fairy flame

Chapter 176 Formation Backlash

"It's almost time, Luo will send you on your way!" Luo Yu finished speaking with a gloomy gaze, and suddenly made a tactic with one hand, and a bright red blood appeared in his eyes.

And Luo Yu's hands were faintly red, and as he flipped his hands, complicated seals were printed out one by one.

"Speak wild words! Go to hell!" Hearing Luo Yu's words with an unchanged expression, Wang Xuan suddenly felt something was wrong for no reason, and immediately shouted, the seven-star Yinhuo blades immediately circled and entangled together, and began to fuse together again!

"Seven stars unite!"

The seven black flying knives turned into a huge black knife with a length of several feet. The black light flashed on the giant knife, emitting a powerful mana wave!

But at this moment, Luo Yu had already finished casting the spell. Looking at the huge black knife formed by the fusion of the seven-star yin and fire blades, there was no fear on his face.

"It's nourishing!" As soon as Luo Yu finished speaking, Wang Xuan's Seven Star Yinhuo Blade suddenly stopped there, and the seven black beams of light in the original formation shook violently, and then a sharp burst of light came out of the black beams. With the sound of howling, seven blurred and ghostly phantoms suddenly rushed out from the black beam of light. These phantoms were ethereal in shape, and their facial features were extremely strange. Some had only eyes but no other facial features, some had only noses, and some Only the mouth looks very scary!

"The seven souls backfire! This is impossible!" Wang Xuan saw the appearance of the seven ghostly phantoms, his face suddenly became terrified, and even more reckless, he directly released the flowing fire boat to shoot upwards, and the light escaped from his feet. He wanted to run away, but before the person could stand on his feet, the aura suddenly went out!

The whole person seemed to be under the immobilization technique, standing there motionless, only the eyes that were terrified!

Seeing this scene, Luo Yu was also a little surprised. It stands to reason that the seven souls of a person should not appear alone. Even ghosts and ghosts have complete three souls and seven souls, or nothing at all. It is purely condensed by Yin Qi. Like an impermanent ghost general!

But seeing the strange appearance of these seven ghostly phantoms at this moment, I can't help but feel a little creepy!

And these seven souls originally belonged to Wang Xuan himself, so once the seven souls arouse the three souls in Wang Xuan's body, then Wang Xuan's body and mind will be completely out of his control, as if his soul was taken away by someone. .

"Zi!" After the phantom of the seven ghosts appeared, it quickly merged with the seven-star Yin fire blade, and there was a sharp and unpleasant sound, and then the seven black throwing knives moved at the same time, and in a flash, they pierced the seven swords that were close to Wang Xuan's body. However, Wang Xuan could only watch this scene happen, his soul was out of control, and he couldn't even howl in pain!

What's even more strange is that after the seven half-foot-long black knives were inserted, Wang Xuan didn't shed a trace of blood. Instead, his face became paler and paler, his face twisted and twitched, and his body shriveled quickly!

"Impossible...impossible...how...how would you know..." Wang Xuan's trembling voice hadn't finished yet, the seven black knives on his body flashed black light at the same time, Wang Xuan's body shriveled and shrunk at a speed visible to the naked eye, and finally turned into A pair of Bai Kaikai's skeleton, without a trace of blood on it, is exactly the same as Shen Meng's expression after death!

But Bai Kaikai's skeleton fell apart with a bang and fell to the ground because there was no support. At the same time, the seven black knives that had been inserted into Wang Xuan's body also fell off, quietly falling to the ground along with the skeleton!

Luo Yu kept watching the whole process with cold eyes, until he was sure that there was no danger after Wang Xuan's death, then he walked to the side of the skeleton, looked at the skeleton for a while, and said indifferently: "It's just a coincidence."

In fact, Wang Xuan was really self-inflicted. He was unwilling to buy the array for the sake of a few hundred spirit stones, but Luo Yu got it by chance. Looking at it now, today's ending seems to have been doomed a long time ago. .

After Luo Yu sighed, he put his eyes on the Seven Star Yinhuo Blade on the ground, his face suddenly became very interested, and without saying a word, he picked up all seven black flying knives on the ground, held them in his hand and looked at them carefully.

