fairy flame

Chapter 156 The Power of the Jade Spirit Cold Halberd

At this moment, the young man surnamed Qiu's face was extremely ugly, but he knew that Luo Yu would not let him go, and he didn't say anything like begging for mercy. After a flash of resentment in his eyes, the man took out another golden talisman , and three black thumb-sized balls, clasped tightly in his hand and said: "Even if I die, I won't make it easy for you!" Immediately, a golden shield that looks like an egg shell is formed at once!

And the young man surnamed Qiu who was inside the golden shield suddenly became confident, as if the golden shield was extremely defensive!

"Yuan Jin Talisman! Dove Snake Salivation!" Shen Meng roared in horror, and then jumped to the side as soon as his light body skills were lucky, as if he had encountered something extremely frightening.

When Luo Yu heard these two things, his complexion also changed, and before he had time to think about it, he aimed a move at the Biling Hanhalberd above, and the halberd turned into a blue streamer and flew back. Luo Yu held the halberd with one hand, extremely fast Aiming at the young man surnamed Shen, a thin streak like white silk suddenly shot out from the top of the Jade Spirit Hanhalberd, and then disappeared in a flash, but a trace of paleness flashed across Luo Yu's face after using this move .

The moment the young man surnamed Qiu escaped from Shen Meng, he rushed into the white mist tightly covered by the three defensive methods of golden shield, yellow shield, and spiritual power shield. Although the white mist was extremely cold, But he couldn't freeze and kill this person for a while, but the young man surnamed Qiu is not all right!

Not long after this person entered the white mist, the outermost yellow shield first flashed wildly for a few times and then burst, but the golden shield seemed a bit weird, and it didn't shatter immediately, and this person seemed to want to Taking advantage of this opportunity to break through the white mist and escape, as long as one finds Emperor Xuan then, it will naturally be equivalent to saving one's life.

And Luo Yu and Luo Yu didn't rush to stop them for a while. The dove snake saliva is notoriously poisonous. What does snake saliva look like, but no one wants to try its power at this time!

"What's going on here!" The expression of the young man surnamed Qiu changed greatly, and he saw that although this person was fine in the white mist, his light body skill speed dropped even more suddenly, and he couldn't even use half of it normally. It's unbelievable that the white mist actually has a reducing effect!

But before this person had time to think about it, a white mark as thin as a gossamer rushed out of the white mist like a ghost, and appeared in front of the young man surnamed Qiu. In the unbelievable eyes of the young man surnamed Qiu, the white mark seemed to be destroyed in a flash After breaking through the golden shield and spiritual power shield again and again, the young man surnamed Qiu was in a different place immediately under Baihen's everything!

This white thread is naturally the strongest blow of the Jade Spirit Halberd released by Luo Yu, compressing the cold air of the Xuanbing Hanjing into a thin line. This thin line is not only extremely cold, but also due to the extreme compression, The sturdiness of the white silk can also be compared to ordinary high-level magic weapons!

And with Luo Yu's current cultivation base, he can produce at most a dozen white silks under his full strength!This still needs to consume most of the magic power in the body, but at this moment, Baisi's strength is undoubtedly revealed, and it is easy to break through the two layers of shields of the young man surnamed Qiu!

The power of the top magic weapon is so powerful that Luo Yu has regarded this person as a dead person from the very beginning!

"Crack!" With a splash, the body of the young man surnamed Qiu fell down and fell into the muddy pool, with the sound of splashing water.

"Fellow Daoist Luo has great powers! Mr. Shen didn't react for a while, and almost caused Fellow Daoist Luo to fall into a place of eternal doom. Mr. Shen is here to accompany Fellow Daoist!" Seeing the young man surnamed Qiu being easily killed by Luo Yu, Luo Yu Yu was carrying a top-quality magic weapon in his hand, Shen Meng was afraid that Luo Yu would kill him on impulse, so he immediately ran over to apologize.

"It happened suddenly just now, even Luo Mou would probably make this choice, as long as everyone knows about this matter, if I killed this person alone, then Luo Yu would naturally have to swallow the red flame fruit by himself, but since Tao You helped Luo Mou just now, and each person can only take the Five Elements Spirit Fruit once, Luo Mou is not the kind of unreasonable bloodthirsty person, we will share these two Red Flame Fruits equally!" After Luo Yu glanced at it, he said lightly.

In fact, to be honest, in this situation, if Shen Meng and Luo Yu were to switch positions, Luo Yu would probably make the same choice as Shen Meng. If you choose, cooperating with Luo Yu is definitely not as safe as cooperating with a young man surnamed Qiu.

After the two finished talking, Shen Meng politely postponed, and Luo Yu went to pick the red flame fruit. Seeing Shen Meng nodding and bowing, Luo Yu estimated that even if he didn't give it to him at that time, this person would not dare to say more What's the matter, but it is recorded that Chi Yan Guo can only be taken once in a lifetime, taking it once more will not have any effect, and it is useless for Luo Yu to swallow it alone, but Shen Meng may still tell Emperor Xuan about it, so he must be one I can't get it!

Luo Yu walked to the muddy pool. The body of the young man surnamed Qiu was no longer visible in the pool. It seemed that it must have sunk, but it was a pity that the storage bag on this person must have sunk as well. Go down and disappear.

The Yuan Jin Talisman used by this person just now is a good middle-level defensive Talisman. Luo Yu searched for this thing in the market many times but failed to find it. Unexpectedly, this person carried one with him. As for the snake saliva It was a highly poisonous thing, fortunately this person was not released!

Luo Yu sighed, and just as he was about to fly over, the whole cave suddenly shook, making a rumbling sound as if it was about to collapse, and then the shaking became more and more violent, as if some monster was about to break out of the ground, and with the shaking, Luo Yu even smelled a bloody smell ten times stronger than before, which made people feel sick!

As soon as he smelled the smell of blood, Luo Yu suddenly seemed to think of something, his face changed drastically, and he immediately released the black iron shuttle in his hand, and flew into the air in a flash of inspiration.With an uncertain expression, he looked at the muddy pool under his feet.

"Fellow Daoist Luo! What's going on here?" At the moment of shaking, Shen Meng almost lost his balance and fell to the ground. He was so frightened that he immediately picked up the magic weapon of Wu hook and flew to Luo Yu's side. It seems that he has seen it before. After Luo Yu's method, this person felt that it was safest to stand by Luo Yu's side in case of any danger.

Luo Yu heard Shen Meng's question, but did not answer. After a short while, the strong vibration in the cave disappeared again, and at the same time, there was a sudden sound of 'chirp! 'The sound, like the screaming and neighing of birds, reached the ears of Luo Yu and the two of them. With Luo Yu's strong cultivation base, he felt his head was shaken out of his head, and his spiritual sense was lost for a moment. I couldn't help but shiver!

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