fairy flame

Chapter 189 Tracking and Planning

At this time, after this moment of delay, the wraiths flying in the sky had already been killed by the magic weapons of the cultivators, and some tiny green spots appeared on the magic weapons that had killed the wraiths. There are even more than one green dot on some people's instruments, seven or eight or dozens of green dots!

Moreover, Luo Yu roughly discovered a rule, the immortal cultivators with more green dots on the magical artifacts, their cultivation bases are among the best among the many immortal cultivators in this Wrong Soul Gap!

It seems that as long as the cultivation base is high, one can survive anywhere, the reason is the same!

Seeing that there were less and less vengeful spirits in the sky, after Ma Song didn't know what to say to the middle-aged man beside him, the middle-aged man suddenly let out a serious expression and shouted!

"Silver Thunder Destroyer!"

The middle-aged man in front of me slammed out several spiritual formulas, and at the same time, the deadly electric pythons wrapped around the green cloud burst in the air, and countless electric wires and lightning arcs flashed wildly, like a world of thunder and lightning. After the green cloud inside was hit by these bursting lightning, it turned into a large puff of green smoke and dispersed in a moment!

Seeing the green clouds in the sky being wiped out, the immortal cultivators below all looked happy, and their attacks became more fierce. It didn't take long for those remaining green lights and shadows to be wiped out one by one!

At this time, those immortal cultivators ran up to Ma Song and the middle-aged man with their magic weapons full of excitement, talking excitedly, and occasionally took out the magic weapons in their hands to point fingers, Luo Yu Out of curiosity, he also followed, but he couldn't squeeze in, but just by listening to his ears, Luo Yu also understood everything.

It turns out that these wraiths will turn into green smoke and dissipate after being killed for some reason, and when the green light and shadow collapse, there will be a green light spot that is also invisible to the naked eye attached to the magic weapon that kills the wraith. It is said that these green light spots are the essence of the resentment of the wraith spirit. Attaching to the magic weapon can increase the ferocious power of the magic weapon, but this requires a lot of green light spots, and this kind of statement is just a rumor, whether it is credible Hard to tell!

The monks of the Ma family judged whether the punished immortal cultivators had completed their tasks or not by the number of green light spots on the punished immortal cultivators' instruments. Run up to register.

The mission of the punished monk is to kill fourteen spirits in seven days. Many people have snatched two or three just now. After registering now, they can save a lot of effort for the next hunt!

Luo Yu also learned that it turns out that the attack of the resentful spirits every seven days is the best time for the cultivators to subdue the resentful spirits. Usually when they go out to hunt and kill the resentful spirits, few of them succeed. After all, the resentful spirits outside are in groups Form a team, once you encounter a single person, if you can't kill them quickly, it will attract more resentful spirits, and it will be very difficult for a cultivator to escape accidentally!

Luo Yu nodded after hearing this point. After the green cloud was trapped just now, didn't he quickly call and make a strange howling sound, calling for the green hands outside to come to rescue!

However, there were only a dozen or so resentful spirits that flew in just now, and those who could be snatched were all immortal cultivators with some skills.

Therefore, Luo Yu also looked at these people more, and because the other immortal cultivators failed to hunt the resentful spirits, they all left with regret and disappointment on their faces, and left dejectedly. After leaving for most of the time, he followed the flow of people back to his residence quietly!

Turning around the corner, when Luo Yu stood in front of the door of the hut where he lived, and was about to open the door to enter, one hand suddenly stopped on the door, his expression suddenly changed and then returned to normal immediately!

Afterwards, Luo Yu withdrew his hand back, and glanced at the alley opposite his hut with a flat look, but he only took a quick look before retracting his gaze, and then pushed open the door and walked in!

And no one noticed that the moment Luo Yu pushed open the door, a cold light flashed in his eyes!

Not long after Luo Yu entered, suddenly the figure at the end of the alley shook a few times, and there were two small conversations.

"Fellow Daoist Yan! This person looked back just now, could he have spotted us!" It was the short and fat young man surnamed Zhang, and next to him was the thin-faced young man surnamed Yan who was going to deal with Luo Yu!

"It shouldn't be possible. After all, the distance between you and the boy surnamed Luo is too far. It is beyond the range that a tenth-level immortal cultivator's spiritual sense can feel during the Qi training period. In addition, there are many people on the road. It is impossible for him to find out. Maybe it's just a prudent habit of this person!" After thinking for a moment, the young man in words and deeds responded with a frown.

"I think so too, but in order not to attract this person's attention, the two of us will keep the monitoring distance a little further, so as to avoid any accidents!" The young man surnamed Zhang said thoughtfully, seeming a little worried.

"Okay! As long as this person can be killed, Yan would rather be careful and spend more effort!" The young man surnamed Yan said in an extremely gloomy voice.

After the two exchanged a few words in a low voice, they walked away one after another, pretending to be strangers and disappearing into the crowd.


But after Luo Yu walked into the room, his complexion suddenly became ugly. It turned out that on the way back, he had sensed that someone was following him!

At first, Luo Yu didn't care too much about it, but after observing carefully for a while, he found that the two people following him had kept a certain distance from him!

It is also the maximum distance that the spiritual sense of a tenth-level immortal cultivator can reach during the Qi training period!

This is a bit weird, Luo Yu would never believe that there is such a coincidence, if not for his spiritual sense is far away from the tenth floor of the Qi training period, and can even be compared with some immortal cultivators at the eleventh floor of the Qi training period, Luo Yu It is impossible for Yu to find these two people.

But what puzzled Luo Yu was that he had only been here for half a day, and he had never had any conflicts with other immortal cultivators here. It stands to reason that he should not have offended anyone!

Why did someone find me, and the other party must be doing this kind of secret peeping and monitoring to be bad for me!

Thinking of this, Luo Yu couldn't help raising his heart that had just been let go. It seems that he should be careful during this period of time. The other party should not dare to attack him in the hut. After all, it is a serious crime to kill the same family. Presumably those people will be serious. If you want to harm yourself, you should wait until Luo Yu goes out to hunt the wraiths!

Luo Yu's thoughts turned quickly, and he thought about the whole thing, but although he knew that he was in danger, he didn't have a powerful means of killing at hand. In order to avoid suspicion, Luo Yu would use They hid it in the storage bag given to Luo Qingqing, and now they don't have any powerful magical weapons at all!

It seems that I should not go out for the next two days. I am now trapped in Yuanhunjian. Luo Yu believes that as long as the third sister knows the rules of Yuanhunjian, she will definitely send Luo Yu a magic weapon. Luo Yu is convinced of this!

If it were Luo Qingqing who was punished here, Luo Yu would definitely try his best to help Third Sister right now.

As long as he returns his magical weapons back to his hand, the Jade Spirit Hanhalberd, the Impermanent Ghost General in the Foundation Establishment Stage, and the Seven Star Yinhuo Blade, with these three attack methods in hand, Luo Yu can completely fear any training Immortal cultivator in the Qi period!

It would not be too late to kill the other party at that time. After Luo Yu made a plan in his mind, he put these aside in advance and began to practice daily meditation. After absorbing it, it began to fluctuate violently.


In the early morning of the next day, Luo Yu just woke up from the whole night of practice. He felt that after a night of practice, his whole body was much more energetic, his mind was clear, and he got up and moved his body. When I took it out to study, I suddenly heard a knock on the door.

The first update of "Xianyan", today I hope that the red ticket can exceed [-], and the collection can exceed [-]. Double happiness is coming, and it is only a little bit short now!

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