fairy flame

Chapter 1105

Luo Yu followed the gazes of several people, and it turned out that a few miles away from the opposite bank of the river, there was a blurred city wall only about ten feet long, and behind the wall seemed to be a piece of light gray houses of the same color as the land under his feet It's not that Luo Yu didn't see this place before, but from a distance, he just glanced over and didn't pay attention to it. Looking carefully at this moment, there is a layer of light yellow umbrellas in the sky about tens of feet above these stone houses. The huge cover just shelters the houses below.

Because this house is located at the foot of a hill, with three sides backed by stone walls, it can be guarded against danger, so the city wall does not need to be too long. To the surprise of Luo Yu and other people who saw it for the first time, it was almost sealed off. There do not seem to be any gates or any entrances on the walls.

But at this moment, the weirdos were impatient and had no intention of explaining at all. They quickened their pace and led Luo Yu and his party towards there.

After a while, everyone approached the city wall, but stopped at a place more than a hundred meters away from the city. Then the bald-browed man turned around without saying a word, took out a crystal bead from his pocket, and after saying something, the crystal bead The bead emitted a bright light, and finally condensed into a beam of light and shot into the ground.

As soon as the white light disappeared, the originally solid ground shook violently, and the soil and rock under his feet were shaking like a collapse, slowly revealing a dark passage of Zhangxu wide stone steps, leading directly to the front city wall.

The passage below is not dark, but a faint yellow light emerges, and looking at the disapproving faces of the monsters, it is obvious that they have long been used to this way of entering the city.

When Luo Yu heard the noise, he thought about it for a while and realized that there was no strange color on his face, but he had some guesses in his heart. Since the ancient city had no gates, it must be for the purpose of warding off danger and defending against enemies. It seems that it should be the lair of weirdos, and there are always foreign enemies coming.

"Hmph! You newcomers, listen carefully. When you enter the town and meet your lord later, you'd better stay aside, otherwise, if you die, don't blame Ren for not reminding you." The bald-browed man first said Said to Luo Yu and the others with cold eyes, and then walked on without looking back.

Hearing this, the hearts of four or five people, including Luo Yu, trembled. After getting along with each other for a while, everyone also saw that although the bald-browed man was indifferent, his actions were honest and honest. This 'adult' didn't know anything about it before, and he was wary when he heard the warning.

The strange people finally let out the suffocation they had held for three months in the passageway, talking and laughing in a lively manner.

Perhaps it was because of arriving home, walking in the straight passage, Luo Yu could hear a few strange people beside him talking about their own affairs without shy away.

Luo Yu walked behind and interjected, but listened very carefully. It turned out that this group of weirdos were not the barbarians he thought. Immortal cultivators, mixed with about three layers of mortals.

However, it seems that mortals should be the ones who fall into the black realm the most, but once ordinary people enter the black realm, they will not survive for long when encountering the danger of monsters, so the number of mortals is not many.

Regardless of whether they are immortal cultivators or mortals, as long as they are lucky enough not to die in the mouth of the monsters in the stone forest, most of them will be gathered in this place called 'Fengshen Town' in the end.

When Luo Yu heard it, it was hard to believe that in such a chaotic and dangerous place, someone could really build a peaceful place.

No one can tell when Fengshen Town appeared, but those who came into the Black Territory from outside, after a period of tempering, will naturally become a member of Fengshen Town and abide by all the rules inside.

But it seems that as long as you honestly complete some of the things explained above, it is not difficult to survive in Fengshen Town. Nowadays, many people's elders lived in Fengshen Town several generations ago, and they passed down from generation to generation after they took root.

The people of Fengshen Town who were born and raised here, no matter mortals or immortal cultivators with spiritual roots, will practice basic body training techniques in order to protect themselves. Not impossible.

When Luo Yu heard this, he couldn't help being a little surprised, but this group of people didn't mention the "adult" that the bald-browed man had mentioned before, which made Luo Yu and other newcomers somewhat uneasy.

However, Luo Yu is not afraid of anyone. Judging from the strength of this group of weirdos, the so-called 'adults' are probably not much stronger. With his current peak strength of a second-tier element master, he is enough to deal with many dangers. Well, even if he really loses, there are quite a few treasures like the Jade Scale Poison Bead in the storage bag, even if he encounters a third-order elemental master, he can deal with it a little bit.

Of course, Luo Yu would not act like this unless it was a last resort. He also wanted to learn more about the real situation in the Black Territory in Fengshen Town, so as to determine what to do in the future.

