fairy flame

Chapter 174 Seven Star Yin Fire Blade

At this moment, on the Gathering Terrace, in front of Luo Yu's eyes, there appeared a seven-foot-tall man in white clothes and green face with a ferocious face, looking at Luo Yu with piercing eyes.

Now Luo Yu's impermanent ghost corpse has truly evolved to the level of a ghost general in the foundation-building period, exuding a strong and chilly yin energy all over his body. Yulue could detect the powerful mana fluctuations from the ghost general's body as soon as he sensed it!

A strong physical force that is not comparable to that of an immortal cultivator in the Qi training period!

Luo Yu looked at the green-faced ghost with satisfaction. Compared with the original ghost, the evolved ghost was taller in stature and more terrifying in complexion. There were two small bumps protruding from the top of its head, forming a strange shape. The appearance is even more mysterious!

This scene reminded Luo Yu that when he came in, he saw the head of the evil ghost carved on the stone gate. There were two curved copper horns on the head of the evil ghost. It's about the small bag!

The eerie horror of that evil ghost's head left a deep impression on Luo Yu's heart!

However, since the evolution is successful, Luo Yu can't control that much anymore. At this moment, the impermanent ghost will only have two bumps. Look at how many days it will take to grow the corners!

Let's escape the catastrophe in front of us first!

Luo Yu didn't take the impermanent ghost general in, but let him follow behind. When Luo Yu and the ghost general reached the entrance of the stairs, Luo Yu suddenly stopped again, turned around and glanced at the stone wall behind the Juyin Terrace , After pondering for a while, he slapped the storage bag, the green halberd flashed coldly, flew out with a 'swish', turned into a blue streamer and hit the stone wall fiercely, after a loud bang, suddenly a large number of Gravels and dust were flying, and the notches that originally recorded the "Sura Bone Path" were completely destroyed!

Luo Yu felt that it was better not to let others know the secrets here, otherwise there would be another storm in the world of cultivating immortals!

Perhaps this is also a little selfishness of Luo Yu, and if the stone wall is destroyed, the secret here will be an eternal mystery.

Walking down the bluestone stairs, Luo Yu followed the original path and returned to the stone crevice, which had already closed at this moment.

Luo Yu glanced at the crack in the stone. If he remembers correctly, the control method of the yellow light restriction is on the stone walls on both sides of the crack. Luo Yu has already known this control method clearly from "Sura Bone Path" up.

Luo Yu first took out a set of clothes from the storage bag, and after changing into them, he put the off-white Taoist robe he was wearing on the impermanent ghost general!

The ghost general of impermanence is seven feet tall. Although Luo Yu is not short, after the ghost general puts on Luo Yu's taoist robe, almost everything below his knees is exposed, but Luo Yu can't control that much now.

After taking a deep breath, Luo Yu flexed his fingers and shot out a few bursts of spiritual energy, which sank into the stone wall in a flash, and then the stone wall rumbled and slowly split from the middle.

At the same moment, Luo Yu quickly sat down cross-legged, quickly took out the wood spirit orb from his bosom and put it in his mouth, and then made a formula with both hands to control the movement of the whole body's spiritual power. The realm of ascending to the hall is only a little bit short, and under full restraint, it is difficult for even a cultivator in the foundation period to discover his aura. Coupled with the hidden miraculous effect of the wood spirit orb, although this place is not a place of grass and trees, it can at least play a role. To a little effect!

In this way, Luo Yu hid behind the stone wall, trying his best to restrain his aura, but his spiritual sense still controlled the impermanent ghost general in the foundation establishment period.

Luo Yu wanted to use the ghost general of impermanence to lure Wang Xuan away. Although the ghost general of impermanence was nothing like Luo Yu, and even in terms of aura, one had the righteousness of Xuangong, while the other had the ghostly aura of evil spirits, but Luo Yu was I believe that Wang Xuan will definitely be fooled, as long as anyone with a little bit of suspicion will not let go of a trace of doubt!

And what Luo Yu has to do is to prevent Wang Xuan's consciousness from showing him. The reason why Luo Yu wants to meditate in this crack instead of running away to hide is because he controls a building with his cultivation base during the Qi training period. The ghost generals in the base period are already very reluctant, and they are not very flexible to control at a little distance!

