fairy flame

Chapter 172

As for the careful cultivation of the Tianfo Sect, this monk has lived up to expectations. The 200-year-old Yuanying early-stage immortal cultivator is even more talented than Moyun's ancestor, and his Buddhist and Taoist skills are incomparable. He even practiced a golden Zen relic known as the three most holy relics of Buddhism, and after discovering that the ancestor did not have a heart of repentance, he aroused the trace of spiritual consciousness hidden in the relic!

Not long after the golden Buddha appeared, he took advantage of the moment when the ancestor lost his mind to set up a Buddhist spiritual Zen magic array on the Juyin platform, trapping the ancestor who had lost his mana to death on the Juyin platform, using the Buddha's light of the golden Zen relic and The power of the magic formation forcibly trapped the ancestor, and continued to refine the sealed mana of the ancestor. After Qiqi 49 days, the phantom of the golden Buddha disappeared, and the cultivation of the ancestor should also be refined Qiqi It's almost over, and the remaining cultivation level can't break through the spirit Zen magic formation, and sooner or later he will die!

At first, the ancestor thought that the fan monk was just trying to scare people, thinking that his magic skills were unparalleled in the world, and once he got out of trouble, he would have to smash your shit relic into pieces in order to dispel the hatred in his heart.

However, after a few days, the result was far beyond the ancestor's expectation!

For several days in a row, all kinds of secret and forbidden spells were almost exhausted, but the sealed mana showed no sign of recovery, and the ancestor's cultivation base even retreated from the middle stage of Nascent Soul to the level close to the peak of early Nascent Soul, even Still going backwards!

Only then did the ancestor start to worry anxiously, who among the immortal cultivators who can cultivate to the Nascent Soul stage is not a person with a strong mind!

At this moment, the ancestor still has illusions!

As a result, half a month later, the cultivation base of the ancestor gradually retreated to the late stage of alchemy...

The golden Buddha is still shining with golden Buddha light, and the Buddha light continues to shine on the head of the ancestor

A month later, the cultivation base has become the foundation building period...

Until 49 days later, the cultivation base of the ancestor suddenly changed to the sixth-level realm in the middle stage of Qi training!

At this time, the ancestor Moyun realized that the fan monk was not only not alarmist, but also modest. This is basically refining [-]% of the ancestor's cultivation base!

However, it has to be said that the ancestor Moyun was also a daring demon tycoon, and he never regretted his killing at the moment of his death. Using the little time left, the ancestor made himself The "Sura Bone Dao" that he had learned all his life was engraved on the stone wall behind him, so that the inheritance of a peerless magic skill of the Shahun Sect would not be broken!

To be honest, Luo Yu didn't think that the massacres committed by the ancestor Moyun were any heinous crimes. Cultivation of immortals is a world where the fittest survive and the unfit must be eliminated. The ancestor Moyun slaughtered the cultivators everywhere For the sake of cultivation, from another perspective, if Luo Yu practiced the magic way, he would probably do the same thing as the ancestor. After all, it was not because the ancestor Moyun was bloodthirsty by nature, but because of the need of the cultivation method. In a realm where one cannot break through and live forever, what is the point of cultivating immortals!

The Dao is ruthless, and all living beings are ants!

In Luo Yu's eyes, the actions of the Buddhist monks from Zhu that day were extremely stupid. There is no absolute righteous and awe-inspiring person in the world of cultivating immortals, only eternal strength!

In Luo Yu's heart, the only belief is that strength determines everything, and the so-called means are not important at all!

Seeing this, Luo Yu finally understood why this white jade skeleton gave him such a great pressure. Even though it was just a dead thing, it turned out that the body of this white jade skeleton was transformed by an immortal cultivator in the Nascent Soul Stage, and the top of the skeleton Although that golden round bead didn't emit the dazzling golden Buddha's light as recorded on the wall, it still had a faint yellow light that flickered endlessly!

Thinking about it, no matter how powerful the treasure is, it has been thousands of years, and the ones with a slightly lower grade have already lost their spirituality.

This white jade skeleton and the golden bead should both be great treasures!

