fairy flame

Chapter 1146 Wujing Starry Sky

Luo Yu not only didn't care about resting, on the contrary, he closed his eyes slightly, stopped at the same place and sensed the ups and downs, faintly sensing something excitedly.

At this moment, under the restraint of the law deep underground, Luo Yu's divine sense detection distance has been greatly shortened to less than one mile. Something like a blazing sun is emitting a radiant light in the center of the earth.

As soon as the divine sense touched Wuselieri, it was immediately swallowed up completely. Only Wusi couldn't control it and wanted to make a pilgrimage there, which made Luo Yu excited and contradictory. The thought did not arouse Useriri's hostile reaction, still standing motionless in the dark sea of ​​consciousness like an amber pearl in the mud, bright and mysterious!

Luo Yu was not sure that this was the black crystal vein he was looking for. Judging from the thick layer of black radiance floating around it like seaweed, this place must be the place where the magnetic force is the most concentrated in the entire black area. A thin band of light on the outer layer made Luo Yu feel that compared with his thirteen magnetic wires, he couldn't even count as the light of fireflies.

The strange thing is that the dense black light around Uselieri did not radiate outwards, but was tightly gathered in one place and drifted around, but it gave Luo Yu the feeling that it was spreading out as if it was breaking free. Always hovering within a certain range, the two are in a state of being inseparable.

The law of the black domain seems to play a key role, and Luo Yu also understands the superficial repulsion and attraction, so he feels that it is the subtle balance between Use Liri and the magnetic force of the black domain that makes this dreamlike phenomenon appear. Fantastic situation.

Luo Yu didn't go straight to the past immediately, the moment Use Lieri was sensed by him gave him the pressure and fear from the depths of his heart that he hadn't felt for a long time, but he couldn't find out what went wrong, This kind of concealment is really uncomfortable. In addition, as he got closer, the Use Liri's gravitational force on the thirteen magnetic lines outside him was greatly enhanced, while the black field magnetic force from the ground became weaker and weaker like a river. The drop makes Luo Yu like an ordinary iron stone placed between two magnetic mountains. When he actively caters to the gravity of one of the magnetic mountains and approaches, the restraints behind him will naturally weaken each other.

However, in Luo Yu's view, this is not a good thing, because no matter what kind of existence Use Lie Ri is, he can achieve a balance with the vast and boundless law of the black domain by himself. First, Luo Yu feels extremely dangerous, and then In addition to the magnetic hole that scared Luo Yu's soul into the sky at the beginning, the black light filaments formed are far from comparable to this group of black crystals. How could Luo Yu not think that there is a black crystal mine in front of him? It could also be a deadly fire pit.

However, Luo Yu racked his brains and couldn't think of any other way besides risking himself.

Even though Luo Yu has grasped a trace of the law of the black domain at this time, he is constrained by the sense of mystery that can only extend ten feet away. The thirteen magnetic wires cannot be too far away from the body. Otherwise, if he can control it with spiritual consciousness, Luo Yu will naturally I will let one or two puppets be protected by magnetic wires first, and then try it out.

The more I think about it, the more I worry about the big rise!

Judging from the relative size of this mass of black scorpions in the Sea of ​​Consciousness, this thing is probably hundreds of feet in size, only the weakest part of the circles of black light floating outside spread to a distance of twenty or thirty feet , even if Luo Yu tried his best to expand the ten-zhang Yuanhai, it was not close enough to the corners of this thing, and once the puppet was taken out, the aura had to be activated. Will the appearance of aura next time cause other unpredictable changes?

It's all here, it's really not Luo Yu's style to retreat at this time.

"Empress Baimei once said that I control a trace of domain power, which is part of the law of the black domain. I can freely shuttle in any law of the black domain. It is just right in front of me to test whether it is true or not. If she is lying to me, then naturally It can't be to save me sincerely, anyway, I will die anyway, so I don't have a choice now, I have no way out." Luo Yu is also a determined person, although he is always cautious, but in the face of the big right and wrong between life and death, But he has a calmness that ordinary people can't match, and he can rely on this calmness to turn the crisis into safety every time. This time, after thinking about it in his heart, his eyes became fixed.

The thirteen magnetic wires were controlled by Luo Yu's mysterious sense, disappeared from the soles of the feet, and immediately suspended in front of the body with a flash of black light, and at the same time, the golden glow on the three handles rose in momentum, turning into a spiral golden light Cone, slowly pushed forward.

The short distance of a few miles became especially long at this time. Luo Yu kept emboldening himself silently in his heart, but his palms and hands were dripping with sweat, and his throat became dry and hoarse, making him unable to speak.

