fairy flame

Chapter 1128 Tier 3 Tribulation

Luo Yu sat in the formation for more than ten days in a row, and his physical strength remained at the peak state, but there was no sign of breaking through.

This made Luo Yu feel a little anxious, and tried several methods that might help, but finally found out that there was nothing wrong with his vigor, but he always felt that there was something missing, something to worry about, and something to worry about. Desperate for something.

From then on, Luo Yu finally understood that it was useless to go on like this, and the opportunity to break through to the third level could only be realized by sitting in meditation, so he simply took a few spirit beasts and left the mountainside, and came outside the mine veins. Seriously and attentively, he began to observe every little thing happening around him, or some loud noises.

The so-called opportunities are everywhere, and they may be hidden in plain sight!

The outside of the mine was still quiet and unchanged. There were no traces of the Jing clan around here, and it was unknown whether they were desperate to find Luo Yu, or worried about the danger when the whirlwind catastrophe broke out.

Luo Yu didn't think about this at all, but walked through the mountains with a few spirit beasts numbly, hearing the most natural and yet most unnatural side of the Black Territory.

A few days later, Luo Yu still didn't find what he was looking for, but his mentality became much calmer. Regardless of his slovenly appearance, he took a step further to look at Heiyu from a different perspective, so sometimes he was with some birds and beasts, and sometimes he turned into a Lying on the ground like dead wood, lifeless, lifeless. During this period, Destiny didn't understand Luo Yu's purpose. After communicating with Luo Yu for a long time without getting a response, he ran away in a playful way, but Luo Yu didn't care at all right now. Get on it and let it go.

Walking like this, the half-moon passed by, Luo Yu became unkempt and unkempt like a savage, but his face was surprisingly peaceful, sleeping on the ground in a well-balanced manner, staring at a piece of five-color starlight in the gray sky in a daze.

Luo Yu seemed stupid but not really stupid, many thoughts from experience began to appear in his mind, and he became more and more fascinated!

During this period of time, he learned the experience of some senior experts and lived a life that he never thought of. He accidentally broke into the lair in the stone forest near the mining area, fled in a hurry after being chased and killed by monsters, and also lived in the open. Drinking water and eating meat like ordinary people, this kind of experience that seems to be me but not me, settled in the bottom of my heart, making Luo Yu's desire for breakthrough like a skyrocketing evil fire, completely igniting every corner of his body.

At this moment, Luo Yu was overjoyed and knew that everything he had done was indeed useful.

However, Luo Yu still felt that something was wrong, and suddenly his heart turned cold, and he fell to the bottom of the bottom line of gain and loss. The desire for a breakthrough was still burning all over his body, but it was not as if he could control him. He thought hard for a long time but couldn't find what the problem was. Suddenly, I felt more and more impetuous, but at this point, my thoughts seemed to be unable to stop, and I continued to fantasize endlessly that I was about to break through.

At this moment, or every moment in the past, no matter how anxiously Luo Yu ran the incantations of refreshing and meditating, it was of no use at all, he really seemed to be possessed by a demon.

"Crazy!" Luo Yu stared at the boss, and when this thought came to his mind, there was a cry of cold sweat on his back!

Even if he could imagine it, Luo Yu's entire body and mind are still dominated by such a 'demon self', it seems that every pore on his body becomes hot and trembling, it seems that his body has become an empty shell that cannot be driven, it seems that his soul They all stood outside their bodies, terrified and unwilling to return to this incurable body.

However, Luo Yu clearly understands that it is the last time to stop. The Buddha's opportunity seems to come, which refers to the feeling that he is about to come, but he has not come. I don't want to miss it in my heart.

The only thing you know is that you must calmly deal with any possibility that is about to appear. You must think that someone will always break through. This is by no means a hurdle that is doomed.

Finally, at the end, Luo Yu thought he had experienced all the hardships in the world, but he still couldn't hold on anymore. He knew that he was afraid, and his hands and feet were cold and he stood up, but just as soon as he thought about it, he hurried back to the mine and chose to give up. But he found that he couldn't even take a step.

The beetle larvae crawling lazily nearby are indifferent to this. Luo Yu's fear comes from the depths of his heart, from the idea of ​​"demon self", and what burns is the spirit. In the eyesight of these spirit beasts, Luo Yu has been moving all the time. He didn't move, he was still alive and well.

