fairy flame

Chapter 335 'State War' Breaks Out

Luo Yu became the focus of attention for a while. Apart from these flattering immortal cultivators, there were also many disciples watching coldly. They may be guessing why the ancestor of the Yuanying period would suddenly appear here. From this, I suspect that after all, if the immortal cultivators in the Nascent Soul stage can come here in person, something big must have happened.

After a full meal, the blue light wall in the sky suddenly shattered, and then nine rays of light flew out from the wall of light, and everyone looked up one after another, only to see the nine rays of light come back in a flash. The location of their respective sects, but the wind-riding patriarch in the Nascent Soul stage has disappeared.

"Let's go! Come back to the sect with me quickly, the 'state war' has broken out!" The stern-faced Master Sun of the Cuixia sect was full of worry. Let everyone realize the seriousness of the matter!

After Master Sun finished speaking, he rushed to release the golden Hunyuan Bowl and urged the disciples of the Cuixia Sect to sit on it quickly. Seeing a flash of golden light, the giant bowl jumped tens of feet away.

So fast, this is really the speed that a cultivator in the alchemy stage should have.

Luo Yu and a group of disciples hurriedly sat down steadily, the joy just now disappeared completely, instead they all frowned, thinking about this shocking news in their hearts - the state war!

Although the outbreak of the war between the two states seems to be a reasonable thing, but the two sides have torn their faces so quickly, which is really unexpected for many immortal cultivators.

Not only the Cuixia Sect, but also the elders of the other eight major sects of the Dandanqi Sect released their magic weapons, and hurriedly flew away with the disciples of their respective sects. Passing this news to everyone, assigning some missions to the major factions, and allowing the ancestors of the Nascent Soul Stage to visit in person, it seems that the battle between the two states is definitely not trivial.

Along the way, Master Sun had a gloomy and worried expression on his face, as if he was not close to strangers. After all, the battle between the two states involved a lot. I am afraid that apart from those high-ranking people in the Yuanying stage, even the immortal cultivators in the Jiedan stage would also be involved. If you can't stay out of it, you will probably be implicated, or even fall.

And which one of these ancestors in the alchemy stage is not an old man who has lived for hundreds of years, and he values ​​his own life more and more, and will not easily be in danger. It is normal for this Grand Master Sun to have such an expression.

It's just that Luo Yu heard the news all of a sudden, his mind was very confused, he couldn't figure out what to do, and there were many thoughts in his heart, all thinking about how to save his life in this war, if he could escape to a deserted place by luck In the barren hills, it would be great if you don't care about worldly affairs, but Luo Yu denied this idea as soon as it came up.

None of the monks present wanted to run for their lives and hide, but if they were discovered by the sect, this behavior of compromising one's own momentum at a critical moment would definitely lead to the consequences of killing one and others. The idea of ​​killing decisive people is too unrealistic.

It seems that the only way to break through to the foundation building stage as soon as possible!Only if one's own strength improves, no matter whether he will be involved in the flames of war or not, he will have a little more hope of survival!

However, even if I retreat now, I am afraid it will take about a year at the earliest to break through, and whether I can win this year is the key issue. If I am sent to the border battlefield, it is impossible to give Time for you to practice!

Luo Yu couldn't think of a better way for a while, and sat aside with a serious face and thoughts, without saying a word.

The faces of the other disciples were also very ugly, it seemed that they were all planning their own way out.

The golden bowl gallops

Half a day later, the quiet and heavy atmosphere in the huge golden bowl along the way was finally broken when the green color of the Cuixia Mountains appeared. In the face of the upcoming tragic battle, it was like being able to return to one's own sect. Finding a home is like finding a home, at least it feels like there will be a tall person to support it when the sky falls.

And three days ago when they set off to the Lingxu Mountains, the golden bowl flew for half a day, but now it flew back in less than half a day. It can be seen that Master Sun was also in a hurry, and the speed was much faster.

After the Golden Gathering Bowl entered the Cuixia Mountains, I alarmed many cultivators of the Cuixia Sect. Although now because of the battle between the two states, the Cuixia Sect no longer has the lively scene before, but from time to time, you can see the people flying by in a hurry. The immortal cultivators looked panic-stricken, and many of these immortal cultivators were at the foundation establishment stage.

The battle between the two states really played a decisive role. Apart from the immortal cultivators of the Nascent Soul Stage, the Foundation Establishment Stage was the absolute main force, and the number of immortal cultivators during the Foundation Establishment Stage was also a measure of the overall strength of a sect.

But when these hurried figures saw the huge golden bowl, they all stopped and turned away with surprise on their faces. They seemed to know that Luo Yu and the others were disciples who came back after the trial in the secret realm. They were a little curious, but they just glanced casually. Afterwards, they flew away in their own way. If it was the same as before, it would definitely be a lively welcome.

Now all this has changed drastically because of the 'state war'!

After flying into the Cuixia Mountains, many immortal cultivators sitting on the giant bowl flew down, some of them wanted to go back to prepare, some wanted to discuss with their teachers or friends first, and Luo Yu was He fell down in front of the Hengling Hall, and when he went down, he naturally wanted to say goodbye to Feng Xiaohou and Master Sun, but Feng Xiaohou responded politely, but Master Sun didn't respond at all.

Luo Yu knew that the other party's heart was already in turmoil and worried, so he wouldn't be offended now.

It's just that Luo Yu smiled awkwardly, and walked towards the gate of Hengling Hall without looking back.

The Hengling Hall that Luo Yu chose also has many immortal cultivators with him, because after the trial, the Hengling Hall is the place to pay the elixir to the sect, and it is also the place to receive rewards.

Luo Yu has been to this place many times, and he is familiar with the road, but just entered the main hall of Hengling Hall, Luo Yu found a red lacquer sign beside the main hall door, and it was densely written on it. The types of elixir and the value of each elixir.

And the wooden sign also roughly gave the 'tips' on how many elixir can be exchanged for a Foundation Establishment Pill. Luo Yu glanced around, and saw that many immortal cultivators saw the exchange price, and the expressions on their faces suddenly changed. When he came down, he looked dejected. Judging by his lost expression, he probably failed to find enough elixir or an extremely precious elixir in the secret realm. Now he can only retreat and exchange for some other items.

The second update of "Xianyan" has been delivered, and it has been stuck recently. Youdao needs to sort out all the characters, treasures, skills, etc., as well as the plots that have been set before. The foundation building period will be the beginning of this book's journey into the world of immortality. The days of dwelling in a snail's nest are coming to an end, and the world of cultivating immortals will come one after another, and Youdao will work hard to write it well.


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