fairy flame

Chapter 151 Waterfall and Boulder

Luo Yu felt the flying speed of the red boat with his heart, looked around, and was quite curious about this little boat's flying magic weapon!

Sitting in the small boat, not only did there not be the noise of the wind breaking when the ordinary magic weapon was flying, but also the scenery outside could be seen clearly through the red cloud scattered from the small boat, while Luo Yu was unable to see through the red cloud just now!That is to say, the red cloud has the effect of hiding the figure!

You must know that once Luo Yu's black iron shuttle flies, he must open the spiritual shield to protect his body, otherwise Luo Yu will fly through the air at such a fast speed with the black iron shuttle, how much headwind resistance will be produced!

Sitting inside, Wang Xuan saw the shocked expressions on the faces of the group of Qi training cultivators, but only the ordinary-faced Luo Yu didn't have much surprise on his face. The junior disciples brought the Liuhuozhou magic weapon, and the low-level disciples were all surprised when they saw the magic of this flying magic weapon. It is rare to see someone as calm and composed as Luo Yu.

Maybe it was because Wang Xuan was sitting inside, the four of Luo Yu didn't talk like they did just now, they all sat cross-legged on the ground and meditated.

Huang Qishan Luo Yu had never heard of where it was, but the red boat flew for about a day before stopping on a hill with strange rocks. The hill is full of cliffs and cliffs, which is quite strange!

Luo Yu and the others followed Wang Xuan out of the red boat, and everyone looked at the place in front of them.

After a while, Shen Meng who was on the side suddenly said with a sigh: "Senior Wang, this place is neither a place of spiritual veins nor a place where there are any rare and exotic plants. What are those black-robed people doing here? ?”

"Hmph! Is there a person in black robe who knows after checking that what you see now may be just a blindfold formation. Now the three of you go to the east, west, east and west for a careful inspection, and the north will be handed over. Me!" After Wang Xuan sneered, he said coldly.

Shen Meng originally wanted to be courteous to Wang Xuan, but he had a hot face and a cold ass, so he didn't know what to do. Luo Yu and the other two had this question in their hearts, but they didn't dare to ask it. Wang Xuan spoke harshly, asking him was just asking for humiliation!

The three people Wang Xuan mentioned were Luo Yu, Shen Meng, and the young man surnamed Qiu, but the woman surnamed Xiao was not mentioned.

"Senior Wang, the three of them went out to investigate, the junior..." the woman surnamed Xiao said timidly. In front of the foundation-building stage cultivators, this woman did not dare to neglect in the slightest.

"You just stay here and wait. No matter what you find after a stick of incense, you must return here. And remember, once you find traces of the black-robed man, you must not startle the snake, and act together after everyone gathers! But If anyone is greedy for life and afraid of death, deliberately finds a place to hang around and come back to fool me, then don't blame Wang for being cruel when I find out!" After Wang Xuan explained, he still didn't forget to warn everyone.

Luo Yu and the others naturally pretended to be obedient after hearing this, and nodded repeatedly.

In fact, Luo Yu still had some doubts in his heart. Why did Wang Xuan act so aggressively, as if he wanted to find these men in black? From his point of view, it is normal for those who participated in the mission to suppress demons to hope that they would not meet people in black robes during their missions. After all, if they start fighting with people in black robes, either you or the people in black robes will die!

In fact, what Luo Yu didn't know was that in order to encourage the disciples of the major factions to fight bravely, the Alliance of Three Factions has issued a reward order. Go to the alliance of three factions, and after the high-level cultivators in the alliance confirm that they are correct, they can exchange for certain precious items!

And in order to achieve the effect of this reward order, the alliance of the three factions did spend a little money this time. There are many kinds of rewards, including magic tools and medicines!

There is even a panacea that can improve the cultivation level of the foundation building stage, which is a sky-high price!You must know that it is very difficult for a cultivator in the foundation building period to improve his cultivation level a little, and it is a hundred times more difficult than the Qi training period!