I never thought that I would be so afraid in my heart that I couldn't lift my toes in fear. The reason is that my desire for strength is much stronger than that of ordinary monks!

From the ups and downs, how many years of ups and downs, and how many ups and downs of narrow escapes, all made Luo Yu crazy at this moment. After all, this step is too important to his life!

However, when it was his turn to have the opportunity to step into the ranks of high-ranking monks, he was in such a strange and unknown environment as the Black Territory. Maybe anywhere in the outside world, Luo Yu would not have so many unpredictable concerns. But as far as he knew in the Black Territory, no one had ever crossed the bottleneck of a second-order cultivator. It was because there was none that made it even more terrifying!

It's easy to take this step by yourself, but Luo Yu doesn't know whether it will be a normal third level after stepping out, or it will be unacceptable by the law of the black domain and become an alternative, or it will be strangled directly, Luo Yu has no idea!

It took him many years of hard work to get this chance, but he didn't even need a moment to take that step!

Luo Yu suddenly felt that this question, which he had never thought about carefully, would come up so violently like a demon in his heart. Is the experience of the predecessors, the so-called opportunity, really useful to him? There is no place where the sun and the moon alternate. What will the third-order road look like? Luo Yu suddenly realized that everything he had thought about became nothing more and more.

But at this moment of confusion, a ginseng-like sea beast with more than ten black tentacles slowly crawled out of a hole in the ground. It had been observing Luo Yu for a long time, and it had long been interested in this delicious food The carnivore was so greedy that it couldn't extricate itself, it was only because of the breath of the two beetle larvae that it was a little afraid, so it didn't dare to appear.

At this moment, this beast is also clever, it seems to see that the two beetle larvae are not interested in Luo Yu, and the two worms have been licking a dark thing with their mouths, it seems that even if it comes out to look for food, it is not a robbery. up.

However, the beast moved forward slowly, and suddenly stopped a few feet away from Luo Yu, and immediately tightened its beard and hair!

An extremely dangerous breath rushed into its nostrils, it was a warning sign only when its natural enemies appeared for many years, this beast reacted extremely quickly, and instinctively gathered all its tentacles behind its back, but just after finishing this step, there was a sound of brocade A tearing sound erupted immediately, and the curled tentacles of the ginseng beast were hit by a black and red claw shadow.

This swift sneak attack was impossible to defend against, it seemed to be planned for a long time, but it was still detected by the opponent's Jing, but the claw shadow did not let go of the opportunity to seriously injure the ginseng beast, and still cut off the two tentacles of the ginseng beast with all its strength before being blocked down.

The ginseng beast was hit hard, and it flew out with a loud neighing, and crashed into the trunk of a big tree. Fortunately, it was prepared so that it was not killed on the spot.

Right now, although the ginseng beast was injured, but fortunately it was able to prevent its vitals in time, and there was no danger of its life. After it rolled and struggled from the ground, it looked at the opposite side angrily.

I saw that the one that injured the ginseng beast just now was a sea beast that looked like a pangolin, but it only had two gray limbs and arms, half of its body was dragging on the ground, and there was a huge fish head with red flesh in the middle!

Seeing the black blood flowing from the ginseng beast, the beast couldn't help but grow colder and colder, and approached the ginseng beast step by step with vigilance and excitement.

However, neither of the two sea beasts noticed that their every move caught Luo Yu's attention and eased his chaotic thoughts.

At this time, the ginseng beast was burning with anger. It didn't taste the delicious food, and it was injured by its natural enemy. The two sea beasts had fought many times in the past, and the outcome was always tied. This time, the ginseng beast was furious. , decided to fight for more injuries, and let the opponent also suffer!

Just thinking this way, the pangolin-like fish-headed sea beast on the opposite side couldn't help it, and with a loud roar, it turned into a black light and rushed towards it!

At this moment, the weak ginseng beast not only did not dodge, but wrapped all the remaining black tentacles around the tree trunk behind it, and looked coldly at the flying fish-headed sea beast. At a distance, the vitality of the ginseng beast suddenly swayed, and its body turned into a puddle of black juice and melted into the trunk in a very strange way!

