fairy flame

Chapter 129

Of course, even if Luo Yu uses this move head-on, Wang Fu probably won't be able to stop it, but he can prepare in advance and escape the moment the 'Bi Ling Han Ji' appears, so Luo Yu will not be able to lock the target.

As soon as his footsteps moved, Luo Yu came to the side of Wang Fu's corpse. When he saw the appearance of Wang Fu's corpse, he couldn't help but gasped.

Although Wang Fu's body had been chopped into two pieces at this moment, there was no trace of blood flowing from the two sections of the body. The cut area on his chest was covered with a thick layer of white ice, and the wound solidified instantly, and the blood Completely sealed in ice, although this Jade Spirit Halberd lacks the 'Mysterious Ice Cold Essence' and cannot unleash the full power of a top-grade magic weapon, it can have such power with the cold attribute attack that comes with the magic weapon alone. Enough to show its extraordinary!

With a wave of the sleeve robe, Luo Yu picked up the storage bag on Wang Fu's body, and his divine sense sank into it directly. Bead-like items, carefully looked at non-stop.

This small bead is only half the size of a fist, but it radiates green light all over its body, showing a layer of mystery. After Luo Yu took it out, he immediately felt a strong wood-attribute aura rushing towards his nostrils!

"Wood Spirit Orb! It really is this thing!" Luo Yu stared at the emerald green bead and muttered.

Luo Yu finally understood!

No wonder this Wang Fu sneaked up to me without anyone noticing it, but I didn't notice it. As I expected, this Wang Fu actually carried the family heirloom of their Feng Yunshan Wang family with him !

The origin of this object Luo Yu had seen it once in the "Cultivation of Immortal World Strange Objects", it is said that this wood spirit orb is made from the refining of plants and trees, what is the essence of plants and trees, it did not say, But it still mentioned a little bit of the power of this thing. Because this "wood spirit orb" is the illusion of vegetation, it can be used directly without any refining, because it contains a strong wood attribute aura, so as long as it is in any Used in places where flowers, plants and trees grow, this bead can absorb all kinds of smells from the surrounding vegetation to hide its own breath. Because of the cover of the scent of plants and trees, it is difficult for immortal practitioners to detect it. As for places without the scent of plants and trees, This 'wood spirit orb' is useless.

To put it bluntly, this 'Wood Spirit Orb' is a sharp weapon for sneak attacking the Yin people, without any other attack power.

But just because it can conceal the aura, it makes many immortal cultivators covet it. Unfortunately, the refining method of this object has long been lost, and the "Essence of Plants and Trees" is only recorded in ancient times. The existing "Wood Spirit Orb" 'It was just left over from ancient times, and it was recorded in that book that the Wang family of Feng Yunshan happened to have inherited this orb, but it has always been treasured by the Wang family as a family heirloom. Just brought it out.

After Luo Yu was approached by Wang Fu unconsciously twice, he quickly thought of this object. Unexpectedly, he guessed it right, but this Wood Spirit Orb is also very useful to him, and now it is cheap Luo Yu!

After putting away the orb, Luo Yu was not interested in the other things in the storage bag. They were all low-level magic weapons, a few low-level talismans, and hundreds of spirit stones, and he put them all into his storage bag. , Luo Yu put away the soul refining flag on the ground by the way, Luo Yu has long been familiar with the method of using ghost corpses, lightly shook the ghost flag in his hand, and the impermanent ghost whose arm was cut off by Luo Yu The corpse transformed into a streak of black energy and entered into the soul-refining streamer in a flash. I am afraid that without a period of rest, this ghost corpse will not be able to drive it to fight!

After taking care of everything, just as Luo Yu was about to leave, two black escaping lights suddenly appeared in the sky, obviously coming towards him. It must be the sound of the magic bombardment that attracted the other party, and he felt the escaping light. After seeing the cultivation base of the man in black inside, Luo Yu's face suddenly sank. Both of them are actually at the eleventh level of the Qi training period!

I have already used my whole body's spiritual power to drive the 'Bi Ling Han Ji' just now, if I fight head-on with the opponent now, I will definitely lose more than I win!

At this moment, at this moment, Luo Yu really panicked, his hands and feet were suddenly cold, it must be too late to escape, it is possible that he is going to die here!

"No! I can't just give up like this!" Luo Yu suddenly burst into blood from the bottom of his heart, gritted his teeth, and suddenly a flash of light flashed through his mind, making Luo Yu react instantly!

"Painted skin technique!" Luo Yu shouted softly in his heart, the bones and muscles of his face were distorted and blurred, and instantly turned into a face exactly like Wang Fu's, and then he took out a black robe coat from the storage bag and put it on On his body, he flicked his fingers, and a fist-sized fireball shot out from between his fingers. With a light jump, the fireball landed on Wang Fu who was divided into two halves, and burned blazingly!

And after this moment of delay, the two black rays of light had already arrived not far above Luo Yu's head, and after a short circle, they landed, revealing two figures in black robes inside the black rays of light, one of them was thin and pale, and the other One is an old man with one silver.

The two looked at the ashes of Wang Fu's body on the ground with puzzled faces. The silver old man said, "Junior Brother Wang is such a waste! Just such a fire turned this man into ashes!" His voice was hoarse and hoarse. What's so strange, if you usually hear this kind of voice, I'm afraid the other party's first impression will be harsh and unpleasant.

But the Wang Fu standing in front of them at this moment was transformed by Luo Yu using the painting skin technique. Just now, Luo Yu suddenly thought of the method of this golden cicada's shell, and the cultivation of the two is only the eleventh level of the Qi training period. Not wearing Luo Yu disguise.

Now, as long as Luo Yu doesn't show any lies in his words, it's fine. Seeing the old man Yin call Wang Fu his junior, Luo Yu also responded with a chuckle: "Could it be that senior brother wants to test me! It's clearly recorded in the Hundred Souls Classic." Clearly, our soul-gathering method only needs the spirit of a cultivator, what use is a dead body to us!"

Fortunately, I have studied the magic skills in the "Hundred Souls Classic" several times, otherwise I am afraid that I will show my feet when I open my mouth at this moment. I really can't explain the hidden will of God.

Hearing Luo Yu's answer, although the old man Yin still had doubts, he didn't know what to say, but he had a faint feeling that the Wang Fu in front of him was a little different from usual, but he couldn't see anything for a while!

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