fairy flame

Chapter 120 Bloodwashing Mushan

"Senior brothers, there is no need to panic. Since you have already arrived, this mission has begun. In the past six months or so, the alliance of the three factions has sent more and more demon-suppressing monks, and the Shahun Sect has not sent us Let's supply the disciples. After several wars, there are fewer and fewer people on our side. Presumably the two senior brothers are having a hard time recently. This bloodbath of 'Tu Mu Shan' is to give the three major factions of Yuanjiang Kingdom a blow! "The man in black robe named Junior Brother Li said in a deep voice.

"Now that we're here, I have nothing to worry about. If it weren't for the disappearance of a grand elder of our Shahun Sect thousands of years ago, he also disappeared along with the township tactic 'Sura Bone Path' in the door. And recently, I don’t know where to get the clues. This elder Taishang once came to Yuanjiang country, otherwise, how could we risk our lives to come here? The cultivation level is no less than that of our Foundation Establishment Stage Immortal Cultivators, and because of this auction, it is said that four Foundation Establishment Stage Immortal Cultivators have come here. I don’t think it is easy to deal with our current strength alone! "The burly man in black robe surnamed Lan said rather worriedly.

"Hey! Those four people don't have to worry anymore. According to the news from our disciples who were scattered all over Chumu Mountain, three of the four foundation-building stage cultivators have left now, and the remaining one is only at the early stage of foundation-building stage. , is not enough to be a threat. As for the 'Six Immortals of the Wood', except for the boss Iron Hand Venerable who is a monk in the late stage of foundation establishment, it is a bit tricky to deal with, the others are also in the early stage of foundation establishment, and the three of us are all at the stage of foundation establishment now. It's the middle stage of foundation establishment, and with the impermanent ghost generals in the foundation stage, it shouldn't be a big problem to kill those people. As for the 'Iron Hand Venerable', I will leave it to the senior brother. The secret technique 'Shagu Demonic Flame' in the Soul Sutra has been practiced, so it must be easy to deal with a monk of the same level." The black-robed man surnamed Li said with a low laugh, as if he was very sure about this task.

"What! The senior brother has also mastered the forbidden technique of 'Shagu Demonic Flame'. This demonic flame is said to be only a little less powerful than the 'Golden Core Fire' of the monks in the alchemy stage! I can't imagine it. Eldest senior brother has such perseverance to practice this technique, I am afraid that senior senior brother will have few opponents among the cultivators of the foundation period, so our plan this time is feasible." The burly black-robed man was surprised at first, Then he calmed down again. Although his face was full of envy, there was a hint of fear in this person's eyes.

Hearing this, the other two still nodded repeatedly, it seems that they also know the power of this magic fire.

While the three of them were discussing in secret, the black-robed man surnamed Wu suddenly looked up to the sky behind him, and the other two also raised their heads to look behind the black-robed man when they saw this.

I saw a black light flashing across the sky and flying towards the three of them. After a while, when I saw the three men in black robes in the dense forest, the light came down without stopping, revealing a man in a suit. The eagle-eyed young man in the brocade suit, and when the eagle-eyed youth saw the three men in black robes not far in front of him, he hurriedly put away the magic weapon of the ghost banner under his feet. It looks the same, it seems that this person has also cultivated the magic power of "Hundred Souls Manual"!

Afterwards, the eagle-eyed young man ran over respectfully and saluted the three of them, and said, "Wang Fu has seen the three gray demon envoys, and Master has already bought a cave in Chumu Mountain, and knows that the three gray demon envoys are coming, so Then send villains to meet him."

This person turned out to be the same guard as Luo Yu, the eagle-eyed young man who was still complaining about Luo Yu's late arrival at Qingmuya, this person was originally a monk from the Feng family of the immortal family in Yuanjiang, but somehow he got along with this group of black robes People are getting mixed up!

"You are the junior monk of Feng Yunshan Wang's family accepted by the elder brother! Well, not bad! Judging from the demonic energy scattered by your imperial envoy 'Soul Refining Banner', it should be that you have practiced the 'Hundred Soul Scripture' to a small degree, you Tell us about the specific plan for this time first!" The black-robed man surnamed Wu looked at Wang Fu's Soul Refining Banner, and couldn't help but praise him.

"How can this junior's level of cultivation be put in the eyes of the three Gray Demon Envoys? It's all because of the teacher's good teaching. This time, the plan can start as soon as the three Gray Demon Envoys arrive. We have already arranged everything Everything is ready, and even the labyrinth and secret passages under Chumu Mountain cost a lot of spiritual stones to buy a copy from an immortal cultivator who has lived in seclusion in Chumu Mountain for many years. Besides the main routes down the mountain, A lot of restraining formations have already been planted on other hidden paths, and no one will be able to escape by then." Wang Fu replied with a respectful expression.

"Okay, two senior brothers, since the senior brother has already arranged everything, we don't need to worry about anything, we'd better meet him soon!" The black-robed man surnamed Li waved his hand and said to the other two black-robed men.

After the three of them nodded slightly, under the leadership of Wang Fu, they drove four black lights and disappeared quickly.

But at this moment, when Luo Yu was playing with the 'star-studded' chessboard with a satisfied expression, suddenly there was a voice outside the hut that surprised Luo Yu.

"Fellow Daoist Qing is here, Ximen Yan has something to visit!" Ximen Yan's charming voice from the auction came from outside the house.

Simon Yan!What did she come to find herself for?It seems that I have nothing to do with her!Could it be because of the Lvyu Xiayi in her hands, but how did she know that the clothes were in her hands?After Luo Yu was slightly surprised, he quickly turned his mind, but he couldn't figure out why she could come back to him for something!

Withdrawing the puzzled expression on his face, Luo Yu walked over to open the door as usual, and immediately saw Ximen Yanqiao in a white dress standing at the door, and when he heard Luo Yu's sound of opening the door, he quickly turned his head and walked around. Luo Yu's concentration was extraordinary and he couldn't help being shocked by this delicate and flowery face.

"Fellow Daoist Qing, it's not very convenient to talk here, I'd better go in and talk!" Ximen Yan Xing said with his mouth slightly open.

After that, Ximen Yan ignored Luo Yu's answer or not, and walked in with lotus steps, without any sign of shyness.

Looking at this scene in Luo Yu's eyes, he was a little confused for a while. He glanced around and saw that because of Ximen Yan's arrival, many male cultivators who were like flower protectors were attracted outside the house, most of them were Looking at himself with resentment, there are many male immortal cultivators who admire Ximen Yan, and Ximen Yan usually dismisses them, but now he shows such a charming face to an ordinary-looking immortal cultivator, and wants to have sex with this person Getting along in a separate room naturally makes these people extremely dissatisfied, and I'm afraid it will bring a lot of trouble to themselves. Seeing this, Luo Yu finally understood what a "beauty is a disaster" and glanced coldly at the people outside the house. The immortal cultivator then dodged and followed in.

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