fairy flame

Chapter 1141

"There are very few people who have been able to leave the Black Territory since ancient times, and even seniors have taken a lot of trouble this way. With this junior's superficial knowledge, it is very good to understand. Therefore, no matter how shocking the world is, seniors just say it's okay. " Luo Yu has always had hope of leaving the Black Territory, so even if he doesn't know a few words of the blood-haired woman are true, he still has to gamble.

Seeking skins from tigers is better than regretting afterwards and being trapped in the black domain for life.

"Fellow daoist can think this way, it seems that I have indeed found the wrong person." The blood-haired woman smiled lightly, and then she got to the point, her phoenix eyes were raised to stare at the blazing sun hanging in the sky, and she sighed with a sense of loss. Said: "It's really difficult to leave the black region! It was a coincidence that the palace fell into this place at the beginning, but I also blamed myself for not paying attention to the people of the world after I became a little successful in Daoism. Over the past 60 years , Bengong has been doing two things, one of which has a great relationship with fellow daoist's spirit beast ice dragon cicada, just now I lost control of my emotions, and now I apologize for the matter of taking action against fellow daoist, I hope fellow daoist don't care about it Yes, there is one remaining thing that I believe you must have guessed in your heart, which is to find a way to leave. Finally, after spending a lot of effort on this palace, I will not let me down. Let me combine many ancient knowledge and personal investigation experiences, and finally find it. This Baiyue Mountain!"

At the end of the blood-haired woman's words, she suddenly fell silent for a moment, as if she was calming down the excitement in her heart, and then said in a very serious voice after a while: "As fellow Daoist Luo knows, no matter whether it's in the sky or on the ground, you have to break through." That nearly endless crack in space, even if we Nascent Soul stage monks rely on their sensitivity, we don’t even have a single layer of hope of success. This still doesn’t take into account the unknown factor that places with many cracks will form more terrifying space faults. Otherwise, the Nascent Soul cultivator will be wiped out in an instant if he encounters it!"

When talking about these things, this high-ranking Nascent Soul woman could not help but feel a little bitterness on her pretty face: "So I didn't think about these two directions at the beginning. Although there is no way, there is still a way to enter the ground, but it is also extremely dangerous, and it needs the help of a trace of domain power controlled by a fellow daoist!"

In this chapter, Xiong Ba hand fights)" Luo Yu subconsciously believed the woman's description so clearly and vividly, but still had only a half-knowledge, and couldn't help but take the other party's words and say.

"It's not bad that you have such an idea! Even this palace can't resist the binding power of the law of the black domain. That's why I came to Baiyu Mountain, because there is an underground passage opened by the law of the black domain. The origin of the whirlwind catastrophe should also be clear. Although the previous whirlwind catastrophe broke out in different places, due to the special nature of the outer magnetic force contained in the law of the black field, some wonderful things will appear, just like in the secular world, mortals It is always seen that lightning strikes on high mountains because of the power of metal and stone. The same is true in the Black Territory. Baimei Mountain is the highest peak in the Black Territory. In fact, it is also the magnetic force of the Black Territory on this high level. The place that can most arouse the power of thunder and fire from heaven and earth, so no matter where the whirlwind catastrophe erupts in the black domain, a small part will always fall on the peak of Baiyu Mountain!" When the woman said this, Luo Yu was startled suddenly, and interjected suddenly.

"The younger generation has seen a place where the whirlwind catastrophe was suspected to have erupted. There is still a lake pit left there, but it has been almost filled under the law of the black domain. Although the whirlwind catastrophe is the natural disaster of the black domain itself, it can Heiyu itself also has a very strong self-healing power, and there is always a time when the whirlwind calamity will pass, and Baiyu Mountain is no exception. I have seen some records in the books below. A long time ago, some people went to Baiyu Mountain. It turned out to be just a huge hollow in the middle of the mountain, and finally had to leave sadly, isn't Baiyu Mountain what the predecessors described?" Something was caught in his heart, but it was a little blurry, which made Luo Yu always feel that something was wrong, and his face Se changed from surprise at the beginning to cautious and restrained.

If this woman had really studied it, it should be easy to resolve these questions. Luo Yu interrupted this woman because she wanted to test whether the other party was lying. If she was unprepared, she would definitely reveal clues.

But what embarrasses Luo Yu is that he forgot that the person facing him is the aloof and unrepentant girl in the Nascent Soul Stage, so he couldn't help feeling a subtle admiration just after squinting at him. , this woman's moving demeanor, even a person with extraordinary concentration like Luo Yu can't stand it.

"Fellow Daoist Luo has only come to the Black Territory not long ago, and it's not easy to discover how the laws of the Black Territory work. The rumors you heard are true, but that's all before I came here. Today's Baiyu Mountain , already under the transformation of this palace, it is not what it used to be, if this palace says that Baiyu Mountain is comparable to a middle-grade spiritual vein in the outside world, don’t know if friends believe it or not?” The blood-haired woman suddenly said with a smile, her eyes flickering with a little pride.

This woman didn't seem to pay attention to the strange gaze he had just now, Luo Yu was a little relieved of being afraid of offending, but after regaining his senses, he savored what this woman said, and his expression immediately changed!

"Spiritual pulse! How is this possible, even if senior has the power to reach the sky... No! Could it be that senior has a way to retain the spiritual rain that fell from the whirlwind calamity?" Luo Yu shook his head in disbelief when he heard it, and suddenly he fainted again. The vague feeling became clearer, and he said in surprise and shock in his heart.

He finally understood a little bit. In fact, he should have been suspicious a long time ago. The small river he saw outside Fengshen Town that day contained a trace of spiritual energy. Think about the opportunity, now it seems that the peak where its source is located is from Baimei Mountain.