And the elixirs and prescriptions of the foundation-building period are also so expensive and scary, ordinary cultivators of the foundation-building period can't afford them at all, and this rare item as a reward for this mission will naturally make many of the cultivators of the foundation-building period work hard. Especially immortal cultivators like Wang Xuan who are very confident in their own strength, in their view, the more people in black robes, the more they will gain!

While Luo Yu was thinking for a while, the three disciples at the Qi training period, including Wang Xuan and Luo Yu, had already left for the place designated by Wang Xuan. Luo Yu was in charge of the south direction of Qihuang Mountain, which at first glance didn't look like a mountain. It is big, but it is blocked by many dense forest paths, coupled with various strange rocks, curved peaks and lush forests, even the immortals feel that their vision is somewhat blocked.

After Luo Yu descended from the top of the mountain, he flew to the south. Since Wang Xuan said something, he had better be serious, so as not to let this person have something to say. Along the way, Luo Yu not only observed with his eyes, but also released his spirit. Sense to see some dark places that cannot be seen by sight.

However, with the passage of time, Luo Yu felt that the possibility of a black-robed man appearing on this mountain was extremely low. After all, Luo Yu did not find any spiritual veins in the south of this mountain. The possibility of the robed man hiding here would affect his cultivation too much. As for the mobile base of the black robed man here, it seems unlikely that this mountain is not hidden among the mountains and old forests. If there were people in black robes, they should have been discovered by the immortal cultivators in the past.

After about half a stick of incense time passed, Luo Yu still didn't notice anything, so he was about to fly back in Dunguang, and the speed was not fast. After all, Wang Xuan said that it would take a stick of incense to return, and Luo Yu wanted to slow down. Take some time.

"Hey! This is..." When Luo Yu flew over a boulder, he stopped immediately!

This is a waterfall that he inspected just now, but Luo Yu suddenly stared at the exit of the waterfall as if he had discovered something.

What I saw in front of me was an ordinary clear spring waterfall. The water flowed down from the top of the mountain, and there was a splashing sound from the bottom of the waterfall. It seemed nothing strange.

"This rock is newly moved!" Luo Yu looked at it for a moment, then suddenly stared at a boulder behind the waterfall and whispered, then looked behind the boulder with strange eyes, and flew away without hesitation .

Since Luo Yu found a problem in this place, he naturally wouldn't take the risk of going over to check it, no matter what was inside it, he had better go back quickly and tell Wang Xuan about it, if there was any danger, he wasn't responsible for it alone.

Luo Yu will raise his Dun a bit, and the golden light will disappear in place, and then reappear in the distance!

When the time for a stick of incense was about the same, Wang Xuan and the other three came back one by one, and the three of them actually managed the time for a stick of incense well. Seeing this scene, Luo Yu secretly sneered. Everyone has the same thoughts.

"Did the three of you find anything?" Wang Xuan turned his head to Luo Yu and the others after returning and asked, seeing Wang Xuan's frowning expression, he probably didn't find anything.

"Senior Wang, I searched the east side of Mount Huang Qi thoroughly and found nothing."

"It's the same below, there is nothing unusual in the west." Both of them replied respectfully.

"Fellow Daoist Luo, what about you? From the look of fellow Daoist, it seems that you've come back early!" Wang Xuan's voice suddenly became cold when he said this.

At this moment, everyone was shocked. Luo Yu came back early, so it's okay to find something, but if you find nothing after walking around, then it will be a good show

"The junior found something suspicious, but I don't know if it has something to do with the man in black." Luo Yu said calmly.

(Second update) Immortal flames will explode tomorrow. Today is the last day of the weekend. If you do well tonight, you will occupy the top spot on the vote list tomorrow. This week, Youdao just wants to keep the position, but next week, Youdao will continue to surpass and rush!

Monday is very important. Youdao hopes that everyone will do their best to support it. This time, Youdao will write the following big plot Zhongling Secret Realm perfectly, which will definitely satisfy everyone!

Seek Lingshi! (Favorite vote)

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