fairy flame

Chapter 127

In this way, I have to leave this place as soon as possible. Looking at the current fierce battle situation, it is best not to even return to Guanshan City, and go directly to the Cuixia faction to report this matter. Even if the elders on duty want to hold me accountable for not completing the task There will not be any major punishment for the responsibility, after all, Luo Yu puts Xinmin in the first place, so it is naturally impossible to put himself in a dangerous situation in order to complete the task!

After thinking it over clearly, Luo Yu immediately opened up his spiritual sense, and investigated all the formations at the front exit one by one. If it is normal, with his formation skills, if he wants to decipher these things, he can spend more time researching and probing. , it will always be broken.

But in such an extremely critical situation, Luo Yu had no choice but to take a dangerous move!

'Try yourself! 'Luo Yu said with condensed eyes.

Only this method can find out the location of the breaking point of each formation in the shortest time, and destroy it with one blow!

However, this method has to take a lot of risks. After all, these formations can still attack, and Luo Yu dared to do this for his own purpose. He can be said to be quite familiar with these five-element basic formations. Thorough, I am afraid that even some patriarchs in the alchemy stage would not dare to say that he is better than him in the research of basic formations. After all, no one will spend a lot of time studying basic formations!

According to the common sense of formation formation, a basic formation method is nothing more than burying the formation eye in a hidden place, and only the person who buried the formation eye knows where the formation eye is buried. It is recognized by everyone in the world of cultivating immortals to freely enter and exit within the enveloped area!

However, Luo Yu has studied the way to crack the basic formation for many years. Although he still can't achieve the advanced state of his own school, he uses his powerful calculation ability of Jiugong Luoshu to make all kinds of changes in the basic formation come true. Calculated one by one and listed them out.

Formation together, unpredictable.Some people spend their whole lives without being able to enter the door, and Luo Yu can only be regarded as the first peeping state. According to the various changes listed by Luo Yu, he placed the basic formation eyes in different places, What changes will happen, the magnitude of the power, etc. are all calculated clearly, and all kinds of changes are all recorded in the mind, but now they come in handy!

Any five-element basic formation, as long as Luo Yu walks in, then these basic formations have only one chance to attack, only one blow!As long as Luo Yu can block the first attack, he can instantly calculate the location where the formation eyes are buried according to the duration, power, direction, etc. of the attack, because every change will leave an impression in Luo Yu's mind. Computing ability, you can find out what you need from the thousands of changes in your head almost instantly!

I am afraid that he is the only one in the world of cultivating immortals who has researched basic formations to this extent!For other people, "testing the formation with one's body" is simply a joke, and the blow of these basic formations does not pose much threat to Luo Yu today, which is why he dared to take this risk.

Concentrated, Luo Yu walked in without hesitation, with his spiritual sense fully opened, and just a few steps away, a green arrow-like light suddenly shot out from one side, like a poisonous snake, it rushed towards Luo Yu viciously, And Luo Yu, who was in the middle of the formation, did not panic at all. Calmness is most needed at this time. I saw his sleeves shake slightly, and a golden light about a foot shot out, turning into an afterimage that just happened to block the shock. The green arrow shot over, the golden light flashed and easily pierced through the green arrow.

And at the same time that the emerald green arrow disappeared, Luo Yu waved two Jiyue sword qi and struck the ground several feet away. Under the whistling of the sword light, it pierced into the soil half a foot deep, and there was a clear sound, and there was a sound from the ground. After making a sound like a 'ding dong', Luo Yu walked over to take a look, and saw a large green iron plate cut into two and lying there, it seems that this is the formation eye buried here!

'Aoki Formation! 'Luo Yu just glanced at the array lightly, and then said.According to the ancient array script and the arrangement of the ancient array script depicted on the array disk, Luo Yu immediately remembered what kind of basic array technique it was.

However, looking at the layout here, I am afraid that there are so many such basic formations buried densely, it is better to break them quickly and leave, so as not to attract other black-robed people!

Afterwards, Luo Yu destroyed the green wood formation and continued to walk forward, but he didn't dare to fly with the weapon. After all, many formations have the ability to block the air, and they fly too fast. Once the formation is attacked, it is difficult to attack It took a while to realize that this was also the reason why Luo Yu broke the formation on foot.

Next, as Luo Yu expected, various basic formation attacks emerged one after another. Some formations were buried with formation flags, some with formation disks, some buried in the soil, and some hidden in trees. , and some were even placed inside the rock, and those placed in the center of the rock made Luo Yu flustered, but under Luo Yu's cautious character, there was no fatal crisis.

After destroying about ** basic formations, Luo Yu felt that the attacks of the basic formations had gradually eased. Presumably there must be very few formations buried here, and it should be close to the exit. Luo Yu immediately felt that there was hope for escape. Under the excitement, the speed of breaking the formation couldn't help but speed up a lot.

And just when Luo Yu felt that he was about to escape from danger, suddenly a faint voice came from behind him.

"Haha! You ran really fast, but that's all for now!" It was the gloomy voice of Wang Fu, which seemed to be lingering.

Almost as soon as Luo Yu heard the voice, his expression changed drastically, and he quickly jumped to another place, and just as Luo Yu's body moved, a black silk thread flashed from the place where he was standing just now. Straight through.

Seeing that his sneak attack was unsuccessful, Wang Fu's face was a little startled, but he soon returned to normal, because in his opinion, Luo Yu was just a ninth-level immortal cultivator in the Qi training period. He himself has practiced the magic skills of the "Hundred Souls Manual", so it shouldn't be a big deal to deal with Luo Yu.

"Your Excellency is not slow in chasing you! Why, are you alone?" Luo Yu's face still had a trace of horror left after a catastrophe. He had never felt that he was so close to death, and his face was extremely gloomy and ugly. As soon as Luo Yu approached him silently twice, Luo Yu's spiritual sense didn't notice it at all, there must be a ghost in the middle!

I'm afraid that Wang Fu has some kind of treasure that can conceal his aura. Luo Yu has also read the "Hundred Souls Manual", and there is no such weird secret technique in it!

"Hmph! You're just a mere ninth-level Qi training period! A certain Wang is enough to deal with you!" Wang Fu laughed wildly, his face full of violence.

It's a pity that he didn't know that Luo Yu was practicing ancient skills, and he couldn't connect his real combat power with his cultivation!

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