fairy flame

Chapter 382 Sword Repair

It was beyond Luo Yu's expectation to be able to directly reach the stable stage of the foundation-building period. Afterwards, Luo Yu could only attribute it to the fact that he had the dual spiritual power of wind and fire and the support of the middle-grade foundation-building pill. Thinking about it this way, the pain he has suffered in the past six months is worth it, because Luo Yu believes that the pain he has suffered on the road to foundation building is definitely several times that of ordinary people. Even people like him have been tortured to death. People can't bear it at all, Luo Yu is convinced of this!

And Luo Yu succeeded in building the foundation a month ago, and reached the point where his realm was stable, but he never left the level rashly. He ran out uncontrollably, Luo Yu was really startled at that time, he stopped the retreat and hurried to chase out, and found that the ghost general was staying at the place where the essence of spiritual energy was the most concentrated by the river, and he released a cloud of pitch-black mist to wrap it Wait, even Luo Yu couldn't see what was going on inside, it was very weird.

But fortunately, from some vague information sent back by the ghost general, Luo Yu knew that the ghost general had gradually refined and completely refined the strange black mist absorbed in the secret realm in the past year, which led to the current changes. , I just don’t know how long this evolution will take, and what makes Luo Yu unable to be distracted is that he himself has reached the third level of "Tianluo Dao Jing" and "Cuiwei Sword Art", and he may break through at any time, and break through Immediately afterwards, several kinds of supernatural powers will be able to come out, this is his own major event, Luo Yu can only hastily set up several psychedelic formations near the ghost general, and then leave it alone.

And a few days ago, Luo Yu finally broke through the third level of "Tianluo Dao Jing" and "Cuiwei Sword Jue", and his cultivation base and magic power have increased a little. For "Tian Luo Dao Jing", Luo Yu feels that he is still Relatively talented.

Although the first and second floors in the front are only for cultivators in the qi training stage, it is not surprising that Luo Yu can break through quickly, but the third floor in the back is only cultivated by immortal cultivators in the foundation stage. Yu also broke through in only one month, which means that he is extremely talented in the Dao of the Sword, but after practicing the "Tianluo Sword Sutra", even at the third level, except for mana, he is still stronger than him. The same level is much thicker and can release some sharp gold knife energy, and there is nothing else powerful. Only in the late foundation establishment period, there is a small magical power of "Zhan Jin Dao Wan", which is said to be able to break all fine iron attacks. However, Luo Yu was skeptical and had no idea. In this way, if this "Tian Luo Dao Jing" was regarded as the cultivation method that Luo Yu had been practicing in the future, Luo Yu would not dare to talk about the realms of the alchemy stage and the Yuanying stage, but At least at the level of the foundation-building period, his strength has dropped a lot compared to other people. After all, the cultivators of the foundation-building period should have a lot of supernatural powers, but luckily he has ancient tools to make up for this shortcoming.

As for the great achievement of "Cuiwei Sword Art", Luo Yu felt that he was not lucky at all. It was only through the accumulated hard work that he reached this point. Cultivation level, but what he cultivated was only Qi training period skills and swordsmanship, Luo Yu doubted whether he could cultivate to a great success, a basic swordsmanship made him painstakingly, Luo Yu was basically desperate for the future to take the path of Piaomiao swordsmanship.

After practicing this "Cuiwei Sword Jue", Luo Yu knew that the follow-up foundation building chapter of "Cuiwei Sword Jue" practice method is called "Sword and Mother Heart Sword Qi". The cultivators of Pai Cultivator only kept it on the second floor of Cuixia Pai's Library Hall. Luo Yu couldn't go in before, but now he can, and he will get this follow-up exercise when he has time to return to the sect in the future.

In fact, Luo Yu's cultivation of the sword formula was something he did not expect. The sword formula was not for him to use, but the "Second Spirit Wood Clone", also known as the "Wood Shadow Clone", which Luo Yu spent a lot of time refining. ', after refining the wooden shadow clone, even Luo Yu was elated every day. This wooden shadow clone is really unbelievable. The existence of a wooden shadow clone in the foundation-building period is simply sweeping the same level. Now even Even meeting a cultivator in the middle stage of foundation establishment, Luo Yu was not afraid at all.

At that time, his real body will use the sword and the Qixing Yinhuo blade as the main attack, and then use the clone to use the sword, and the ancient Qingfeng sword will assist.

Now Luo Yu's cultivation has reached a steady stage, but the ghost general is still in the process of evolution, but fortunately, Luo Yu finally used his mind to communicate with the ghost general a few days ago, knowing that the latter is already in the final stage stage, I am afraid that it will only take more than a month to evolve successfully, and he has already returned to the cave by himself, and will not go out to make trouble for no reason.

Luo Yu is also looking forward to the changes after the ghost general evolves.

And in the past month, Luo Yu has heard a lot about the ghost fog near his cave, which really frightened some disciples in the Qi training period. All the immortal cultivators were kept in the dark, only Luo Yu knew best that it was the ghost general who was in the process of evolution, but fortunately the ghost general didn't kill anyone, otherwise it would be difficult to end.

"Senior brother has arrived, it's not like senior brother's temper to hide and hide." Luo Yu felt emotional for a long time when he saw himself standing outside the cave, and Xiao De, who summoned him to appear with a fiery red streamer, actually played a game of hide-and-seek with him. It seemed that he wanted to test his current cultivation level. Suddenly, Luo Yu chuckled, then closed his eyes, and opened them after a while, his eyes fixed on a certain place in the forest!

"Hehe, my junior brother's eyes are like torches, so I'm making a fool of my brother." Not long after Luo Yu's laughter spread, a white shadow suddenly appeared on a lush green tree in the dense forest beside him, and the white shadow came lightly. In front of Luo Yu, there was not even the slightest air fluctuation!

"Haha, congratulations to my junior brother, who not only broke through the bottleneck of foundation building, but also became an alchemy master with a transcendent status in the world of cultivating immortals. I am really ashamed, and my heart is filled with endless admiration!" The white light dispersed, revealing a serious face inside Xiao De's words were full of admiration, even though his mid-stage foundation establishment cultivation base was much higher than Luo Yu's, he didn't dare to put on airs.

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