fairy flame

Chapter 38 The Art of Cultivation

You must know that every cultivator can continue to increase his cultivation base by swallowing pills after sitting in meditation. However, there are very few cultivators who can take pills every day. The medicinal herbs bred by the aura of heaven and earth are refined, if every immortal cultivator needs to use pills, how can there be so many medicinal herbs bred by aura of heaven and earth?

As far as the spiritual stones given to ordinary disciples by the major sects every month, it would be nice to be able to buy a bottle of Qi Lian San, and because of this, it seems that the more expensive these pills are, the more ordinary monks can only work hard Come to earn spirit stones and provide them for self-cultivation. After hearing this, Luo Yu naturally cherished all these things and put them into the storage bag.

At this moment, Luo Yu is going to a place called 'Baiyitang'. According to what Li Shizu said, because the disciples who have just joined the sect have a low level of cultivation and know little about the orthodox way of cultivating immortals, they don't know how to develop their potential. In which respect, and the most basic means of attack for a cultivator is the 'exorcism technique', and only after mastering this technique can one be considered able to protect oneself.

Therefore, those who have just joined the school, before reaching the fifth level of the Qi training period and learning the "exorcism technique", must first go to the Baiyi Hall to learn. Such as: array, alchemy, refining equipment, talisman making, etc. When their cultivation base is not high, they will dig out their talents and cultivate them, so as to decide which path they will take in the future will be smoother.

This is also the experience summed up by the sect for many years. Since Luo Yu has already joined the sect, he doesn't care about this time. After he is completely settled in the Cuixia sect, Luo Yu wants to find his sister——Luo Qingqing, This is what they agreed a long time ago, so that the two siblings can take care of each other in the same sect.

Baiyitang is not far from the cave where his master practiced. Not long after, Luo Yu came to a row of attics made of purple bamboo. The street in front of the attics was full of bustling immortal cultivators, which felt like a paradise. If you look carefully, each building has only two floors, and they are all very new and shining with purple light. It seems that people often renovate these purple bamboo attics.

Luo Yu was slightly surprised that Baiyitang was too big!The densely packed houses can't be seen.

This is where I will stay in the future!From here, your own path of cultivating immortality begins to get on the right track!Taking a deep breath, Luo Yu stepped in, and suddenly a burst of fragrant bamboo breath came over his face, which made people feel refreshed and clear-headed. It turned out that these purple bamboos also have the effect of clearing the mind, so miraculous!

"This junior is a new student! Those who come to Baiyitang for the first time will be a little surprised at its refreshing effect. These are high-grade purple bamboos harvested from the bamboo forest in Houshan. But no." Just when Luo Yu was amazed by these Zi Zhu's magical abilities, a young man in white robe walked out of it, looked at Luo Yu and said with a smile.

After Luo Yu's gaze swept away, his expression suddenly became condensed, the Qi training period is at the seventh level!This person turned out to be a mid-level qi cultivator.

Luo Yu immediately walked over, clasped his fists and said, "It's true that I have just joined the sect and came here to study under the order of my master. I wonder where this Baiyitang is learning the basic knowledge of the cultivation world?"

You don't need to use your spiritual sense to roughly observe the other party's cultivation base. This is what the teacher told Luo Yu with respect. You can roughly judge it by observing the fluctuations in the spiritual energy emanating from this person, but the premise is that the other party has not deliberately hidden his body. The aura fluctuates, because it is very dangerous to use the spiritual sense to inquire about other people's cultivation for no reason.

"Master's order! You are a closed disciple!" No wonder the white-robed young man was so surprised. There are less than twenty patriarchs in the Cuixia sect, and there are some who have weird tempers and don't like to accept disciples. After getting rid of these, you will know how rare it is to become a closed disciple.

After all, it is not possible to accept disciples during the foundation building period. Anyone who has the name of a master is a closed disciple. At this moment, the young man in white robe is looking at Luo Yu deeply, his eyes are full of envy.

"Hehe! You are too polite, brother. I am one of the seven deacons of the 'Baiyitang'. I am responsible for the daily life of the newcomers and arrange some brothers to train you. If you need anything , you can come to me directly, and Wang will definitely take care of it for the younger brother!" After the envy of this person, he unceremoniously established a relationship with Luo Yu.

"Senior Brother is too polite! Can Senior Brother Wang take me to familiarize myself with the environment first? I am new to this place, so I am not very familiar with this place!" Luo Yu was straightforward, after all, he has the status of a closed disciple. You must have acquaintances to give advice. These people should be very clear about the hidden rules. You still need to understand first, otherwise you will inevitably run into trouble.

Hearing that Luo Yu wanted something from him, this senior brother Wang looked overjoyed, patted his chest and said that he was very familiar with this 'Baiyitang', and would definitely take Luo Yu'an's card properly.

