fairy flame

Chapter 191 7 Stars Combine 1 and 7 Execution

The seven flags for the Qijue Tuling Formation had already been sacrificed once by Wang Xuan with his own seven souls, so Luo Yu could use it directly, so he didn't have to worry about the trouble of backlash from his soul!

After thinking clearly, Luo Yu immediately slapped the storage bag, and put the seven black flying knives in front of his eyes one by one, holding the jade slip related to the Seven Star Yinhuo Blade in his hand, and Luo Yu pasted the jade slip on the On the head, he began to learn about the usage of the Seven Star Yinhuo Blade carefully, with a focused expression!


When Luo Yu saw it, he forgot the time, and his face changed several times in the middle, because the power of the Qixing Yinhuo Blade recorded in the jade slip was much more powerful than Luo Yu imagined!

The true power of the Seven Star Yinhuo Blade recorded in it is terrifying. Although Luo Yu only read a little introduction in the text, if the above is true, it would be too scary!

After reading it, Luo Yu had a shocked and excited expression on his face, but he immediately suppressed it.

Prepare calmly, and start to refine the Seven Star Yinhuo Blade.


In the early morning of the next day, a figure in a gray robe sitting cross-legged meditated, his closed eyes suddenly opened, and flashes of light flashed in his eyes several times!

It was Luo Yu who had been refining for a whole night.

At this moment, Luo Yu's expression was solemn, he made a tactic with one hand, and shouted loudly: "Hey!"

As soon as the sound came out, a black flying knife placed orderly on the ground suddenly shot out with a flash of black light, and only a faint shadow could be seen at a fast speed, like a black line flickering around Luo Yu, extremely ghostly !

And after Luo Yu successfully controlled a black flying knife to circle and dance around him, he shot out several spiritual powers again and again, shooting at the remaining six seven-star Yinhuo blades on the ground, and the inspiration flashed into the black flying knife.

"Hiss!" There were six consecutive soft sounds, and the six seven-star Yinhuo blades on the ground turned into ghostly black lines, criss-crossing, sometimes flashing and sometimes disappearing, and powerful mana fluctuations could be felt in each black line !

"Take it!" Luo Yu's tactics changed, and in conjunction with the obscure incantation sound, the seven flying knives flying above his head were fixed in the air like lightning, and then submerged into Luo Yu's sleeve robe with a flash of black light.

At this moment, Luo Yu stroked his chin, finally showing a hint of satisfaction on his face.

"Tsk tsk! I didn't expect that the seven-star Yinhuo blade has such great power now. It is only half practiced. If it is really refined completely, the power will be really scary!" Luo Yu said to himself with a curl of his mouth. The words in his eyes made no secret of his admiration for the Seven Star Yinhuo Blade!

It turned out that after Luo Yu carefully looked at the jade slip, he found that the Seven Star Yinhuo Blade refined by Wang Xuan was only a semi-finished product, and it needed to absorb a large amount of blood essence from the souls of immortal cultivators to exert its full power!

No wonder Wang Xuan was so anxious to deal with the black-robed man. The seven-star Yinhuoblade magic weapon has a strong restraining effect on ghosts and ghosts, and those black-robed men are specially used to drive away ghosts. That's why Wang Xuan treated the black-robed man. People have nothing to fear!

Luo Yu saw at the end, how many ghosts the seven-star Yinhuoblade needs to absorb to be completely refined, and it was not clearly stated above, but he thought that after Wang Xuan killed the immortal cultivator at the foundation establishment stage, he would definitely take the ghosts in the soul refining banner of the other party. All the ghosts have been absorbed into the Seven Star Yinhuo Blade. According to Luo Yu's calculation, there shouldn't be many ghosts left.

As for the difference between the successful refining and the current semi-finished product, it is clearly stated above that the attack power of the fully refined Seven Star Yinhuo Blade can be increased by three layers!

You can even use the "Seven Jue Cuts" among the two unique moves of the Seven Star Yinhuo Blade!

The Seven Star Yinhuo Blade has two unique moves, which can be used with the greatest power only by cooperating with specific gestures and formulas. These two moves are 'Seven Stars in One' and 'Seven Ultimate Slash', and their power is not trivial.

'Seven Stars in One' Luo Yu saw that Wang Xuan had used it once, and he just tore open an intermediate talisman easily. This is only a unique move that the semi-finished Seven Star Yinhuo Blade can unleash. If it can be fully refined, it can be used for the second time. Move 'seven cuts', the power will be even more terrifying!

Luo Yu hadn't seen it before, but he could imagine it!

These things are clearly recorded on the jade slips. After reading it, Luo Yu couldn't help but admire Wang Xuan, a cultivator of the Foundation Establishment Stage. Such powerful treasures as Huo Ren, which can be compared to or even surpass the power of top-grade magic weapons, can be refined. It has to be said that this person is very talented in refining weapons!

Luo Yu practiced for half a day and a whole night, and now he can finally control the Seven Star Yinhuo Blade freely. The next step is how to deal with the two people who followed him.

With Luo Yu's current strength, it is easy to deal with monks of the same level, but he must be lured outside, and Luo Yu also wants to know who wants to assassinate him, and it is the best way to get the mastermind out of those two people. good.

After thinking for a while, Luo Yu suddenly had a plan in his mind, and then he went over the plan in his mind for more than ten times. After finding that there was nothing missing, he calmed down and meditated. battle!

Time passed by, and in the blink of an eye, Luo Yu had been meditating until the evening, until very late at night, Luo Yu stopped practicing, got up and opened the door, and found that the street outside was deserted, and then walked carefully to the street, using the The resting formula restrained his own breath, and then quickly moved out of the wall with a flash of footsteps.

Soon, Luo Yu came to the place where he fought fiercely with the resentful spirits the day before yesterday. This place is close to the high wall, so no one dared to come here. Luo Yu just glanced at it lightly, and then kept walking over the wall and flew out.

If someone watched this scene, they would be extremely surprised. Without the protection of the high wall formation, could it be that Luo Yu wanted to die, because there was a world of evil spirits outside!

But at this moment, after Luo Yu went out, he held the map he bought in his hand, and kept judging his location. For some reason, the sky in Yuanhunjian was always gloomy, and the markings on the map alone were not accurate. It was difficult to tell the direction, and Luo Yu felt that if he walked far away, he would probably get lost and not know where he was.

So Luo Yu marked his way to a dense forest marked on the map!

The first update of "Fairy Flame", although the red ticket is a little bit short of reaching [-], but the collection has already exceeded [-].

Youdao would like to thank the book friends for their support, and I will repay you all today!

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