fairy flame

Chapter 323 Heavenly Sword Inheritance

The passage wasn't too long, but it made Luo Yu's face tense all the time, feeling uneasy and worried!

After a cup of tea, Luo Yu walked through the passage, and before approaching the entrance of the central hall, he stopped quietly and cautiously. Looking at the central hall through the light, the 36 Optimus Primes that originally hid the hall seemed to have disappeared at this moment. The same spirituality, standing alone outside the hall, no longer covered by the purple light, and Luo Yu looked inside, and saw a mess in the hall, full of fragments of magic tools and talismans of immortal cultivators, none of which was complete Yes, and the corpses of eight other cultivators were on the ground. The death conditions were extremely terrifying, as if they had been torn apart by a huge force. The flesh and internal organs were left all over the ground. They were really smashed to pieces.

And the purple light prohibition that originally protected those ancient artifacts and treasures disappeared together with the treasures inside. It seems that they were taken away by the blood wolf.

After Luo Yuzai observed carefully, he finally confirmed with a happy face that no one was still hiding inside. He dared to come back but he made a lot of determination. How could other people have such whimsical ideas, even if the ghost and The blood wolf probably never thought that someone would come back!

Anyway, it was a gamble, Luo Yu didn't dare to delay any longer, he passed through the 36 Optimus Primes with a flash of black light under his feet, and appeared on the high platform of the hall, it was the blood wolf tasting the flesh and blood of the cultivator just now There are still many bloodstains on the ground, Luo Yu took a deep breath and calmed down.

On this high platform, apart from a rectangular stone table in front of Luo Yu, there is only a sapphire-like delicate wall behind, and there are countless curved chisel marks on this wall. , more like being hacked out by a sharp weapon such as a knife and axe, but there is no law at all.

"Where have you seen this before?" Looking at these scratches, Luo Yu felt more and more familiar, with a hazy feeling, and always felt that they seemed to be related in some way!

Suddenly, Luo Yu stepped back two steps, and when he looked at it from a distance, his face was shocked!

"Xuanji! Sure enough! The ancient predecessor who built this jade bi is really a wonderful person, to make such a crazy joke with future generations!" Luo Yu was startled at first, but immediately showed a wry smile!

The chisel marks on the stone wall turned out to be the ancient characters 'Xuanji' in the world of cultivating immortals, but the other side carved it upside down. The two characters 'Xuanji' are already complex gestures. I would really think it was a random chisel.

It was also because Luo Yu read the Go tricks when he was a child, and often had to lay out the game record and read it upside down. Over time, he trained such a good eye, so he suddenly saw the strangeness in it.

The phrase 'take a step back, the sea and the sky' is used here, and it really makes sense.

Now that the Xuanji Jade Bi has been found, Luo Yu directly took out the 'Huo Xi Pei'. I remember that Li Lingyu once said that the secret is not on the Xuanji Jade Bi, but on a stone platform opposite the Jade Bi, but this On the high platform, apart from this jade disc, there is only the solitary stone table left.

"Could it be that the secret is related to the stone table?" Luo Yu's heart moved, he strode over to the stone table, and quietly stared at the stone table less than two feet high. It looks like it is made of ordinary gray and white stone, and there is nothing wrong with it, but after Luo Yu has seen the various meticulous layouts of the master of this secret realm, he seems to understand the character of the other party, the more inconspicuous something is, the more worthy it is place of deliberation.

Luo Yu stretched out his hand and slowly brushed the smooth surface of the stone table. There should be nothing weird on the stone table, and if there was, the blood wolf must have noticed it.

"Could it be down there?" Luo Yu held the 'Huo Xi Pei' in his hand, and his face was a little anxious. It's not an exaggeration to say that it's a critical moment, and he can't stay in this central hall for a long time.

"Hey! Sure enough, it's here!" Luo Yu squatted down, and slowly touched the bottom of the stone table with his palm. There was nothing at first, but when Luo Yu touched the last corner, his palm suddenly emptied, revealing a baby's slap Big grooves!

If ordinary people don't know the secret here, they will only think that the stone table is incomplete, and there is nothing strange about missing a corner.

However, Luo Yu found that the area of ​​the groove was about the same size as the 'Huo Xi Pei' he was holding in his other hand, and the two should match!

"It must be here!" Luo Yu's face was pleasantly surprised, and then without saying a word, he put the Huo Xi Pei in his hand, the moment Luo Yu pressed the jade pendant into the groove!

The Xuanji jade disc behind him suddenly emitted a burst of strong light, followed by a familiar "rumbling" sound, a straight and thin crack appeared in the middle of the word Xuanji on the jade disc, and then the jade disc slowly separated to both sides along the crack, A passageway wide enough for one person was exposed, and there was a faint light in the passageway, like a cave!

And after the Huo Xipei was put into the groove, it seemed to take root on the ground, and it was perfectly integrated with the groove, and it was difficult to move it any more. However, this Huo Xipei is just a key, and there is nothing to cherish.

Right now Luo Yu has no choice, even if it is a dragon's pool and a tiger's den inside the passage, he has to break through, it is better than being doomed to die outside.

Standing up, Luo Yu's footsteps moved, and the lightness and quickness of the Shining Steps were undoubtedly revealed, and the whole person turned into a pale yellow shadow and disappeared in place!

On the third floor of the secret realm, in the huge labyrinth, a burly black shadow and the ghost blood wolf stood quietly in the "True Fire Pavilion". The armor of the armor puppet has already been stained with blood, as if it is wearing a golden-red armor.

I don't know how many immortal cultivators have to be killed to dye the armor so blood red.

But at this moment, the two looked at the dilapidated scene inside the 'True Fire Pavilion', which seemed to be bombed by magic, their faces were extremely livid, gloomy and scary!

"What's the matter? The breath of the third sister dissipated here. How could a cultivator in the Qi training stage kill a ghost in the foundation establishment stage!" The blood wolf who spoke first was the half-demon, half-ghost. His voice was full of disbelief, his fists were clenched tightly, and the blood-red nails on both palms sank deep into the flesh, but he didn't feel it!

The second update of "Fairy Flame", everyone votes for it!


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