Luo Yu was pleasantly surprised in his heart and said, these two things are from the immortal cultivators in the Nascent Soul stage, and their cultivation has reached the point where they reach the level of heaven and earth, they can definitely be called treasures!

Luo Yu was agitated, made a tactic with both hands, pointed at the golden orb spider and pointed lightly, trying to put away the golden orb, a burst of spiritual power shot out from his fingertips, and hit the golden orb in one go , but to Luo Yu's surprise, the white spiritual power was bounced away by the golden ball with a faint yellow light!

"Hey! Does this relic still have the ability to attack?" Luo Yu suddenly said in surprise, but after thinking about it, Moyun Patriarch recorded that the relic used up its mana after seven or 49 days, and now it has been a thousand years No matter how powerful your mana was in the past, it should have been worn away by thousands of years!

"Could it be that the treasures of Buddhism and Taoism can't be activated by the magic power of the Taoism? The yellow light just now should be the spontaneous reaction of the relic after being attacked!" Power can be used to motivate, and the spiritual power of the five elements is contrary to the Buddha's power!

However, even though Luo Yu thought so in his heart, he didn't dare to collect it at will. Instead, he carefully took out the magic weapon of the purple net. A huge net about Zhang Zhang was aimed at the golden bead, and the golden bead flashed the faint yellow light just now after the purple net approached, but Luo Yu was already prepared at this moment, When the spirit formula was pinched, a large piece of purple light burst out from the purple net, and the purple light tightly wrapped the yellow light. Under the attack of so much purple light, the faint yellow light flickered for a while and then went out.

Without the support of the yellow light, the purple net fell lightly under Luo Yu's control, and the golden bead net fell straight on, and then the purple net quickly flew back to Luo Yu's hand.

At this moment, Luo Yu took out a brocade box at some point in his hand, opened the lid, quickly put the round beads in the purple net into the brocade box, and then closed it tightly. He took out a few pieces of yellow talisman paper and quickly pasted them on the brocade box. After the brilliance of these talismans flashed, Luo Yu felt relieved!

As for the white jade skeleton, Luo Yu also put it away in the same way. Afterwards, Luo Yu pondered for a while with a puzzled face, then walked around in this stone room, as if looking for something, but the space However, it is several feet in size, and a gathering platform takes up most of the space, and there is nothing to hide in other places!

"Impossible! Could it be that Moyun Patriarch's storage bag was also refined along with it!" Luo Yu murmured after searching for a moment in doubt.

It is impossible for this Yuanying Patriarch to not have a storage bag. Compared with the white jade skeleton and the golden ball, Luo Yu cares more about Moyun Patriarch's storage bag. After all, although these two things are powerful, they are both It's not what Luo Yu can use now, but the storage bag is different. I'm afraid that the number of spirit stones in it will allow Luo Yu to practice without worry for a long time.

After a while, Luo Yu was convinced that he had searched all over this small stone room and found nothing!

"It seems that I am greedy, maybe I have already been refined!" Luo Yu laughed at himself, but then he thought about whether things like storage bags were hidden in the three stone rooms just now. The three stone chambers with the three big characters of Dan Qi Jue should be hiding some treasures!

Luo Yu didn't find the storage bag, so he wasn't too disappointed. Instead, he took out a yellow jade slip and stuck it to his forehead. While staring at the writing on the wall, he copied what he saw with his spiritual sense. In the Jade Slips, this method is used to write the exercises in the Jade Slips in the Immortal Cultivation World. As long as the spiritual sense scans it, everything you see can be recorded in the Jade Slips verbatim!

Just now Luo Yu just glanced at it briefly, the Shura bone path inside is mysterious and unpredictable, and Luo Yu at this stage can understand it, but it is good to not understand it, and when his cultivation base is high and breaks through, he can take it. These things are used as a reference. This is the experience of a cultivator in the mid-Yuanying period. Although the two methods of Dao and Demon are not very related, the breakthrough of the bottleneck is similar, and it can also bring unimaginable benefits to Luo Yu. .

"Fairy Flame" (the first update) exploded in the fourth update yesterday, I hope that today's book friends will give you their strong support!

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