Afterwards, Luo Yu and this senior brother Wang visited various places in Baiyitang. With such a deacon leading the way, it was naturally smooth along the way. Some children who were about the same age as Luo Yu even saw that the usually strict deacon was so respectful. When they treated Luo Yu, they all guessed Luo Yu's identity one after another, and they were very curious.

This Baiyitang is really big, by the time Luo Yu and the deacon surnamed Wang have seen it all, it is almost dark, and the harvest is really not small, since the white-robed deacon wants to win Luo Yu over, It is necessary to spend some capital, but it tells Luo Yu many things that beginners need to pay attention to, such as: developing in that direction will have a better future, who is to be sorry for, and there is no way to break free. As well as where to buy some elementary supplies for cultivating immortals nearby, Luo Yu kept these in mind.

In the end, this Senior Brother Wang even arranged for Luo Yu to use a high-quality purple house. The inside is clean and comfortable, and the environment is remote, so you don't have to worry about people coming to disturb you. If Luo Yu didn't say that he wanted to meditate, Thanking the guests behind closed doors, I am afraid that this person will hold Luo Yu Bingzhu to talk at night. After a day of understanding, Luo Yu feels that this person's nature is not bad, but he is too powerful.

After finally sending this senior brother away, Luo Yu immediately closed the door, sat upright on the ground and assumed the cultivation posture of five mountains facing the sky, and began to meditate. Practicing in Lingshan and Spiritual Land is different, and it is far from what can be compared in the secular world. Luo Yu I feel that not only can I communicate with the aura of heaven and earth much faster than usual, but even the aura is more pure and thicker than the aura I refined when I was practicing in Luofu.No wonder the cultivators have to practice in some inaccessible mountains.

These places are not only not polluted by the filth and bad luck of the secular world, not only the aura is pure, but also quiet and pleasant, allowing people to concentrate on cultivation.

It used to take two hours to meditate and practice before the spiritual power can run a small circle in the body, but now it only takes one hour to run a small circle, the speed of cultivation can be imagined.

Slowly concentrating his spiritual power, Luo Yu, who was sitting upright with his eyes closed, slowly opened his eyes, frowning slightly thinking about something, "The speed of cultivation here is indeed good, but no matter how hard I try to run the Little Zhoutian every day, it is the limit! It’s just that it’s still too slow.”

Thinking of this, Luo Yu hesitated a little, then took off the storage bag hanging on his belt, put it in his hand and looked at it for a while, then quickly poured a spiritual power into it, swept his spiritual sense, and took it from inside. A white bottle came out.

Here is the Qi Lian San given to him by Master Li. It is said that after taking the elixir, he can refine the power of the pill and increase his mana. However, this is a waste of money. Without a strong back-up force, ordinary disciples would not be able to use them at all, and these were all luxuries for them.

Luo Yu gritted his teeth, poured a milky white pill the size of a thumb from the bottle, put it in the palm of his hand and looked at it, and suddenly a fragrance permeated the air. After inhaling the fragrance, Luo Yu felt extremely comfortable and refreshed all over his body. Refreshing!It seems that these pills are really miraculous.

As soon as he raised his hand, he put the elixir in his mouth into his mouth. After swallowing it, at first Luo Yu felt that the place where the elixir passed, the veins, and the blood were cool for a while, but immediately a burst of abundant spiritual power came from it. The elixir was dissolved, and turned into many small aura clusters, which ran wildly in Luo Yu's meridians, uncontrollably.

Luo Yu is no longer the ignorant kid back then. He had already asked clearly about everything he needed to pay attention to after taking Lianqi Powder. Yang Jin' Gongfa route runs.

Although there is still a small part of the spiritual power that cannot be completely controlled, causing Luo Yu's meridians to ache, but after suffering the pain of falling off the cliff, Luo Yu has already become somewhat immune to the pain, this pain is not considered to him What.

After about a stick of incense, the powerful medicinal power was finally refined by Luo Yu, and the silk-like spiritual power in his body suddenly became thicker by several times. At this moment, Luo Yu deeply felt why those immortal cultivators would treat these Panacea is so sought after, even using all kinds of insidious means, because it is not comparable to meditation practice, and this small half-time practice can at least be worth half a month of meditation practice. Under the circumstances, who wouldn't desperately earn spirit stones to buy these elixir medicines for cultivation!Luo Yu couldn't help sighing

However, the World Honored One seems to say that people who take Lianqi Powder for the first time will feel unbearable pain and feel that the meridians are being torn apart. They must rest for half a month. After the meridians recover, they can continue. Taking it, but I just feel a little uncomfortable, why didn't I have the situation that the master said!Could it be that Luo Yu suddenly had a flash of inspiration and thought of a possibility.

Do you know the reason? You can guess it, and then write it in the comments, thank you, I hope you will collect it more!

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