fairy flame

Chapter 135 Snow Cloud Peng Beast Egg

"Okay! I called you here to let everyone get to know each other, so what do you look like?" Luo Qingqing saw that everyone present was surprised by Luo Yu's cultivation, and as an older sister, she was also very relieved and angry After one sound, he introduced to Luo Yu again: "Little brother, these two are my good friends. His name is Feng Xiaohou. In my opinion, his aptitude is average, but this guy's backstage is not ordinary hard. It can be said that this guy Half of the Cuixia faction belongs to his family. Although he usually likes to show his identity, he is definitely a friend who can talk to each other. I don’t need to introduce the stunning woman next to me. You met Zhang Fengyao and Junior Sister Zhang four years ago. The last one, he is Jian Chen." Luo Qingqing's originally carefree temperament, but when he introduced the last elegant man, a shyness appeared on his face.

"No! Our Sister Luo will also feel shy, which is extremely rare." The luxurious young man was drinking a sip of tea, but when he heard Luo Qingqing's funny introduction, he almost didn't spit it out. Immediately, her face turned bright red, and after taking a breath, she saw the blush on Luo Qingqing's face, and immediately found a topic to fight back.

Seeing that Luo Qingqing introduced everyone present to him, Luo Yu hurriedly got up and saluted, "I'm Luo Yu, I've met Senior Sister Zhang and two Senior Brothers." The man was suddenly puzzled. This elegant man named Jian Chen always gave him a feeling of deja vu, as if he had seen it somewhere before, but if he was really someone who had seen it before, with Luo Yu's ability to never forget, I shouldn't forget it.

However, although Luo Yu was puzzled, there was still a smile on his face, and none of the people present noticed the strangeness in his eyes.

"Okay! Don't say those polite words. With your cultivation speed, I'm afraid we won't be able to bear the title of Senior Brother in a few years. Don't gossip, Senior Sister Luo, why did you ask us to come this time?" It's not you and Jian Chen..." Feng Xiaohou interrupted everyone with a wave of his hand, and then joked while staring at Luo Qingqing and Jian Chen with a smile.

"Hehe, Brother Feng, you must have known about this matter in your capacity. Since you asked, I have to let you bleed a little this time! Qing'er and I have already confirmed the agreement with the master's promise." As for the marriage, once Qing’er reaches the [-]th floor of the Qi training period, we will hold a two-day ceremony! Brother Feng, your family has a great career, so I don’t think you will send any shabby congratulatory gifts!” Knowing that Feng Xiaohou was deliberately making fun of the two of them , Jian Chen took the opportunity to fight back.

"Senior Sister Luo's double cultivation ceremony, our good friends naturally want to give some good things. Junior Sister also hopes that you can practice together and participate in the immortal way, and grow old with each other, unlike some people who owe a romantic debt and have to go out to go out. Hiding in Tibet." Zhang Fengyao spoke with a cold face after glancing at Feng Xiaohou.

"Junior Sister Zhang! Feng doesn't seem to have offended you, why is he always trying to get on with me?" Feng Xiaohou rubbed his nose and muttered softly, seeming to be very afraid of Zhang Fengyao.

"I just can't understand those heartless and ungrateful people, and didn't name you. Why is Feng Daoist so anxious to admit it? But this time I prepared the third-level monster Xue Yunpeng's egg as a gift, but I didn't know Feng Fellow Daoist, what are you planning to give away?" After Zhang Fengyao snorted coldly, she took out a fist-sized brocade box from her arms, put it between Luo Qingqing and Jian Chen, and opened it with a "pop!", revealing the inside A white beast egg the size of an egg, this beast egg is abnormally white, with a sweep of spiritual sense, one can even faintly feel a little fluctuation of spiritual energy inside.

"The young egg of the third-level monster Xue Yunpeng!" Luo Qingqing said in surprise, but her face was full of love, and after glancing at the pure white egg, she said with emotion : "I just said it casually back then, but I didn't expect you, junior sister, to take this matter to heart. Such an expensive gift must have cost a lot! How dare you let my sister accept it!"

Not only Luo Qingqing, but even that luxurious young man and Luo Yu were full of curiosity. Luo Yu had never seen a monster's egg before!However, Luo Yu had heard about the origin of Xue Yunpeng, a third-level monster.

It is said that Xue Yunpeng spreads its wings and takes off faster than high-level magic weapons when it reaches adulthood, and this beast is a pure ice-attribute monster. Once it reaches maturity, it can use many powerful ice-attribute spells. Comparable to an immortal cultivator in the middle stage of foundation establishment, coupled with the powerful physical strength of a monster, no mid-level magic weapon that swoops down can't stop the sharp claws of this beast!

Because this beast is easy to tame, and Xue Yunpeng's neck, back, and wings are all white and shiny feathers, which are very beautiful, and are deeply loved by some female immortal cultivators in the immortal world.

The only disadvantage of Xue Yunpeng is that it takes a long time from incubation to maturity. Without decades of careful cultivation, it may be difficult to reach the level of a third-level monster, but even if it only grows to the level of a second-level monster , that is also equivalent to the existence of the peak of the Qi training period, and it is still of great help to the immortals in the Qi training period.

"Tsk tsk! Junior sister Zhang is really generous! Last time I heard that there was a beast egg of Xue Yunpeng in Fangshi. After receiving the news, Feng rushed over. The beauty Xiu bought it, and it must be you, Junior Sister Zhang!" Feng Xiaohou stared at the snow-white egg and praised.

"Hmph! If you see my Xueyunpeng beast egg and feel that you can't afford the gift, just say so, there is no need to make such cliche excuses!" Zhang Fengyao said ironically with a still cold look Every sentence is aimed at Feng Xiaohou, as if there is really some hatred.

However, Feng Xiaohou seems to be used to it. After a casual smile, he patted the storage bag on his waist lightly, and immediately took out a pure white jade bottle. Containing three intermediate-level marrow washing pills, this gift must be no worse than Junior Sister Zhang's Xueyunpeng!" After speaking, like Zhang Fengyao, he put the pure white jade bottle into the brocade box containing the Xueyunpeng egg beside.

"Intermediate pill!"

"It's still a mid-level pill for washing the marrow!" Luo Qingqing and Jian Chen were surprised at the same time. The efficacy of the mid-rank pill is many times better than that of the low-rank pill, and the potion for washing the marrow is even a low-rank one. All of them can only be refined by the ancestors of the alchemy stage, let alone the middle-level ones. The value of these three elixirs may not be less than a thousand spirit stones!

(First update) Wow!I came together this morning, and suddenly discovered that Zhou Hongpiao has been blown up by others. Only "Xianyan" has been blown up by others, unexpectedly, a dark horse has been killed halfway!Book friends, go ahead, push it back!

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