fairy flame

Chapter 1220

"If you want to achieve great things, you will naturally have to pay some price. The Sky Spider Sect has been dormant for many years, and now it has become a great weapon. If the senior sister wants to stay in this ancient sea area for the rest of her life, if her cultivation base cannot be golden crystal, then the junior brother has nothing to say. As for this A point of soul restraint is many times better than being trained by the master to become a clone of Yin Demon. Zuo is helping senior sister. If it is not because of the hundreds of years of friendship between you and me, it is because of the fact that you have died under your hands all these years. Disciple of this sect, You Envoy has long planned to make you die, so why don't senior sisters calmly plan for yourself." Under the blue mist flickering, under the slightly blurred face of the man in brocade robe was Zuo Zheng, with a smug smile on the corner of his mouth. Sneered, without raising his head, he seemed to be talking to someone he knew very well.

"Shut up! You said that Master used us to refine Yin Demon clones. It was just an excuse you made for yourself. Even if this happened, Master would not be so confused as to kill us disciples of the same line..." Hei Before the old woman in robe could finish her sentence, she was interrupted by Zuo Zheng's suddenly cold face!

"Really, then what is the explanation for Junior Brother Lu and Senior Brother Xuan who have been missing from our sect these years? Of course you don't know. Before the accident, Junior Brother Lu and Senior Brother Xuan had practiced the "Yin Mojue" bestowed by the master. If it weren't for me I accidentally discovered this matter, I am afraid that right now, I am also reduced to a walking corpse without intelligence, but these are all things in the past, I didn't expect you to believe it, but if it weren't for this old devil coming out soon , Zuo will not force me to attack my senior sister."

"Hehe, isn't it just seeking skin from a tiger by taking refuge in the Sky Spider Sect! At that time, Master will also not lightly forgive you as a traitor. These words just now were asked by you to say, and you asked her to come out, why! Pretend to be me like this It's been many years, but you still don't dare to meet the old woman in person?" The black-robed old woman asked with a smile back angrily, and after she finished speaking, white light flashed in her muddy eyes, and she glanced around the secret room.

But until the strange light in the old woman's eyes faded, she didn't find a third person in the secret room.

"It seems that senior sister really misunderstood me, and she can't understand Zuo's painstaking efforts at all. Do you think that you are saved because you know about the large formation of our sect? Senior sister, I have almost checked this book all these years All the classics in Pai Zangshu Pavilion have some clues. It will be a matter of time before you find the 'Qianlong Flower'. At that time, it doesn't matter whether you can get the secret of the Qisu Xuanzhu Formation from your mind. At that time, the emissary will not let any worthless people live." Zuo Zheng shook his head lightly, sighing a little, but he didn't want to argue.

"Then you can search for my soul. Anyway, the name tags of our disciples are all in the hands of the master. You will never run away if I die. As for Qianlonghua, I advise you to give up. It is Condensed Yuan. Infant's miracle medicine, with your current cultivation level of the middle stage of alchemy, getting the Qianlong flower can only be a dream." The old woman in black robe had a gloomy and ugly face at first, and then couldn't help laughing sternly, her face was burnt with jade and stone The color, the hoarse and piercing laughter made people feel chills in the heart.

"Besides, can you believe what I said? The Qisu Xuanzhu Formation of our school is a high-level formation, and the eyes of the formation are even more tricky. As long as any one of them is wrong, the formation is triggered, Qianlonghua Burn it immediately, and when that time comes, your envoy will definitely not spare you lightly." The old woman said with a desolate expression, still sarcastically speaking, without giving in at all.

"It seems that Senior Sister hasn't spent enough time in the 'Jade Li Soul Fire'. As you said, we are not in a hurry. We have plenty of time for you to think about it. When you figure it out, Zuo will come to visit Senior Sister again. "Zuo Zheng was still quite calm when he heard the words, but he also lost the patience to continue persuading him to surrender. He coldly shook his sleeves and retreated, his figure gradually disappeared in place.

On the other side, Luo Yu stayed in the guest room of the inn for a full hour, testing Feng Xia's soul armor through various methods he knew, and actually let him discover several places that had been deliberately altered, which made Luo Yu Yu was really angry, it was most likely that Zuo Zheng had tampered with this battle, but it was hard to say whether Wen Zhenren and Ying Lao were also involved.

Originally, with Luo Yu's temper, after being plotted secretly, he must fight back with fire, but now he doesn't even know who his opponent is, so he is too passive.

More importantly, the other party didn't understand Luo Yu's ability in the formation at all, and Luo Yubai still took advantage of the modified Fengxia Soul Armor Formation.

