fairy flame

Chapter 376 Site Selection

The 'crowded' problem in Lingshan made all the foreign monks feel headaches for a while, but when everyone was depressed, suddenly the Jiang family announced a shocking news!

An aura mountain located in the easternmost part of the Jiupan Mountains has become unowned. It is said that a casual cultivator who lived there originally moved out for some reason, and now this aura mountain has been vacant.

However, not many people are willing to believe these words. The immortal cultivator in the foundation building stage would not leave sooner or later, but it is too strange to leave at this juncture. Many people guessed that it was the old Jiang family The patriarch took action to drive away the immortal cultivator in the foundation establishment period, and even killed him. Of course, there are different opinions, and no one can confirm it.

The only reliable news is that there is now an ownerless spiritual mountain in Jiupan Mountain.

And the conflict between Xiao De and the wolf-fanged old monster became more and more intense at this time. As for Mrs. Qi, because her cultivation base was only at the early stage of foundation establishment, she was not eligible to participate in the competition. People fought against each other until Luo Yu came here.

Now that Luo Yu has won the competition, the problem of the distribution of Lingshan has also been solved. The disciples of the two sects of Liebeast Mountain and Yunhuanzong led by Wolf Fang and Lady Qi are crowded together, while the Cuixia faction is alone. Owning a spiritual mountain, the so-called "alone" is actually only Luo Yu and Xiao De.

In this way, the biggest conflict among the cultivators disappeared, and nothing else was said in the second half of the meeting. After a while, everyone got up and prepared to return to their respective training places. Luo Yu still didn't know where to go. , So Yi was led by Xiao De.

Originally, Luo Yu wanted to ask Xiao De about some cultivation problems and breakthroughs. The other party was someone who had experienced it. As long as he was willing to reveal a little bit, Luo Yu would definitely benefit a lot. Of course, he couldn't take advantage of others for nothing. Of course, Luo Yu would be interested. For a moment, as long as a stubborn monk like Xiao De is given a little bit of benefits, it can still play a big role.

But before that, Luo Yu distributed [-] spirit stones to Xiao De very neatly, without procrastinating, and the brothers settled accounts clearly, so that the relationship will get better and better. At that time, the latter just smiled slightly and put it away without any polite words.

Although such a person will not please others, but he is very real. Luo Yu really likes others like this.

After the two walked out of the main hall, they were about to prepare the imperial weapon to fly to the Spiritual Qi Mountain, but they found that the old man with long eyebrows had dared to wait outside. When he saw Luo Yu coming out, he immediately greeted him with a very enthusiastic tone. I greeted Luo Yu, saying that I hope Luo Yu can go to my cave to exchange experience in formation techniques, and I admire Luo Yu's formation practice very much.

A dignified immortal cultivator at the foundation establishment stage said that he admired Luo Yu's cultivation base!

Although this is a very hypocritical statement, it still made Luo Yu hesitate. As for the formation, he only studied the basic five-element formation relatively thoroughly, and he had never communicated with others before. Thinking that his time was precious and he couldn't be distracted by other things, he smiled and declined the invitation of the old man with long eyebrows.

For Luo Yu's polite refusal, the other party didn't seem to be angry, but said frankly that if Luo Yu had time, he could go to communicate with him anytime, and told Luo Yu the location of his cave, which seemed sincere.

Afterwards, the long-browed old man cupped his fists and flew away from the place.

After dealing with all this, Luo Yu and Xiao De finally got into the escape light and galloped away into the distance.

"Junior brother, do you know why you insist on competing for this spirit mountain?" Xiao De, who got a large amount of spirit stones, asked Luo Yu with a happy face on the way of flying.

"Oh, is there something else hidden in this?" Luo Yu asked with a confused look on his face.

"Hey, in fact, the spiritual veins of this spiritual mountain can only be regarded as ordinary, but they are extremely rare dual-attribute spiritual veins of ice and fire. They are also called 'reverse spiritual veins' in the world of immortal cultivation." Xiao De said with a slightly satisfied expression. .

"Reverse Spiritual Vein? Could this be the rumored excellent 'Chongguan Spiritual Vein'!" Luo Yu said with a surprised face, and his voice suddenly became excited.

The so-called rebellious spirit vein refers to a very rare spirit vein in the world of cultivating immortals - the ice fire spirit vein. This kind of completely opposite and completely restrained two kinds of spiritual power are mixed together, although it will not improve the spirit energy in the spirit vein. The richness of the aura, but it can make the aura more pure. It is said that this is formed after the two kinds of spiritual power, ice and fire, are continuously offset and tempered. It is some essence of aura, but the amount is very small, and it is not very useful for general cultivation , but when the immortal cultivators break through the barrier, it is an excellent treasure land. Many immortal cultivators are unable to break through their own realm, often because of the lack of a little bit of pure aura, and eventually fall short.

