fairy flame

Chapter 35

'Diligence can make up for weakness' is a truth that Luo Yu has always believed in. After all, his spiritual root can only be regarded as average. If he doesn't spend more time practicing than others, how can he compare to others.Although Luo Yu doesn't have to be nervous about the trial like other children, he can't behave too badly when he walks through the back door!Besides, there are some Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon among this group of children, isn't there one of the children who came with him who has a cultivation level higher than his!

Thinking of this, Luo Yu restrained his mind and began to absorb the aura from the outside world to carry out the usual cycle of the sky. Suddenly, the aura in the room began to fluctuate, turning into invisible vortex auras and rushing towards Luo Yu. These auras are carefully guided, circulated continuously in the meridians, and are endlessly alive. Finally, the refined auras are returned to the dantian, and then continue to repeat this process. Luo Yu is completely immersed in the cultivation, and he does not know the time.

An hour later, Luo Yu opened his eyes with a surprised face. He had reached the limit of his ability to function so quickly. Luo Yu's cultivation in just this hour was obviously comparable to the spiritual energy he absorbed at home for three or four days. In the blessed land of Lingshan, the spiritual energy at the foot of the mountain is so dense, if one can practice at the spiritual veins on the top of the mountain, what kind of cultivation speed will it be!Luo Yu couldn't help being speechless when he thought of these, his heart was excited, and he strengthened his determination to practice hard.

"Bang! Bang!" There was a knock on the door.

"Excuse me, is Brother Luo here? I have something to discuss with you!" Just as Luo Yu was quietly thinking about the cultivation problem, there was a clear and familiar door calling from outside.

Luo Yu had some doubts about who would come to him at this time, and immediately opened the door after getting up and recuperating, only to see two people standing outside, but they were two of the five people who were sent here with Luo Yu. Everyone smiled and looked at Luo Yu.

"Brother Luo, what's the matter inside? The next two brothers are here to cooperate with Brother Luo." The two said after seeing that there was no one in Luo Yu's room.

"Ask me to cooperate?" Luo Yu was silent for a while, feeling a little surprised in his heart, but he politely led the two brothers in, and after closing the door, he asked with a smile on the corner of his mouth: "I don't know why you are looking for me to cooperate? Just say Exactly." When Luo Yu heard that the two wanted to cooperate, he roughly guessed their purpose.

As soon as the two of them heard Luo Yu's answer, one of the taller ones immediately replied excitedly: "That's right, the two of us gathered some friends to discuss the content of the past assessments. There are many assessments that require more Human cooperation can only be completed, such as hunting some wild animals and looking for something, if everyone is united, it will be easy to complete, how? Brother Luo, this is a great benefit, we two brothers know Luo Brother has some relationship with the seniors in the faction, but during the assessment, everything has to be relied on by oneself, if you have more friends, the assessment will be easier, everyone's goal is to pass!"

"Yeah, brother Luo, you came with us, if you want to help, just tell us, our brothers will definitely help you," before one person finished speaking, another person next to him added.

Luo Yu looked at the two of them and felt a little speechless. The two clearly wanted to take advantage of him, and they sang and drank in a logical manner, as if he would not be able to pass without them. Martial arts, according to what Commander Feng said, even if you meet a higher-level immortal cultivator than yourself, as long as you are caught by surprise, there is a possibility of victory. How can you be afraid of those wild beasts, you can't beat them, and you can't run away!

The two brothers clearly saw that they had some relationship with the Cuixia faction. If they could pass the cooperative assessment, they would naturally be able to take the two of them to pass together. Playing this kind of trick in front of Luo Yu would be considered ignorant The three-year-old child is not successful.

"Hehe, thank you for your kindness. I'm used to being alone. Besides, Luo's cultivation base is too low. I'm afraid it will become a burden for the two of you. Luo won't participate in the cooperation." Luo Yu naturally Will not agree, said with a flat expression.

"This...Brother Luo, you still consider..." The other person heard that Luo Yu didn't want to participate, and hurriedly tried to persuade him again, but Luo Yu interrupted him halfway through the conversation.

"You two don't need to talk anymore. Luo has already made it very clear. I still want to practice quickly to meet tomorrow's assessment, so I won't send you two." No hesitation.

"In this case, the two of us brothers will leave first. If brother Luo changes his mind, he can come to find us in the next room, and we will live next door." One of them was somewhat disappointed seeing Luo Yu's firm attitude.

After finishing speaking, the two of them voluntarily left Luo Yu's room. After returning to their own room, one of them hastily closed the door and said, "Brother Sun, this kid doesn't cooperate with us. It seems that he knows that we want to take advantage of him." It, what should I do now?"

