fairy flame

Chapter 369 Nine Pan Mountains

"Haha, you little bastard is looking for your own death. If you reach the level of a third-level monster, it is still possible to tear the 'immortal-binding net' between the two of us, but now you are just shaking the tree!" The old man in the soap robe holding the white thread laughed happily. In his opinion, this demon mouse has become a bird in a cage. As long as he casts another spell, he can immediately make the other party suffer from flesh and blood. Obediently! Surrender.

However, at this moment, a cold voice suddenly broke into the ears of the three of them. It was so cold that the faces of the three of them were shocked!

"How dare you guys touch my spirit beast!"

The voice was faint, as if it was coming from all directions, everywhere, these three people didn't know that this meticulous ambush process was being watched secretly all the time, and they didn't notice it beforehand, so their expressions changed drastically.

The cultivation base of the visitor must be much higher than theirs!

But before the three of them had any reaction, there was a sudden 'click' sound like broken glass from the 'black light array' at the entrance, and the three of them only had time to see a green light hitting the net of binding immortals, and they easily Just tear it apart.

The Immortal Binding Net Magical Artifact of these two people is at least an intermediate level Magical Artifact, and even a complete set of Magical Artifacts, which is so fragile that the three of them can't help but look horrified.

After the fairy net was cut open, the little mouse trapped inside was naturally saved, and ran into the dense forest aside with a cheer, while the three of them stood there in a daze, did not go after it, but paled Looking in the direction of Tianming's escape, I saw a young monk in a yellow robe slowly coming out from behind a big tree, playing with a magic weapon in the shape of a green flying knife in his hand, with a calm expression on his face.

And the little mouse that was on the way to attack saw the yellow-robed youth, it seemed a little strange and stopped vigilantly, but immediately the small mouse eyes widened, as if it couldn't believe it!

"Little guy, come here yet." Luo Yu smiled slightly, looking at the gray mouse in front of him with a friendly look.

"Squeak!" Tianming obviously recognized Luo Yu, and immediately jumped into Luo Yu's arms, but the little mouse probably didn't realize that it was now two feet long. It really shook Luo Yu's body.

I haven't seen one person and one beast for many years, and I feel even more cordial at this moment. I left the three of them aside who had vowed to catch the demon mouse just now. They looked embarrassed and broke out in cold sweat. Even if the other party kills in a fit of rage, it's normal.

It's just that Luo Yu didn't look at the three of them from the beginning to the end, which made the three of them feel cold!

"The peak of the Qi refining period! I don't know where the senior is practicing. The three of us are monks of the Jiang family in Jiupan Mountain. I didn't know that this spirit mouse was the spirit beast of the senior. Please bear with me if I offend you." Zao on the side After the old man in robe noticed the unfathomable cultivation in Luo Yu's body, he was immediately frightened and hurried forward to salute and apologize.

And the young man in brocade clothes standing next to him was indeed a little scared when he heard the words "Peak of the Qi Refining Stage", but after knowing that Luo Yu was not a cultivator of the Foundation Establishment Stage, he seemed to be relaxed again Quite a lot.

The young man in Jin Yi thought about it, the vicinity of Huxiao Cliff has always been their Jiang family's territory, and because of their status, in addition to the immortal cultivators in the foundation establishment stage, some high-level monks who practiced Qi were also very polite to him. So the young man in brocade clothes didn't speak, but just stood there motionless, looking at Luo Yu calmly.

"En?" Luo Yu stretched out his hand to touch Tianming's hair, and immediately made the latter laugh, but he didn't want to turn around and see the arrogant eyes of the young man in Jinfu, he snorted coldly, and his eyes stopped on Jinfu Hold on to the youth!

But at this moment, the young man surnamed Jiang who was being stared at by Luo Yu only felt a chill in his back, and the coercion of a high-ranking immortal cultivator pressed towards him. Released, I just feel that the yellow robe youth in front of me is almost the same as the former one!

The spiritual pressure of a high-level cultivator is no joke, it will definitely make you feel as if you are falling into an ice cellar, your legs will involuntarily want to kneel down and surrender!

"Junior Jiang Lang! I have met senior, please bear with me for what I offended just now." When the young man surnamed Jiang felt that the spiritual pressure released by Luo Yu was getting stronger and stronger, and he was about to be unable to support himself, he couldn't hold back anymore. stepped forward to apologize.

It's just that there is a lot of resentment in his heart, thinking about how to get back the situation with the other party when he returns to the family, how long ago has Young Master Jiang been so ashamed!

"Jiang Family, the Jiang Family of Jiupan Mountain? Is your current Patriarch Jiang Yuanshan?" Luo Yu did not respond to the apology of the young man surnamed Jiang, but asked one of the soap-robed old men with a frown.

