fairy flame

Chapter 159 Divide the Enemy

"No need to say more, let's do it!" Luo Yu shouted coldly, since the two sides met, there is absolutely no possibility of reconciliation, and Luo Yu is really a little afraid that the gray demon envoy the other party said will deal with them. It will be too late to run!

Luo Yu was the first to move, and with a slight movement of his footsteps, the wonder of the Shining Steps came out. Fortunately, the cave on the right was spacious and open, and Luo Yu jumped to a place several meters away from Shen Meng and the two of them. Raising your hand is like throwing out a low-level talisman.

"The two of you help me block the attack of the man in black robe on the left, and the man on the right will be handed over to me!" Luo Yu threw out the talisman and shouted, and the Bi Linghan Halberd turned into a blue brilliance and rushed towards the man on the right In the past, from Luo Yu's attack to reminding Shen Meng and releasing the Jade Spirit Hanhalberd, all of this happened between calcium carbide sparks. There was even a trace of consternation on the faces of the two men in black robes in the distance. Unexpectedly, Luo Yu If you can say it, you can hit it.

However, these two people have rich experience in fighting, and they released the black energy inside the soul-refining streamer to attack, and then the black light on the ghost streamer flickered several times, and the two ghost corpses shot out from the ghost streamer, and after a roar, they blinked. He rushed towards Luo Yu and the others with a fierce look!

"Use fire and thunder to lure the ghost to the side!" After seeing the ghost's attack, Luo Yu didn't show the slightest surprise on his face. Now he knows everything about the ghost, and the ghost appeared. A moment later reminded Shen Meng and Xiao Wandao.

And Luo Yu himself released the golden thunder sword and entangled with one of the ghost corpses. The golden light thunder and the ghost corpse's fist shadow corpse energy intertwined continuously, making a huge noise!

I saw that whenever the golden sword came into contact with the ghost corpse, it would turn instantly to avoid the fist attack of the ghost corpse. There was a trace of blue smoke coming out of the corpse's roaring body, and it looked like it was in extreme pain. After many fights with the ghost corpse, Luo Yu was not as nervous as before. When dealing with it, his attacks were more flexible and changeable, and it was much easier up!

And Luo Yu's attack also managed to separate the two of them. At this moment, the man in black robe on the left was being beaten in a hurry by Shen Meng's Wu Gou and Xiao Wan's blue ribbon magic weapon. The situation was dangerous!

It is very difficult to prevent the surprise attacks of two immortal cultivators at the same time. Although the black robe man on the left has a higher level of cultivation, Shen Meng and Xiao Wan only need to make one attack each, and the black robe man must release two black air Resisting, the spiritual power was consumed very quickly, and Xiao Wan's blue ribbon magic weapon seemed to be very unusual. Under the tumbling and waving, there were afterimages all over the sky, and the momentum was amazing!

However, this black-robed man is also a person with rich experience, so he can naturally see the extraordinaryness of the blue ribbon. I am afraid that it is very likely to be a high-level magic weapon!Therefore, this person pays too much attention to the blue ribbon and can't let go!

And the ghost corpse of the man in black robe on the left was entangled by a Wu hook released by Shen Meng again. The fire light burst from the Wu hook, and there was a burst of fire attribute aura faintly. It seemed to be a middle-level magic weapon Undoubtedly, there is actually a pair of Wugou Magical Artifacts of this fat man, it seems that they should be a pair of Magical Artifacts, and it may even be a set with his other Wugou Magical Artifacts!

The power of a complete set of instruments is definitely doubled!

It seems that Luo Yu still underestimated those closed door disciples, it wasn't that he had an adventure, the others also had some hidden tricks!

After Luo Yu was slightly surprised, he turned his eyes to the black-robed man on the right, and saw that the few low-level talismans released by Luo Yu had been dissolved by the black-robed man. After the man gave Luo Yu a vicious look, Suddenly he took out a blue flying fork from his bosom, and the green light of the flying fork flickered several times, then rushed up quickly, blocking Luo Yu's Bilinghanhalberd!

Luo Yu was quite surprised by this scene. Among the men in black robes that Luo Yu had fought against, almost all of them only used soul-refining banners and ghost corpses to assist them, and few of them used other magic weapons!

Luo Yu had always been puzzled about this reason before, but after reading the "Hundred Souls", Luo Yu realized that the black air attack released by the Soul Refining Banner is not much worse than the attack of a high-level magic weapon, and the black energy in the banner The ghost corpse is a powerful helper. Using the two together consumes a lot of spiritual energy, which is not suitable for long-term battles. The combination of these two reasons has caused many people in black robes to use ghost banners to control their energy during the Qi training period. Enemy, disdain for other magic weapons!

Luo Yu saw that the Biling Hanhalberd was blocked by the green flying fork, he was startled, but he felt relieved after a while, and saw that the ferocious momentum of the blue flying fork was frozen by the circles of cold air released by the big halberd not long after. He stopped, the slower he moved, he was desperately struggling to get rid of the cold air, but how could Luo Yu let him do so, he immediately increased the spiritual energy poured into the big halberd, several white silk threads suddenly appeared on the Jade Linghan halberd, It hit the cyan flying fork in a blink of an eye, and a surprising scene appeared, the white silk flew across the flying fork as if unstoppable.

"Hey!" There were two sounds of the magic weapon falling to the ground, and the flying fork, which was dazzling with spiritual light just now, was cut several knots by Luo Yu's Bi Linghan halberd!

The powerful power of this white silk was naturally noticed by the young man in black, and he was so frightened that a chill came out of his back!His flying fork is a middle-level magic weapon. Although its power is average, but because it consumes less spiritual power, this person always keeps this magic weapon with him. Others think that the black-robed man only has one. The magic weapon of the soul flag often ignored the attack of the cyan flying fork, and relying on this magic weapon of the flying fork, he killed countless immortal cultivators in Yuanjiang country!

Unexpectedly, at this moment, it was directly destroyed by the young man on the opposite side. The green halberd of the other party is definitely not simple. Judging by its power, it is very likely to be a top-grade magic weapon of a higher level. When thinking of this possibility, The black-robed man was even more fearful, but Luo Yu's white silk attack was right in front of his eyes. The black-robed man didn't dare to expect his black energy defense to be able to deal with these white silks, and he gritted his teeth and said fiercely: "Even if it is Die! I will pull you back too!"

After the black-robed man finished speaking, he slapped his chest and abdomen and spit out three mouthfuls of blood. A pale color appeared on his face at the same time, but his eyes were flickering with incomparable madness!

(Second update) Xianyan asks readers to collect, Xianyan's goal this week is to collect over [-]!Thank you everyone!

There will be a third update later, Youdao will continue to code words!

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