I almost forgot if I remembered this. Although the spiritual energy of the river is not strong, it is gradually lost with the flow. Whether the real spiritual energy at the source can reach the middle-level spiritual vein level is really not impossible. of.

Thinking about it this way, since it has the ability to make the spiritual energy in the spiritual rain not immediately dissipate and settle down, on the contrary, it is to keep the spiritual energy in the spiritual rain. It seems that the blood-haired woman really has something that can resist the law of the black domain, or more carefully. It is said that it is a way to resist the magnetic force of the black field under the ground.

Now Luo Yu felt a little cloudy and foggy!

"It seems that Fellow Daoist Luo has already thought of something. In fact, it is impossible for me to completely resist the law of the black domain, but it is still within the ability to properly reverse the magnetic force changes in a small area. In fact, the entire Baiyu Mountain Decades ago, it was completely shrouded in a set of ancient spirit array 'Thundering Scarlet Sky Array', the magnetic power of the black domain was not completely repelled, but it was also weakened a lot, while the power of whirlwind rain remained undiminished , so this palace used all its strength to control the power of the swirling rain to penetrate the ground continuously, and every time a certain depth was penetrated, it then transferred the power of the formation to the ground, and finally it went down to a thousand feet before stopping." The blood-haired woman It seems that the voice here paused, and his face became a little complicated, as if he had encountered some trouble.

"Thousands of feet deep!" At this moment, Luo Yu gasped, and muttered in a low voice as if amazed.

At the beginning, as a second-tier Yuan master, he tried his best to go down more than ten feet, but the monks in the Yuanying stage opened up a passage of thousands of feet, at least in his opinion, it was absolutely shocking.

But why is it only a thousand feet deep? According to what this person said, theoretically, with the help of the power of heaven and earth, this method can penetrate as deep as it should be. Could it be that it is the end, or is there another accident?

Luo Yu couldn't help thinking that maybe the reason why this woman wanted to help her was related to this.

Seeing Luo Yu's unnatural expression, the blood-haired woman was not surprised at all. If she thought about it, it was the first time she heard such a horrifying experience, and her reaction would not be much better than Luo Yu's.

Without thinking too much, the woman's eyes gradually became darker, but she said slowly with a trace of fear on her face: "At that time, I only wanted to see how deep the black area was. I didn't expect it, Qianzhang But it was near the end, and at this time, the magnetic force of the black domain, even with the help of the impact of the swirling rain spirit energy and the resistance of the formation, could barely maintain a balance. Going down, I didn't expect that the law of the black domain deeper in the depths was so strong that it formed a natural magnetic barrier. At this time, the power of the formation and the mana of the palace could barely resist the black domain at the barrier. The upsurge of the magnetic force, but there is no way to go deeper, but I am not willing to fall short, so I tried my best to find out what the magnetic barrier is after a lot of energy loss, and in the end I really went to the open sea!"

Unexpectedly, the blood-haired woman's voice changed, and she suddenly uttered something astonishing as if she had solved the mystery, but the last sentence made Luo Yu startled and thought she had heard it wrong, but immediately realized that the blood-haired woman was not joking, He was even more stunned!

Arrived overseas?It's not that you can't even make up lies, Luo Yu almost scolded this girl for being out of her mind in her heart, but what the other party said earlier was very profound, and it didn't look like she couldn't justify herself.

Besides, since this woman left here with such difficulty, but returned, there must be something hidden in it, Luo Yu couldn't help but blame himself for being too involved in listening, and almost lost his sense of proportion.

This woman's beautiful jade face was silent for a while, and then she quietly revealed an elusive bitter smile.

"It's Xinghaihe! I didn't expect that the other end of the Black Territory was the legendary Xinghe Seabed. In desperation, I had to return here only half a stick of incense away from the Black Territory. After forcibly breaking through the magnetic barrier, my vitality has also suffered a lot, even if I still have the strength to break through again, I feel that I am not sure about being able to leave the Xinghaigu." The blood-haired woman said here, a strange color flashed in her eyes Watching Luo Yu get up.

Hearing this, Luo Yu was not surprised at all. When encountering the seabed of Xinghe, it is no wonder that this woman did not choose to force her way and turned back. Fortunately, she is a Nascent Soul cultivator like this woman. If it were Luo Yu himself, It is estimated that as soon as he entered the bottom of Xinghe, he would die immediately without a place to bury him.

Xinghaigu is the connecting sea area between the four sea areas, and also the boundary of the four sea areas. It is the most dangerous and unusual place in the entire sea area. Yu saw it from the classics not long ago, and there is another name that everyone has heard of for this terrifying Xinghe seabed-'Chaotic Abyss'!

Usually the Xinghaigu refers to the places above the sea surface, but it is extremely dangerous to cross the sea. Even so, high-level monks in the four sea regions are still willing to choose to go through the Xinghaigu and take a certain risk to travel to and from the four sea regions. In contrast, going under the sea simply means that there is no return.

It goes without saying that below the Xinghaigull is the Chaotic Abyss.

It is said that in Chaos Nether Abyss, it is composed of endless yin and yin qi, devil qi and evil qi, and other yin and evil qi in the world. It is like ghosts and monsters, and it is terrifying. Crashed and fell into a state of madness.

Since ancient times, it has been the place where the souls change.

Fortunately, although this Chaos Nether Abyss has existed since ancient times, it has never interfered with the four adjacent sea areas. It has always gathered under the Xinghai Valley and there is no sign of spreading to the surroundings. Otherwise, the four sea areas would have been devastated. .

But thinking of this, Luo Yu finally had a solid understanding of the nature and location of the Black Territory.

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