Such a clear disregard for the young man surnamed Jiang naturally made the latter more angry, and his face was suffocated, but he could only try his best to hold back and dare not speak out.

"Senior knows the head of my family? Yes, we are indeed from the Jiang family in Jiupanshan. The current head is Jiang Yuanshan." The old man in the soap robe responded in surprise, but he was a little puzzled in his heart. After staying in the Jiang family for so many years, But he has never seen Luo Yu's appearance. The old man in soap robe can be sure of this. Such a young immortal cultivator at the peak of Qi training, I believe anyone will be deeply impressed by seeing him once.

"Hey, I don't know each other now, but I will in the future. Since this matter is a misunderstanding, you should leave on your own." Luo Yu stroked Tianming's furry head, raised his finger to tease Tianming's small nose, and looked Enjoying it, he waved his hands to let the three of them leave.

Although they are also immortal cultivators in the qi training period, Luo Yu's cultivation level is only one level higher than those of the two soap-robed elders, but even so, the two elders seem to dare not have the big airs that Luo Yu puts on. Excessive complaints.

It's just that the young man in brocade clothes was gloomy and didn't know what he was thinking.

Seeing this scene, the two old men in early robes naturally knew that the young master was very dissatisfied, but at this moment the opponent's strength is unfathomable, if you still dare to put on a displeased expression, isn't that stupid looking for death!

Therefore, after the two of them immediately cupped their fists respectfully at Luo Yu, they dragged the young man in brocade with embarrassment and left quickly as if fleeing for his life.

And when the three of them disappeared from Luo Yu's sight, Luo Yu looked away from Tianming, looked up at the sky and muttered to himself: "Isn't the Jiang family in Jiupanshan the place where I am going on this mission?" , Elder Brother seems to be a guest at Jiang's house, no matter what, if you're new here, it's better not to offend local snakes."

It turned out that Luo Yu was going to kill those three people at the beginning, but later he heard that the other party reported his family name as Jiang's family related to his mission, so he couldn't kill them at will. Hearing the tone of the young man in Jinfu, His status in the Jiang family should be quite high. Luo Yu reckoned that if he wanted to build a foundation, he would definitely have to find the best aura mountain near An Ding City, and then he would need the help of the Jiang family.

Even if you just find a place to practice in Jiupan Mountain, you will inevitably be discovered by the members of the Jiang family. If you offend them in advance, you may not be sure that the other party will cause you some trouble when you build your foundation, then the gain will not be worth the loss.

"Destiny, you little mouse has become a first-class monster now! It really surprised me. I was going to take you away, but now I have to think about it for you. If you continue to stay here, no matter what No matter what, you can be regarded as the king of one party, and you can enjoy the comfortable days of the worship of all beasts. If you follow me and leave, I will treat you as my first spirit beast, and I can refine spirit beast pills for you to help you grow It is a monster of level three or even level four, but you will also run around with me, and your life will inevitably be in danger, so I will let you choose now."

"If you want to stay here, just jump off of me, I will still give you some pills for raising spirit beasts, and I will also arrange formations near your caves, which will make you more powerful while defending against enemies. Absorb the spiritual energy from the outside world."

"But if you want to go with me, just wag your tail. From now on, we will share weal and woe and share happiness together!" After Luo Yu finished speaking, he slowly let go of the hands that hugged Destiny, letting him choose.

Luo Yu used a kind of rough animal language recorded on the animal spirit book, and used his spiritual sense to convey what he wanted to say to the depths of the spirit beast's heart, and Tianming was already at the level of a first-level monster, so he should be able to understand it.

"Squeak! Squeak!" As soon as Luo Yu let go, Tianming raised his tail and shook it violently, then lightly jumped onto Luo Yu's shoulder, rubbing his mouse head against Luo Yu's neck, very affectionate .

"Okay! Now that you have made a decision, I will definitely not treat you badly in the future." Luo Yu laughed loudly, took out a small bottle from the storage bag with one hand, and poured out two gray thumb-sized pills from it. Luo Yu discovered this from the storage bags of the disciples of the Beast Mountain who had been killed by him. It is a low-level spirit beast pill that can feed all spirit beasts, and can speed up the growth of spirit beasts.

Of course, spirit beast pills are not the best feed for every kind of spirit beast, but they are the most suitable for the initial cultivation of spirit beasts, and since these are elementary beast pills, there are naturally intermediate-level beast pills. In terms of high level, Luo Yu has a lot of pill recipes for spirit beast pills in his hand, and with the help of mysterious flames, it is not impossible to refine mid-level spirit beast pills.

It's just that right now, Luo Yu doesn't know what elixir is most suitable for Tianming, so he can only use Spirit Beast Pills instead.

"Xianyan" has been updated with [-] words. I went to a faraway place today and got up early to send out the chapters. I'm so busy that I'm about to collapse recently.


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