I saw that after the seven black flying knives absorbed the essence and flesh of Emperor Xuan, the black light on the blades seemed to be a bit deeper, but there was no trace of blood on the black knives, which was quite strange.

Luo Yu carefully put the seven black knives into the storage bag, but in his heart he wanted to find a place to study it quickly. The power of this thing is definitely stronger than the top-grade magic weapon!

Suppress the excitement in my heart.

After that, Luo Yu turned his attention to Wang Xuan's storage bag. On the ground next to the skeleton, lay a small black bag, which fell from Wang Xuan's body.

The collection of immortal cultivators in the foundation building period, Luo Yu thought it was incredible!

Picking up the black storage bag, Emperor Xuan was already dead, and the consciousness on the storage bag naturally disappeared by itself, Luo Yuxun sank his spiritual sense into it, and checked the contents inside.

And Luo Yu felt that since this was the storage bag of a cultivator in the Foundation Establishment period, there must be a lot of treasures in it, so Luo Yu looked at everything inside very carefully!

After about half a stick of incense time, Luo Yu's face showed various strange expressions of amazement, ecstasy, and puzzlement from time to time, and then he let out a sigh of relief, carefully put away the storage bag, and recalled what he saw just now Come.

After Luo Yu sank into it just now, he found that the interior space of this black storage bag was larger than the storage bag Li You gave him, and there were all kinds of precious treasures in it that made Luo Yu amazed!

As expected of an immortal cultivator in the Foundation Establishment Period!

Luo Yu did a rough calculation. In the storage bag, there were nearly three thousand low-level spirit stones and three high-level magical artifacts. Except for the fire boat, the other two pieces were not very eye-catching to Luo Yu, but Selling it to Fangshi is also a lot of money!

As for the number of magic weapons below the middle level, there were about ten or so pieces, which surprised Luo Yu even more!

Among them are Shen Meng's two pairs of mid-level Wu hooks. It seems that Wang Xuan also searched the storage bags of Shen Meng and Xiao Wan into his own hands, but in the end Luo Yu picked them up. Great deal!

In the storage bag, there are more than [-] other low- and middle-level talismans, a jade slip called "Fen Yan Jue" and a jade slip that records the Qijue Yin Fire Blade. Many, six second-level monster pills, and even a third-level monster pill. At the beginning, Luo Yu didn't know which kind of monster the third-level monster pill belonged to, but when Luo Yu Yu continued to look down, and found the shell of the Jade Demon Centipede that he saw not long ago, and it was also the hardest forehead carapace on the Jade Demon Centipede's body!

This is definitely a top-quality material, and then Luo Yu thought that Wang Xuan must have killed the Jade Demon Centipede, so he obtained the Jade Demon Centipede's carapace, and the third-level monster pill should be in the Jade Demon Centipede's body Although Luo Yu doesn't know the specific effect of the demon pill, the high-level demon pill in the market has been fired for sky-high prices!

Moreover, since Wang Xuan killed the Jade Demon Centipede, he should naturally pick the Red Flame Fruit protected by the Jade Demon Centipede.

Sure enough, within a short while, Luo Yu searched carefully in the storage bag, and found an exquisite jade box. After opening, there were two red flame fruits treasured in the jade box. Although the red flame fruits were picked, But the red fluorescent light on it is still shining, it is absolutely the same as what Luo Yu saw, and it is said that the red flame fruit can be of great use to the fire attribute cultivators, it is definitely a priceless treasure!

However, after Luo Yu looked at the contents of the storage bag, a hint of doubt appeared on his face. Although the contents of the storage bag were valuable, there were three secret stone chambers in the ancient cave. There are a lot of treasures hidden!

When Luo Yu came out just now, he found that the three stone chambers had already been opened, presumably it was Emperor Xuan who took away the treasures inside.

So Luo Yu didn't go in to take a closer look, but at this moment, Wang Xuan's storage bag didn't contain the things Luo Yu imagined, which is a bit strange!

(Xianyan) The first update, I would like to thank the book friend Buren for the 2 vertical and horizontal coins, thank you very much.

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