Just as Luo Yu was anxiously thinking about so many dangerous situations, he couldn't calm down for a while and didn't notice that he had come to a place like a black starry sky, when he came into contact with a wisp of black coming from nowhere. In the haze, the golden light that was constantly digging in front was stained by the black air, and immediately dimmed without a sound, and then there were three "puff dong" sounds of heavy objects falling to the ground.

At this moment, the usual usual sound was like thunder in his ears, shaking Luo Yu's whole body numb, all kinds of thoughts in his mind were wiped out, and the moment he woke up, he felt that his heart almost didn't jump out.

Before, he could always hear the sound of mud and rocks rolling in his ears. Luo Yu didn't realize that everything around him was suddenly silent, so when there was any noise in the quiet moment, it would be infinitely amplified, even if he breathed in and out at this moment. , It also made a popping sound that can only be heard when the wind is howling.

This kind of place is really too weird, even though Luo Yu knew it was not the time to shake his confidence, he was still extremely nervous and bored with all kinds of discomfort!

Luo Yu bit the bullet and took a few steps forward. He had just reached the place where the three components fell about Zhang Xu away. When he looked up, he seemed to see a crystal clear starry sky completely composed of black light waves after passing through the ground in front of him. But it also gives people a hazy, intuitive feeling like being in an extremely unreal dream world.

It seems that the mysterious starry sky in the distance is not a void in the ordinary sense, but a huge black crystal world, an extremely empty world, with black crystal lights flickering from every inch of space everywhere, but you can't see it. to what else.

He is still at the very edge of the thick black light, and there are still mud and rocks around him, but if he goes any further, he will penetrate into the black mist of crystal light.

However, although he has not really entered, the law of the black domain outside him at this moment has been so strong that it actively manifests patches of black light bands floating like seaweed. No abnormality was caused in the scorpion light band.

Of course, this does not mean that you can sit back and relax, unless you pass through the black crystal light in front of you, and there will be no accidents in the misty starry world inside, otherwise everything will always have a sense of illusory in Luo Yu's heart.

What made Luo Yu feel extremely shocked was not only these, besides the actual crystallized void, there were also some things that were as fast as meteors flying across this black crystal world with clear trajectories, swimming in the huge black crystal like a duck to water, It is not affected at all, these things are too fast, flashing past like flowers in the evening, and it is impossible to see the exact shape, but the brilliance is brighter than the dark starry sky, with these things like shining stars That's why Luo Yu felt that Wujing Tiandi was more like a Wujing starry sky.

"Black crystal mines! These must be black crystal mines!" Luo Yu stared carefully at the stars for a few moments, and finally found that the trajectories of these things followed the law of the black field, or the law of butterflies The route, couldn't help but think of something, and shouted in surprise with his eyes brightened.

But just when he was about to step into Wujing Tiandi and find a way to collect these black crystal mines, suddenly another burst of black haze swept over from the inside to the outside, and it was the trace of black energy overflowing from Wujing Tiandi that made Luo Yu The three components in his body failed, and it was the same at this moment. Luo Yu's expression tightened immediately, but there was only a stone cave about Zhang Xu outside him, and he had no way to avoid it, so he had to face it.

In a hurry, Luo Yu didn't hesitate for a moment, the thirteen magnetic wires in front of him also followed the law of butterflies, and barely transformed into a butterfly shape and melted into a nearby black light band, and he didn't even dare to let out the air together. hide inside.

Since the black light belt is emitted by black air, the two should have the same source and be harmless. Luo Yu just thought of this in his heart, and there was a sense of coolness on his body, as if being blown by a breeze, the terrible haze The same blackness just passed away.

Even the black light belt that was hiding fluttered a few times, as if being blown by the wind, and then returned to its original shape.

This was a false alarm, and with this experience, Luo Yu's courage suddenly increased a lot.

"Hey! Why did the influence of the law of the black domain behind him suddenly increase?" Just as Luo Yu adjusted his mentality and was about to go deeper in, he suddenly keenly noticed a trace of something wrong around him.

One in front and one in back, the originally asymmetrical law conversion power seems to be in rapid balance!

Near the center of the black light, the vitality was so strong that it was rare in the outside world. Luo Yu clearly didn't notice any changes before, but after the surprise just now, without paying much attention to him, it became so powerful. Get up elsewhere!

Luo Yu's forward steps stopped, and he habitually glanced behind him with some doubts, but he didn't frighten the three souls and lost the seven souls in the end!

The black haze that just flew over is now appearing several feet away from Luo Yu's Sea of ​​Consciousness, and the strange levitation is still!

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