And Luo Yu wanted to let the impermanent ghost lead Emperor Xuan away. Fights would inevitably occur during this process, which required precise control. Isn't Yu going to fall short!

With a pinch of both hands, Luo Yu's lips moved slightly, and the eyes of the impermanent ghost standing behind him suddenly burst into a gleam. With a slight movement of his whole body, he shot out from the crack, and the yellow light curtain in front of the crack was much brighter. Since Luo Yu was a little weaker when he came in, he should have been worn down by Emperor Xuan. At this moment, the ghost general seemed to melt into the yellow light curtain, passing through the light curtain like this!

The strange thing is that the yellow light curtain didn't block anything!

And Luo Yu, who was connected with the ghost general, relied on the ghost general's perception to instantly see everything outside clearly.

"Haha! Let's see where you are going!" Luo Yu's spiritual sense attached to the ghost general's body moved, and before he could react, he saw three black throwing knives. 'With a human voice, he shot towards the ghost general!And then they heard Wang Xuan's crazy roar!

One can imagine how fast the black throwing knife is!

Seeing that the black throwing knife was about to hit the ghost general, Luo Yu's spiritual thought moved, and the ghost general's figure swayed anxiously, a black glow appeared on his body, and a dark gray brilliance appeared on his hands, The pair of fists swung suddenly struck three times in a row!

"Crack, crack!" There were three crisp sounds in a row, and the Seven Star Yinhuo Blade, which could cut off even high-level magic weapons, was blown away by the ghost's fist wrapped in gray light!

Now this ghost general is more than one level faster than before in terms of speed and responsiveness!

"Hey! Corpse Qi! Foundation building period!" Wang Xuan exclaimed, and the body that was about to go forward to collect the corpse burst back, staring at the ghost general with a terrified expression!

The black light emanating from the ghost general's body just now contained a strong yin energy!And the ghost general's fist was covered with a layer of dark gray corpse aura, and the Qijue Yin Flaming Blade bounced away with one punch, and to manipulate such a strong yin and corpse aura, one must reach the foundation building stage!

Could it be that the cultivation base of the person who is full of Yin Qi in front of him is in the foundation building period!But Wang Xuan didn't notice a trace of aura from this person, as if it was a dead thing, this incomprehensible feeling made him even more afraid!

Seeing that Wang Xuan did not dare to attack rashly, Luo Yu did not dare to delay with him. From the contact just now, Luo Yu knew that the limit of his ability to control the ghost general was to receive the attack of Wang Xuan's three throwing knives, one more Even Luo Yu couldn't catch the flying knife. Apart from the high requirement of spiritual perception when controlling it, there was also a reason for the ghost general himself. The impermanent ghost general seemed to be a little afraid of the seven-star Yinhuo blade instinctively. Presumably the black knife refined by Wang Xuan should be more effective against ghosts and ghosts. There is a certain amount of restraint!

It was also within Luo Yu's expectation that ghost generals were not Emperor Xuan's enemies.

After all, the ghost general's foundation-building cultivation base only means that the intensity of Yin Qi in his body has reached the level of the foundation-building cultivator. As for the combat power, it is still far inferior to the real foundation-building cultivator. Wisdom, how can you compare to those immortal cultivators in the foundation-building period who are changeable and cunning!

Under Luo Yu's control, the ghost general flashed black light on his body, and his whole body shot out at once. After rushing out of the stone gate, he glanced around, and found seven black beams of light still standing in the hole, but Xiao Wan smashed it with a thunderbolt. The gap that was opened has not yet recovered. It seems that although the power of this soul sacrifice formation is much greater than that of ordinary formations, it is also more difficult to repair after being damaged!

For this moment of delay, Wang Xuan immediately chased after seeing the ghost general who wanted to run. Although this ghost general looked nothing like Luo Yu who fled in, he was wearing Luo Yu's clothes. After looking through the cracks in the stone, I found that there was no other person's breath inside!

Although I don't really believe that Luo Yu will become the ghost in front of me, but I absolutely can't let him escape!

After Xianyan (first update) Youdao established the rewarding house, three rewarding people appeared yesterday and enshrined them in the rewarding house, thank you here.

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