fairy flame

Chapter 29 Butterfly Love Flower and Patterned Moth

At this time, Luo Zeng beckoned lightly, and a servant took the bank note and handed it to Luo Zeng respectfully.

Luo Zeng grabbed the banknote, put it in front of him, and looked at it. Within a moment, he was holding the banknote with one hand, but suddenly he was holding it tightly with both hands. At the end, his whole body trembled uncontrollably, with an extremely angry expression on his face. , raised his finger and pointed at Luo Feng, "You...you...you dare to do such a thing that harms the common people, there are such rebels in the practice, Yu'er must have known about this before you silenced him! Haha! Unexpected The old man actually gave birth to such a traitor, someone! Pull Luo Feng out and behead him, and now he will be executed immediately!" Luo Zeng laughed out loud after reading it, but the laughter was full of misery and self-deprecating.

It turned out that this was the evidence that Luo Feng and Fang Treasure Bank's treasurer Fang made counterfeit banknotes to harm the common people, but this banknote had been well hidden by Luo Yu all along, but somehow it ended up in the hands of Manager Gao.

At this moment, Mrs. Fan, who was still holding Luo Feng, didn't participate in that event, so she naturally didn't understand what the proof of the bank note was, but looking at Luo Zeng's expression at the moment, she also understood that this thing might be fatal, so she immediately ignored everything else. , raised the token in his hand and shouted: "This is from the Empress Dowager..."

"Shut up! You still dare to defend him. The empress dowager is just a first-class woman in the harem. This rebellious son committed a heinous crime. The crime is unforgivable. The empress dowager has no right to take care of this matter. If she dares to do so, she will "Rebellion in the harem" is also a capital offense!" Luo Zeng yelled sharply, as if unwilling to explain further, he waved to the two servants who were standing there in a daze, and the two men came forward to pull Cailuofeng mother and son.

At this time, Mrs. Fan seemed to be unable to believe that Luo Zeng would treat her like this. After many years, the husband and wife have reached such a point. A look of madness flashed on her face, she stood up abruptly, and said madly: "The chaos in the harem...haha It’s so funny! I’m afraid you don’t know how messy your own harem is! Yes, our mother and son did this, and I stole your warrant. I admit it, but do you think our mother and son participated in this matter? Let me tell you, the bitch surnamed Li and his son are all accomplices, those killers were dealt with by the surname Gao, they all have a part in it!"

Hearing these words, the minds of everyone present were a little dull. Could it be that this Mrs. Fan is crazy, and only ghosts would believe such words at this time.However, Director Gao and Luo Lei's mother and son were really taken aback.

After hearing this, the red-faced old man naturally cried out for being wronged, knelt on the ground and said loudly: "Master, I am wronged! The villain has been staying at home for the past few days! I have never met Master Lei, I am wronged! Master! !” After speaking, he skillfully put on that extremely pitiful expression.

"That's right! Dad! The boy has been with his mother these days, and he has never seen Manager Gao!" At this time, Luo Lei, who had not spoken all the time, hurriedly argued.

"It's already at this time, you still don't know how to repent, and you want to entrust others into the water, it's really..." Before Luo Zeng could finish speaking, his words were interrupted.

"What! You don't believe it? Then I'll show you the evidence." After speaking, she took out an exquisite jade box from her bosom, which was square and only a few inches in size. Mrs. Fan took out the jade box Finally, he was not in a hurry to open it, his eyes swept over everyone, and finally looked at Luo Zeng, and said with a strange smile: "I wonder if the master has heard of "Die Lian Hua"?"

As soon as Mrs. Fan opened her mouth, someone suddenly said "Hey", "Madam is referring to the matter of 'Die Lian Hua' and 'Pattern Moth'?" It was Feng who had been standing next to Luo Zeng. The leader spoke, and seemed to know this "Die Lianhua" quite well.

"That's right, in Luzhou's funeral flower country, someone planted a very peculiar flower called "Die Lian Hua". This flower is not only very beautiful, but also blooms in five colors. A kind of spirit insect called "patterned moth" will be born. This insect has no other abilities, but it is very sensitive to the pollen smell of Dielianhua. With these alone, this insect cannot be called a spirit insect. The name, the reason why it is called a spirit worm is because this worm has a psychic ability. As long as it is trained by a special person, this worm is a very covert surveillance tool. It can repeat what it says in simple words. What I saw and what I heard, the premise is that the two people must have the pollen smell of Die Lianhua on their bodies, so as to attract it. The only disadvantage is that the smell of Die Lianhua's pollen can only last for three days, which is just right. Unfortunately, not long ago, just in case, I quietly sprinkled a little bit of this pollen on this old servant. I'm afraid you don't know that you are being watched every day these days. Are you at home? Didn’t you meet this bitch surnamed Li, mother and son? At this moment, I want you to be buried with me, Feng’er!” While talking, he slowly opened the box, and it seemed that the “patterned moth” was inside.

Director Gao, who had an expression of grievance just now, was so startled that he couldn't speak at the moment. He never thought that this Mrs. Fan would hold back her hands, her mouth faltered and she couldn't speak, and she just kept giving Luo Lei winked and looked anxious.

However, Luo Lei's mother and son didn't seem to see it, their expressions were indifferent, and they obviously wanted to separate the relationship. In fact, Luo Lei's mother and son said that they are not in a hurry at this moment. .

Seeing this situation, Luo Zeng frowned, turned around, looked at Commander Feng and said, "Is this thing so magical?" Hearing Luo Zeng's question, Commander Feng in white robe did not answer immediately After a moment of meditation, Wei Wei pondered and said: "I saw it once, it's really believable!"

After Luo Zeng got the answer, he didn't ask any more questions, and looked at Mrs. Fan, only to see that the box had been opened at this time, and a green shadow flew out from inside. After a slight pause in the air, it flew like a moth. It flew directly towards Director Gao like a fire, and danced around the old man, looking extremely happy. It seemed that Director Gao was indeed covered with this kind of pollen. The green moth seemed to like this smell very much, obviously not It means to fly away.

There will be another chapter later, the plot of this book is coming to an end, and the cultivation journey of the Cuixia sect will start immediately, I hope people who like it will collect more, Youdao is very grateful

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