What's more, Huayi Sect and Tianzhu Sect have no good impressions of Luo Yu now. If they stay any longer, they don't know what troubles will happen.

However, Luo Yu was still a little worried. Zuo Zheng was obviously not the type to let it go. He would not just prepare the Feng Xia Soul Armor Formation to deal with him. Luo Yu never said that the formation must be used on him. We should prepare other deadlier dark hands.

Remembering that at the party, Luo Yu quietly watched Mrs. Zhang Ying's state of mind with mysticism, and found that there was something wrong with this woman. It seemed that most of the worries were still on Mrs. Zhang Ying. Just when Luo Yu suspected this woman, his expression suddenly changed. One move, and then the whole person stood up from the ground at once, and after sweeping in a certain direction with concentrated spiritual thoughts, it seemed that he had discovered something.

But Luo Yu only hesitated for a moment, as if he had made a decision, and under a gust of spiritual wind, he put away the things in the house, and quickly left the inn.

It was late at night at this time, except for a few tall and tidy shops, there were not many monks in sight on the street, Luo Yu went straight to a dense forest on a hillside after leaving the corner of the street.

When we got there, in an ordinary gazebo on a hillside, a young woman with outstanding looks was looking forward to the starry sky, leaning lazily on the stone pillar, highlighting her exquisite and proud curves without a doubt.

Luo Yu suddenly saw this scene, first restrained his breath and hid nearby to observe, but there were no other monks nearby, so few people would pass by such a secluded place at night.

It seems that this woman is waiting for someone, this is Luo Yu's first feeling, but as soon as this thought pops up in her mind, Luo Yu's whole body is shocked. In the current situation, the person this woman will not wait for is herself!

Thinking of it this way, Luo Yu was suddenly covered in cold sweat. How could this woman figure out that he had found Luo Ying Pavilion and had been hiding in the nearby inn, and how could she be sure that Luo Yu was still looking for her in the middle of the night.

If this was the bait that Zuo Zheng released on purpose, then wouldn't he have been ambushed by the other party when he came hastily!

Waking up suddenly, Luo Yu, who didn't have time to think about it, came out with a sense of mystery, and carefully sensed it in all directions with two prongs. In just a few breaths, Luo Yu frowned.

There was no one else nearby, and there was no restriction or formation fluctuation, which made Luo Yu feel suspicious.

But this kind of wilderness, even if you really want to ambush, it's too bad to choose a place. With Luo Yu's current supernatural powers, facing this situation, you don't have to be as frightened as before.

With a firm mind in mind, Luo Yu restrained his breath, and slowly leaned towards Xiaoting, until the distance that could not be hidden, Luo Yu no longer concealed his breath.

"Mrs. Zhang, I didn't expect to meet a fellow Taoist here. What a coincidence!" Luo Yu stopped approaching this woman ten feet away, and walked out of the forest with a slight smile.

The middle-aged beautiful woman sat there alone, as if in a daze, when she suddenly heard the voices of other people, her beauty changed slightly, but she seemed to have expected something, and once she heard that it was Luo Yu, her beauty returned to normal.

"Senior Luo, you are still here. I have not misunderstood the person." Mrs. Zhang Ying swished her head, with an expression of happiness and anger. Judging from what Tan said, it happened to coincide with Luo Yu's guess. the same.

"You know I'm coming!" Luo Yu's wandering eyes finally fell on this woman, his eyes narrowed, and after looking her up and down, he really didn't know where the courage of this woman came from, and he couldn't help being a little surprised He said again: "Then can you guess what Luo is thinking right now?"

"Senior won't really want to kill me. I admit that I was rude before, but I have no intention of harming me. Besides, it's a last resort." Mrs. Zhang Ying swung her skirt and gave Luo Yu a coquettish look. , slowly got up and said.

Luo Yu asked himself if he really meant it, but when he was told back by such a beauty, he felt very uncomfortable for a moment, and suddenly, the hostility in his heart subsided a lot.

"I'm afraid it's not that I didn't succeed, it's because I didn't succeed. Don't beat around the bush. I need to remind you that you tried to kill me at least three times. Any one of them is enough to prevent you from leaving this place tonight. However, since you dare to take the initiative Invite me to appear, you must be able to justify yourself, I would like to hear a thing or two." Luo Yu fixed his eyes on the beautiful woman, but he did not seem to be moved by her charm at all, and said in a slightly cold tone.

When Mrs. Zhang Ying appeared at the party, Luo Yu felt that something was wrong with this woman, but he just released his mysterious feeling from the air, and just faintly felt that the woman's eyes looked at him, and the breath of her body suddenly changed, and Luo Yu felt that something was wrong. He didn't dare to release his mysterious feeling for a long time, Du Kui had already noticed something at that time.

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