The fish-headed sea beast didn't expect this change, so it slammed its head on the tree trunk carelessly. The stone tree in the black area was so hard that even Luo Yu couldn't cut it off. The fish-headed sea beast howled miserably. It rolled its eyes and fell to the ground with a thump, but although this beast is not even a sea beast, it still has Yuanli in its body, so it only fainted for a while, and immediately turned over and planned to stand up.

But at this time, the stone tree that had melted into the ginseng and sea beast seemed to have a spirituality, and twisted a branch as thick as an arm, and waved it directly under the shadow of the tree, tightly entangled the fish's head The sea beast, no matter how much the opponent bites and struggles, it is difficult to get out of the trap.

Then a funny scene appeared, the ginseng sea beast controlled the stone tree to lift the fish head sea beast in the air, and then swung other nearby branches vigorously, slamming the fish head sea beast.

Not long after, with the hard material of the stone tree, the fish-headed sea beast was beaten to pieces, and more stern howls came from the beast's mouth. Having restored the original appearance, he withdrew from Shishu again.

All the branches of the stone tree that was also out of control were loosened, and the fish-headed sea beast that had suffered a great loss fell to the ground, but when it saw the ginseng sea beast's complacent look, it raised a piece of half-human height from nearby Dashi can actually run towards the ginseng sea beast with strides like the wind!

Don't look at this fish-headed sea beast, which is only the size of two feet, but can lift a hundred catties. It's incredible.

The ginseng sea beast, which had no time to breathe, was shocked when it saw the fish-headed sea beast rushing forward with real fire. If the boulder really fell on it, it would definitely be crushed to bloody flesh. With one last breath, he melted into the trunk again.

At this time, the menacing fish-headed sea beast ignored the difference between the tree trunk and the ginseng sea beast. It suddenly lifted a huge boulder and threw it at the tree trunk. The sea beast also took two steps back, but when this beast remembered the tragic experience just now, it seemed to go crazy, and continued to smash non-stop!

In fact, the fish-headed sea beast is also very smart. It knew that the ginseng sea beast was weak and couldn't hide for too long. The old-fashioned way of swinging a branch against a fish-headed kraken.

It’s just that the fish-headed beast who has just learned its lesson, no matter how stupid it is, will never fall for the second time. Every time when a branch comes flying, it shrinks and penetrates into the boulder, so that the branch can’t do anything to it when it hits the stone. .

But in this way, the two sea beasts became stalemate, and it was up to whoever had the stronger endurance!

"Why didn't I think of it! The fish-headed beast has the supernatural power of the fish-headed beast, and the ginseng beast has the supernatural power of the ginseng beast. Yuanli is the most primitive power bestowed by the heavens and the earth, and I, Luo Yu, should also have my own. The origin force of this body is not all living beings, even everyone's constitution is different, there is no same origin force in the world, why should I learn from it, and why worry about not seeing my predecessors, I am me!" Luo Yu His eyes were fascinated, and he looked at the sky in the distance with misty eyes, and suddenly let out a long laugh that shocked the mountains and forests!

At this moment, it was as if a flash of lightning flashed in my mind, and the thing that I thought was close no matter what, was easily grasped in my hand, as if I had found the key to open the door.

Gradually, Luo Yu showed a happy smile as if he had fully realized it, as if he had just woken up from a dream at dawn, he stretched his waist comfortably, and then calmly took the step that had been put on hold for a long time, When the mind rose to the clearest moment without blemishes, he leisurely took the two beetle larvae to the distance with his hands behind his back.

With the protection of the mantis turtle beast, Luo Yu was not stopped by the magic flame moth, and returned to the cave again. He sat down cross-legged quietly at the eye of the Guiyuan formation, and a green color that had been prepared for a long time, The elixir shaped like a bud, flicked by Luo Yu's fingers, the bud tremblingly turned into a gust of green wind and fell into Luo Yu's mouth.

After taking the elixir, Luo Yu raised his hands that were hot as fire, and folded them together reverently, slowly and quickly, with an indistinct voice of chanting words!


(This chapter has been written for a long time, and it has been revised three times, but it is still somewhat different from the previous style, and I think it is okay)

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