fairy flame

Chapter 197 Strange Cave Mansion

The blood deer ears collected this time are enough for Luo Yu to reach the [-]th level of Qi training stage without any worries!

That is to say, during this period, Luo Yu no longer needed to worry about pills and pills, and he didn't need to run around in order to earn some spirit stones like ordinary low-level disciples!

That old man surnamed Xu wanted to find someone to kill him, but he never thought that not only did Luo Yu not die, but he got a great opportunity!

This is really not as good as heaven!

If the old man surnamed Xu knew about Luo Yu's situation now, he would probably vomit blood in anger.

Luo Yu secretly thought in his heart, but since the blood deer ears in this place have been harvested, Luo Yu naturally can't stay here anymore, it's better to leave as soon as possible.

After making a decision, Luo Yu tiptoed through those wraiths again. Poor these wraiths are still wandering here foolishly, but Luo Yu has stolen all the treasures in their lair!

Quickly passing through the Wraith, Luo Yu returned to the place where he climbed up. After making sure that there were no dangerous changes around him, Luo Yu climbed down carefully again. At this moment, Luo Yu returned with a full load and was in a good mood.

When climbing with both hands, I don't feel that these jagged rocks hurt my hands at all. Of course, it may be because climbing down is much less labor-saving than climbing up!

Luo Yu went all the way, and found no signs of the resentful spirits returning. It seemed that God was helping him.

Just when Luo Yu thought that he had succeeded in stealing the medicine, his face suddenly changed and he looked towards the sky not far away.

I saw Luo Yu staring at the place with both eyes, and quickly shot a black air with the thickness of an arm, as if he knew Luo Yu, the black air shot into the ghost banner in Luo Yu's arms in a flash!

"So fast!" Luo Yu was startled. This black energy is naturally the impermanent ghost will automatically transform into pure Yin energy after being injured. None of the ghost generals lasted long!

It seems that I have to speed up and leave. After the ghost general dissipates, the wraiths will definitely return here immediately, and Luo Yu is now hanging on the mountainside, and he dare not use mana. If he is not careful, he will be killed by a large group of wraiths. Wrapped up!

Although Luo Yu was not afraid of the wraiths, he didn't want to spend a lot of effort dealing with them.

"Hey! Here... here seems to be empty!" Luo Yu was going to go down immediately, but just now because of the ghost general, when he looked up at the sky, his left hand unconsciously grabbed to the side, and there was nothing nearby to grab. Instead of the raised rocks, there are some dense dead branches of small trees!

Luo Yu was holding on to the dead branches, but when he was about to go down, he put his hands together, and the bunch of dead branches immediately shook away. Luo Yu's eyes rolled slightly, and he saw the back of the dead branches!

There is an inconspicuous cave hidden in the darkness behind it. The cave seems to be only half the height of a person. If it hadn't been discovered by accident, Luo Yu would never have found it.

"Chirp, chirp, chirp!" Just when Luo Yu was startled, a group of wraiths screamed and shouted from the distant sky. The sound was so loud that it almost covered the entire mountain, and the howling sound seemed to be not far away.

So fast!After hearing the voice, Luo Yu's face suddenly turned ugly. With his cultivation base, he could defeat Wraiths, but Wraiths can also kill him by numbers!

The more you can't panic at this time, Luo Yu calmly thought about it for a moment, and many of the wraiths flying in the front were not far away from him. Fortunately, Luo Yu used the resting formula and the wood spirit orb to hide his breath together. The few vengeful spirits in front did not notice Luo Yu's aura, but it does not mean that the huge group of vengeful spirits behind him would not detect him. Based on this situation, it is very likely that Luo Yu will accidentally encounter this group of vengeful spirits flying around. Wraith!

And once they do meet, the consequences... Thinking about it, Luo Yu felt a little nervous!

"It doesn't matter! Go ahead and avoid it!" Luo Yu gritted his teeth, then stooped and rushed into the pitch-black cave. As soon as he entered, Luo Yu closed the dead branches on both sides with all his might, smashing the The hole is firmly sealed!

And Luo Yu is standing at the entrance of the cave at the moment, looking out of the cave with a nervous expression, tightly clasping the black iron shuttle magic weapon in his hand, once the resentful spirit finds this cave, Luo Yu will immediately run away, there is still a chance A glimmer of hope of escape.

At this moment, although Luo Yu couldn't see the specific situation outside the cave, he could still see a large group of green shadows flying back and forth outside through the small gaps between the dead leaves and trees, screaming loudly!

However, fortunately, no green shadows appeared in this hidden cave, and Luo Yu hung his heart for almost a stick of incense, before the frequency of green shadows flying outside slowly decreased.

"Hoohoo! At least he was not discovered." Luo Yu let out a long breath slowly. Just now he was really afraid that the group of vengeful spirits would appear here. According to Luo Yu's estimate, there are so many vengeful spirits here. Although the cave is covered by many dead branches, it should have been discovered by the wraiths.

However, when a large number of wraiths flew past just now, none of the wraiths entered the cave. It seemed that Luo Yu was overwhelmed.

When Luo Yu saw that the wraiths outside were almost gone, he calmed down and began to look at the cave he was in!

The inside of this cave is pitch black, and Luo Yu can't see too far with the naked eye, but it doesn't look like a cave for a cultivator at first glance. After all, who would dig the entrance of his cave to be only half a person high? It doesn't matter if it's a short dwarf, it may be a natural formation or a lair of some ferocious beast.

But after thinking about it carefully, the possibility of the beast's lair was also ruled out. After all, Luo Yu hadn't found a single beast along the way, and it was most likely due to the resentful spirits. There will be beasts to survive.

Is it really formed naturally?

Luo Yu pondered for a while, then reached out from the storage bag and took out a fist-sized stone emitting soft moonlight. After the stone appeared, the moonlight immediately dissipated, and the situation inside the cave gradually became clearer!

This is a very common stone in the world of cultivating immortals - Yuehua stone. Many immortal cultivators rely on these stones to scatter light in their cultivation caves. Luo Yu opened up his own cave not far from Chaoyang Peak. Later, I also bought some and put them in my cave.

"This is a stone step!" Luo Yu looked surprised, and looked along the place where the moonlight was shining, and saw a dark stone step not far from Luo Yu's feet!

Although the stone steps are only a few steps high, it can prove that people have lived in this cave!

And the stone steps in front of me are the best proof, they were man-made!

However, it seems that someone has been here before, and now there is no one there. Luo Yu took a few steps forward and looked carefully, and found that the stone steps were covered with thick dust, which could be left behind by Luo Yu stepping on it. Footprints, it is conceivable that this place has been deserted for a long time!

"Who would open a cave in such a dangerous place?" Luo Yu was puzzled, there were resentful spirits everywhere, and it would be a disaster if the cave was accidentally discovered!

However, even though he had some doubts in his heart, Luo Yu walked forward very curiously, holding the Yuehua Stone in his hand, looking around carefully on the road, the stone walls around the passage were obviously marked by chiseling and chopping with magic tools , which further confirmed the thoughts in Luo Yu's mind, because this is the usual method used by some immortal cultivators who opened up caves.

It seems that this place is really a cultivation cave for immortal practitioners!

Luo Yu thought about it in his heart, but his pace slowed down a bit. After all, after the immortal cultivators open up the cave, they will arrange some formations or restrictions in the cave that only he himself knows, so Luo Yu completely let go of his spiritual sense. , dare not have the slightest sloppy.

The second update of "Xianyan", thank you all today.

Tomorrow three more explosions to report back to everyone.

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