Therefore, with the pure spiritual power provided by this reverse spiritual vein, Luo Yu's possibility of breaking through the foundation-building period is much greater.

How could this not make him extremely excited, no wonder Xiao De wanted to compete for the spirit vein so forcefully, part of the reason was because of himself!

"Brother's great kindness, Luo Yu wrote it down. This time, my brother came in a hurry, and I couldn't prepare a meeting gift for my brother. I only left some red sandalwood incense with a thousand-year composition. I hope I can help my brother." Luo Yu understood this relationship. Naturally, he couldn't do without any expression, but he didn't want to owe others a little favor.

"Purple sandalwood with a thousand-year composition, this is too precious, besides, brothers and sisters should help each other, I can't accept this gift." Xiao De's face was moved at first, but he immediately shook his head in embarrassment and refused.

But right after he finished speaking, Luo Yu handed over a brocade box to the other party involuntarily.

"Although the thousand-year-old red sandalwood is precious, my brother found a piece of thousand-year-old red sandalwood in a secret place, and refined a lot of thousand-year-old red sandalwood, so I still have a lot of private collections in my hand, so don't delay any longer, senior brother." Luo Yushou There are indeed quite a few in it, and the cultivators of the foundation period should also be moved by the millennium years that can refresh the mind during cultivation.

Precious is precious, that is for most people, and Luo Yu has the ability to purify mysterious flames, such things can be easily produced.

"In that case, I'll accept it as a brother." Xiao De slightly weighed the weight of the brocade box in his hand, and couldn't help but look joyful, the more he looked at Luo Yu, a genius junior, the more pleasing to his eyes.

Not long after the two chatted, a big green mountain surrounded by steaming clouds and clouds gradually appeared in front of Luo Yu's eyes. White smoke drifted slowly from the entire surface of the giant mountain, giving people a hazy and mysterious feeling. I felt a huge sense of magnificence, and I saw that the mountain was covered with all kinds of exotic flowers and green trees, which were fresh and dazzling, and even the cheerful sound of beasts and birds could be heard from time to time.

"It really is a treasure mountain."

Immortal cultivators like Luo Yu who have cultivated in many places of spiritual veins can tell at a glance. First of all, the mountain is shrouded in clouds and mists, which condense and never disperse. This is because the mountain has gathered surrounding spiritual energy.

"Where do you plan to open the cave? Senior brother, I have already thought about it. I will use the cave opened by the immortal cultivator at the foundation establishment stage on this mountain to save energy." The two stopped outside the mountain, and Xiao De Asked with a satisfied face.

"The spiritual veins of a spiritual mountain are not much different anywhere. After I familiarize myself with the environment here, I don't need to accompany you." Luo Yuke smiled politely, and he didn't seem to intend to Open up the cave on the top of the mountain.

If the general Lingshan is not in any special geographical environment, the top of the mountain has the best aura, otherwise why some sects will choose the address of the sect on the top of the mountain instead of staying at the foot of the mountain for convenience, apart from the reason of style , there is also the best internal cause of the aura on the top of the mountain.

However, since Luo Yu said so, he had his own plan in mind, and Xiao De could only let him go.

Afterwards, the two bid farewell to each other, and Xiao De shot towards the top of the mountain, apparently intending to accept the cave residence of the original foundation-establishment cultivator.

After Luo Yu watched Xiao Defei leave, he began to check the environment here by himself. This was the first time he wanted to open up a large-scale cave. In the past, some caves were built as convenient as possible, but now it doesn't work.

After all, I will be in seclusion in the cave for a long time, and I have to think carefully about all aspects, and I may not know how long I will stay here in the future. Some common sense necessary for building a cave in the foundation building period, Luo Yu's experience in the Qi training period At this time, you should plan ahead.

The first condition for building a cave is to have a detailed division of labor, for example: 'Spirit Beast Room', 'Alchemy Room', 'Practice Room', 'Pharmaceutical Room', 'Treasure House', etc., these are Luo Yu's requirements. considerate.

If you think about it carefully, it is indeed very complicated. Where do ordinary cultivators in the foundation building period have so many thoughts and distractions, they have developed one or two of them, but Luo Yu has all of them in the Qi training period. The 'Stone Room' is useful to him, and he can't help but give him a headache when he thinks about it. He just feels that he has a lot of things to do, but the time he gives himself is very limited.

However, Luo Yu will not be able to solve these things for a while, so he can only press them in his heart and realize them slowly. The most important thing now is to choose a good place and open it up as soon as possible, and put aside all other treasure exercises.

After Luo Yu sorted out the chaotic information in his mind, more than half an hour had passed, and Luo Yu had already visited most of the Lingshan Mountain under the flight, but there was nothing that satisfied him, so he couldn't help feeling a little worried stand up.

Maybe it's because my requirements are too high, just when Luo Yu was discouraged and ready to find a place, the spiritual sense that was released suddenly had a response!

"Fairy Flame" updated today


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