.

Luo Yu was already so close to the white halo, even if he wanted to stop it, it would be too late. [Just find the material of the novel]

But since the fate is so sure, Luo Yu is also relieved for the most part, at least he doesn't have to worry about any accidents when he goes inside.

So Luo Yu just released a spiritual power shield to wrap his whole body, and then his feet turned into a light and shadow, as if fused with the white halo, and entered with one touch.

The white halo completely engulfed Luo Yu's huge figure, but it still just stopped in place without changing at all ().

The next moment Luo Yu was stimulated by a familiar dizziness and appeared in a mysterious stone palace.

It was said to be a stone palace, but it was only because Luo Yu found himself in a square airtight room less than ten feet long and wide. There were dark blue stone walls erected on all sides, without doors and windows, but there was a strange textured rune light on the surface. It flickers on and on.

And in the middle of the small stone hall, Luo Yu finally saw the outline of the long-awaited mid-distance teleportation array.

I saw there was a round high altar with a diameter of about three feet, which seemed small but was five stories high, and the whole body was golden in color.

Luo Yu couldn't help but looked up and saw that the five-storey golden high altar was gradually shrinking, but on the wall connecting the lower altars, there were many gorgeous Buddhist niches, which were full of Buddhas with various appearances, which made people dazzled, but Luo Yu was a little surprised to find that all the Buddha statues inside It is dark black that seems to be far from the teachings of the vast light of Buddhism, which is quite strange.

Fortunately, Luo Yu's divine sense swept away and found that these Buddhist altars had already exhausted their spiritual power and had no attack power at all, so he felt relieved.

However, at this moment, it seemed that he felt the appearance of Luo Yu's mana and divine sense, a slight thunder suddenly came from the deep roar above his head, and it exploded in Luo Yu's ears like a thunderbolt from the blue sky. This dark blue mysterious stone palace suddenly appeared. There was a strange sound, Luo Yu couldn't help but lose his voice in shock.


But as soon as Luo Yu's words came out, he felt that something was wrong. His divine sense had already completely covered the small blue stone temple, so it was impossible for anyone else to exist.

Seeing this, the pupils of Luo Yu's eyes shrank fiercely!

Wherever he looked, he saw an unusually mysterious mural, although it was very old, it was still vividly depicted. On the top of the small stone hall, he saw a blue phantom with the head of a dragon and a height of several tens of feet, pointing at the sky and the earth, as if it had never moved. Standing on a gigantic peak, looking at the peerless sky with disdain, there are several blue thunder dragons wrapped around her body, just like a god descending into the world ()!

Cyan phantom holding the pagoda with one hand Countless thunderbolts emerge from the pagoda, transforming into giant thunder beasts with claws and claws, and golden glazed ancient Buddhas, which are constantly born and died in the world. The body is even more exquisite, in the hands of the giant shadow, it is completely like a blue sun that reaches the sky, blooming with dazzling brilliance!

On the opposite side of this giant peak is the endless sea, but there is also a troll making waves on the sea, glaring at the blue phantom!

This troll is also tens of feet in size, huge and frightening, with a head like a hump, a black body, a face full of vertical eyes, and there are nine huge demon eyes, and a pair of black and red curved horns on the top of the head, spewing out black clouds that cover the sky and block out the sun. gather in the sky.

This troll is really majestic and majestic, stepping steadily on a red giant dragon, which is tens of feet long, roaring and roaring, constantly setting off turbulent waves in the sea Countless evil ghosts and ghosts have come to the world!

Although it's just the scene in the painting, Luo Yu's shock and oppression felt as if he was there, as if there was another sky hidden in the painting!

The sound of thunder that Luo Yu heard just now seemed to come from the mural, but he scanned it several times carefully with his divine sense, but he never heard the hallucinatory sound before.

However, such an earth-shattering battle can only be achieved by the cultivation base of the Nascent Soul Stage, and judging by the change of color in the world, I am afraid that it may be the supreme monk who surpassed the Nascent Soul Stage.

The reason why he is so sure is that he was lucky enough to witness a battle similar to the one in the painting. The battle between the Great Witch Curse Border and the Holy Monk Jingyun, which was unintentionally released by him in Rongzhou, is still deeply impressed in Luo Yu's mind. !

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