After about half a stick of incense, a black light hole suddenly appeared faintly in front of the straight passage, hanging above the stone wall, exactly the same as the gloomy sky in the black area, and it was obvious that there was the entrance of the hole.

Arriving here, the group of people was orderly, and walked out one by one in a leisurely manner. As soon as Luo Yu came out, he found himself standing on a street corner, with hundreds of stone houses densely packed on both sides, and he could faintly hear the sound. Judging from the shouting and clamoring, it seemed quite lively.

The exit of the passageway into the city is actually directly connected to the street. I don't know if it is really sloppy or has ulterior motives.

Looking up, the street where they are located is distributed in a semicircle, with a square covering an area of ​​more than one hundred feet in the middle, but there is only a four-story stone building inside, no people can be seen, and no one dares to approach There.

In fact, the area of ​​the square is not that big, but compared to Fengshen Town, which is closed on all sides, it can free up such a large area under the dense houses, which can only be lived by rich or noble people.

"The spiritual power of the demon pill is still being lost, I have to hand it over to the adults immediately, you first share the harvest of this hunting and take it home, it is up to you to exchange it for Yuanjing or keep it for other purposes, but in Xuan Before the time comes, everyone must gather here!" The bald-browed Chinese character's eyes also fell in the direction of the four-story stone building, and then he took out the captured demon pill from the gourd at his waist, looked at it, and stared at everyone coldly He commanded in a deep voice, those who were with him were not surprised, and quickly took their things with smiles on their faces and left.

The materials such as monster bones and monster skins collected by Luo Yu and the others during this period were all divided up in a short while, but several immortal cultivators including Luo Yu didn't care about these materials. At that time, I dismissed these low-level materials at all, and in the unfamiliar environment right now, I naturally had no objections.

"Huh Lao Ba! There are six yuan crystals in this bag, and they happen to be six people. You go to an inn to settle these people, and then explain the rules of Fengshen Town to them. If you are willing to stay and are not afraid of death, arrange it. Come to our team, as for those who don’t want to, hehe! Ren will personally send him out of town, and these six yuan crystals will be your reward this time, and you don’t have to pay them back.” Seeing many people After they all left, the bald-browed man called Luo Yu and the others over, and ordered them bluntly.

Beside him, there is a young man of seventeen or eighteen years old standing obediently, often looking closely and listlessly. This man is also a member of the hunting team, but it is not known whether it is because he is too young or because of his cultivation level. Not enough, he has never been the main force in hunting monsters in the team.

But the young man didn't dare to neglect the bald-browed man's words, he stretched out his hand to take the bag and weighed it for a while, then he knew the weight in it, and sent the bald-browed Chinese characters away with a smile on his face.

As a result, as soon as the young man turned around, his immature face immediately showed a cold and superior expression, and after fluffing his sleeves in a big way, he opened his mouth and said in a pretentious manner.

"You follow me. This time, Boss Ren was very merciful for the sake of harvesting a demon pill. Half of the people who were brought back last time couldn't let go of their status and refused to work. In the end, all of them died. You died in the 'Swirling Rain Tribulation', don't blame Eighth Master for not informing you, if you want to die, leave Fengshen Town as soon as possible, no one will stop you, lest you ruin a good piece of Yuanjing in Grandpa's hands!"

"Whirling Rain Calamity! In my impression of the dangers of the Black Territory, I don't seem to have heard of 'Whirling Rain Calamity', I don't know..."

Several people were walking behind the young man, thinking about each other in their hearts. Suddenly, they were shocked when they heard that this man did not seem to be lying. The young man surnamed Zhuo who had a good relationship with Luo Yu couldn't help but ask road.

"Yo! What do you mean by that? Do you think Eighth Master is scaring you? You haven't even heard of Xuan Yujie, and you dare to say that you know something about the Black Territory. I, like you, have seen it in the Black Territory." Quite a few, and in the end most of them died of arrogance." The young man taught with a contemptuous expression.

Hearing this, the young man surnamed Zhuo turned red and white for a while, and stared at the person in front of him with a frown, but the anger was fleeting, and finally snorted secretly, and retreated to Luo Yu's side.

Based on Luo Yu's understanding of this person, the young man surnamed Zhuo is definitely a cunning one. Just now, he just pretended to be angry so that others would not care about the embarrassment. He would never do anything because of a disagreement.

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