"What can I do? You still want to force him. Don't forget that he is backed by someone in the faction. This is the end of the matter. Are you ready for the century-old ginseng I asked you to prepare?" The boy said helplessly.

"Of course I'm ready. Brother Sun, do you want to give it to that kid? I don't think others may think highly of it." The other person asked doubtfully after hearing the question.

"Of course it's not for that kid. I got it with great difficulty. It's too cheap to give it to that kid. I'll send it to the inspectors when the time comes." When the grandson said this, There is a little joy on the face.

"Give it to those who will be inspected! If you are found out, you will be expelled directly. Besides, you may not be allowed to pass a centenary ginseng! Are you really going to take this risk?" The other person's face was full of tears when he heard it. surprise.

"Hey, those rules are just talk, I've found out. When the time comes, I just need them to arrange me and the boy surnamed Luo together." The child named Sun Ge said confidently.

"It's possible, Brother Sun has a way!" The other person flattered him directly, looking at the expressions on the two of them, it seemed that they would definitely be able to pass.

Afterwards, the two of them discussed how to bribe tomorrow in the room, their voices were quiet, while Luo Yu in the next room was lying on the bed with his eyes closed, waiting for tomorrow's assessment...

In the early morning of the next day, Luo Yu got up early like some children who came to participate in the assessment. After breakfast, he was brought to the hall of the trial hall to gather.

On the road, Luo Yu saw that most of the children were very tense, as if they were in a life-and-death battle, and some of them were full of self-confidence, flaunting their might and greeting other children, with an arrogant demeanor and sometimes mocking those who were poorly dressed. Children, but no one dared to resist, because these children were followed by a large group of children, who could be identified as younger brothers at a glance, who obviously wanted to have a relationship, only a small number of them were like Luo Yu, with expressionless faces and cold eyes .

Luo Yu is not surprised either. If he has something to do with it, others must have it too. This kind of assessment is not very fair in the first place. Isn't he a living example? As a cultivator of Tianlinggen, others will naturally rush to get you, and the reason is the same where you still need to participate in the assessment.

After a while, the hall of the Trial Hall was full of people, all of them were some children looking around, and some began to talk and talk to each other.

At this time, a middle-aged man in a gorgeous sky-blue Taoist robe came in, stood directly in the middle of the high platform of the trial hall, cleared his throat, and said loudly: "Okay, since everyone is here, be quiet! I am the person in charge of the trial hall, and I am also your chief examiner. Next, I will start announcing the test topics. Our Cuixia faction divides this assessment into two types: 'perception test' and 'endurance test'. "

"As for the 'Test of Comprehension', we invigilators will give you an examination paper, on which there are Taoist scriptures and codes written by senior experts. From time to time, there will be senior brothers on the mountain to review and correct what you have written."

"As for the 'endurance test', it is natural to test everyone's endurance. After you test your comprehension, someone will take you back here. At that time, each of you must carry a backpack containing fifty catties of heavy stones. Run from the foot of the mountain all the way up to the mountainside [-] zhang away from here, there will be someone to meet you there, don't think this test is easy, we will put a 'gravity talisman' on each of you ', this talisman can increase your own gravity by ten times, then you will feel that your body is much heavier than usual, and it will be difficult to walk when walking, and it will be difficult to move an inch, and no matter how high or low you are in this assessment, you are not allowed to use spells for opportunism, There will be disciples from our trial hall following along the way. Of course, girls who take part in this test do not need to affix this talisman. This is a rule. If there is any dissatisfaction, go to the elders who made this rule. explain."

When they heard that the test for women was different from that for boys, some good-natured people immediately wanted to discuss their dissatisfaction. They all swallowed it down and remained silent.

"Since everyone has agreed, let's go in one by one by name, Wang Yuan, Fan Hua, Zhang Wei,..." The middle-aged Taoist priest said the names one by one eloquently. It didn't take long for Luo Yu to hear his name, and his expression changed. Song walked in quickly. In his opinion, with his literary talent and having read so many books, it should be no problem to pass the 'perception test' modestly.

Two hours later, a boy in a gray-white cloth robe was struggling to run up the mountain. Looking carefully, there was a shiny yellow talisman a few inches pasted on the boy's chest, and a large green bamboo basket on his back. , A few feet away from him, there is a man in black robe following him leisurely, no matter how far the boy in front runs, the man in black robe can follow closely behind.

This boy is naturally Luo Yu. It has been two hours since he finished the comprehension test. Luo Yu estimates that it took him about an hour to complete the comprehension test. This comprehension test is exactly what Luo Yu thought, yes It wasn't too difficult for him. After writing down his feelings carefully, Luo Yu came to conduct the "endurance test". This is where the Cuixia faction really wanted to test these children.

I hope you will like it a lot after reading it, thank you very much!

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