fairy flame

Chapter 25: One Line of Vitality

At this time, after the gray and white snake blocked the spirit mouse in front and turned to the way out, it got up cautiously and slowly crawled forward, but its body was tense, ready to strike a fatal blow at any time, and the gray mouse didn't seem to Dare to be sure if I can escape successfully by jumping again at such a close distance, if I fail, I will become the food of the little snake, and the tail shakes anxiously from side to side, aiming at the little snake in front of me, baring my teeth and cracking my mouth.

However, the little snake didn't pay attention to the gray mouse's threat at all. It seemed that it could attack from a distance. Suddenly, it sprinted and opened its mouth to bite the gray mouse. The snake's fangs were exposed. If it is bitten, the toxin in the venom sac beside the blue-eyed viper's teeth will be released quickly, and then the gray mouse can only obediently become its food.

The gray mouse also seemed to realize that something was wrong, wagging its tail left and right, screaming loudly, kicking and flicking its legs, the whole body jumped out to the left, trying to cross the poisonous line, just before it When he thought he had successfully escaped, a gray and white snake tail suddenly wrapped around its body like lightning, and pulled it back suddenly, and the gray mouse was pulled back to the mountain stream while it was still in the air.

It turned out that the blue-eyed little snake knew that he was not as flexible as the gray mouse, so he had already prepared for it. The tail is the real killer move. Out of his purpose, he naturally refused to relax at all, moved his body, wrapped around the gray mouse tightly, and slowly tightened it.

Immediately after seeing the gray mouse was tightly bound, the blue-eyed poisonous snake stretched out its head and looked at the struggling gray mouse in the middle of its body. With a flash of poison in its eyes, it opened its mouth wide and bit down. This time it was obviously To swallow the gray mouse in one gulp, the fangs are more obvious.

At this moment, there was a soft noise from the weeds next to the mountain stream, "poof" I saw a black light shoot out from the weeds, and it was fleeting, and the blue eyes who were just opening their mouths to enjoy the delicious meal At this moment, the poisonous snake opened its eyes wide and was full of panic. Its head was pierced by a black arrow, piercing a big hole in the whole snake's head, and it happened to be nailed in the middle of the mountain stream.

At this moment, the blue-eyed viper still doesn't seem to believe that it has finally caught food, but it has no luck. The whole snake rolls violently, slapping the rocks on both sides of the mountain stream, very unwilling, and the gray mouse sees the food in the blue-eyed viper. After the arrow, "Zhi, Zhi" screamed a few times, running in the direction of the black arrow, looking extremely skilled, and not afraid of shooting another arrow there.

After arriving at the edge of the weeds, he ran straight in and landed on a man lying in the grass. The man was dressed in tattered white clothes, his hair was disheveled, and there were wounds and blood all over his body. He was seriously injured so he lay there motionless, only to see the gray mouse scurrying up and down on the man very affectionately, extremely playful.

"Hehe, Destiny, don't make trouble!" The lying man stretched out a hand, and slowly grabbed the gray mouse. Seeing the man stretching out his hand, the mouse didn't have the slightest intention of resisting, but happily turned to the gray mouse. The man ran away with his palm, and instantly grabbed the gray mouse with his big hand, and slowly stroked the mouse with his thumb. The mouse who had just been frightened seemed to enjoy the process very much.

The person lying in the grass is naturally Luo Yu who survived the catastrophe. Thinking of the scene of falling off the cliff that day, Luo Yu was still a little scared. Maybe he will do it again. It is hard to say whether he has the courage to jump off the cliff that day. After going down the cliff, it was as he expected, the stone crevice where the withered vine was hidden was not long, and the exposed withered vine was hanging outside the stone crevice.

Luo Yu, who was falling, immediately reached out and grabbed the withered vine, but he was kicked by a middle-aged man and suffered serious internal injuries. The moment he grabbed the withered vine, there was a sharp pain in his arm, and Luo Yu felt so painful. Yu almost wanted to let go, but when he thought of those who wanted to kill him and his lonely mother, he gritted his teeth and held back the heart-piercing pain in his heart, and desperately grabbed the withered vine and fell down .

However, Luo Yu still underestimated the height of the cliff. Coupled with the severe pain in his hand, Luo Yu's consciousness of the pain gradually became blurred. In the end, Luo Yu didn't know how deep he had fallen. He only knew that he suddenly felt a sound coming from his back. There was a loud noise, and he passed out and was unconscious.

I don't know how long it took, but when he opened his eyes under a ray of dazzling sunlight, Luo Yu found himself lying in a pile of weeds, surrounded by some muddy wetlands. Luo Yu's downward pressure, otherwise, Luo Yu's body might be smashed to pieces now.

After waking up, Luo Yu found that his injuries were worse than imagined. His left arm, left leg and right leg were all broken, and the spine on his back seemed to be broken. He could not move when he was lying there. In less than a day, with hunger and thirst and serious injuries on his body, Luo Yu was still a dead end.

Luo Yu once tried to run the "Feng Yang Jin" exercise, but several main meridians were either blocked or broken, and he couldn't exercise the exercises at all. Forcibly operating the exercises would only make the damaged meridians worse, and instead have the opposite effect.

But Luo Yu didn't give up, he couldn't die, he definitely couldn't die, his vengeance had not been avenged, and there was still a lonely mother waiting for him to take care of, so if he gave up like this, he wouldn't be Luo Yu, luckily he still had a right hand Arms can be moved, Luo Yu stretched out his hand and wanted to pick off the leaves of a small green tree next to him. Such leaves not only have some water but also fill his hunger and stomach a little. It is the only thing Luo Yu can eat at this moment. It is possible to eat the food that is available.

However, Luo Yu couldn't pick it up at all while lying down like this. He tried hard to turn his body, trying to make himself sideways, so as to gain some height, but when he turned his body slightly, there were bursts of tearing pain from his back. When it came, Luo Yu couldn't hold back a sound, but he couldn't help but let out a heavy gasp. Just like that, under Luo Yu's efforts, his body slowly turned around, and his right arm scraped on the leaves. Coming and going, the pain in his back even made Luo Yu lose consciousness, but his eyes were full of firmness.

"Ah!" Luo Yu let out a low growl, and suddenly grabbed the leaf with his right hand, and the leaf fell off, but at this moment, because Luo Yu's right arm hadn't moved for a long time, his right arm suddenly had a convulsion at this moment, and it froze immediately. He could only watch helplessly as the leaves he picked with great difficulty slowly drifted away into the distance, and he himself fell into the muddy ground due to his unsteadiness.

"Ah! Ah..." Luo Yu kept slapping the muddy ground with his right hand, causing the mud to splash everywhere, with a helpless and painful expression, and finally buried his head deeply in the mud, Luo Yu wailed loudly in the mud, screaming The sound echoes throughout the valley, for a long time, but no one responds

(Second more) I hope you like this book and I am grateful.

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