fairy flame

Chapter 388 Fetal breath beads and horned beasts

It's just that Luo Yu was young at that time, but he was determined and resolute, and he was not moved by beauty at all, so he coldly rejected that beautiful maid for thousands of miles. Although it was many years ago, Luo Yu had the ability to never forget , It seems to be vivid in my mind after a while.

If he read correctly, the female cultivator 'Yan'er' in front of him was the maid back then, but he didn't know why the other party became the behind-the-scenes boss of Lingyunju and moved the shop here. What surprised Luo Yu the most was When I first met this woman, I found out that she had the eleventh level of Qi training stage, which really scared Luo Yu!

I haven't seen him for a few years, and the other party has suddenly changed from a mortal with no cultivation base to a high-level monk at the eleventh floor of the Qi training period, which is probably not much faster than Luo Yu's cultivation speed. How is this possible!

Fortunately, Luo Yu used his divine sense to examine this woman carefully for a while, only to find something weird. The other party's cultivation level during the Qi training period was actually faked. If Luo Yu hadn't possessed the divine sense If you have knowledge, eyes like torches, and can penetrate into the subtleties of knowledge, I am afraid that you will be deceived by the other party right now.

"Fellow Daoist Luo can see through the mysteries of the 'Fetal Breath Bead', and fellow Daoist actually possesses divine consciousness! He has become a senior in the Foundation Establishment Stage!" The charming beauty Xiu named Yan'er saw Luo Yu see through her false cultivation, and immediately His face became extremely shocked, and after finishing speaking with a look of surprise, he hurriedly stepped forward to bow respectfully, and said.

"Yan'er has eyes that don't recognize Mount Tai. Since Senior Luo is already a monk in the Foundation Establishment Stage, how can Yan'er's 'fetal breath bead' be hidden from senior's eyes."

After finishing speaking, she blushed and stretched out her hand to gently touch the waist of the willow. In the palm of her hand, there was a round bead in the shape of a white jade pearl, which was exuding a shining precious light. The fluctuations come from here.

I saw that after the woman took out the white jade pearl, she held it up in both hands, as if offering a treasure.

Seeing this, Luo Yu was a little bit stunned, this woman didn't mean to treasure her broom at all, she showed her so openly to herself, wouldn't she be afraid that Luo Yu would forcibly take it away if she took a fancy to it?

But since the other party has already taken it out, I am afraid that Luo Yu will not be greedy for it, so Luo Yu didn't say much, just waved his sleeves casually, and a light gust of spiritual wind surged out, Quickly rolled up the jade bead in the woman's hand, the spirit wind wrapped the bead and flew back to Luo Yu's hand, and then Luo Yu closed his eyes and began to feel it.

After just a few breaths, Luo Yu opened his eyes, and asked with a look of surprise in his eyes: "I once heard people say that there is a very strange beast in Rongzhou, named ' Horned-breathing beast', this monster is not of high rank, but it is very sought after by low-level cultivators. It is because this beast does not produce demon pills in its body, but will condense a kind of strange bead, which can imitate the magic of cultivating immortals. and exudes the same fluctuating spiritual pressure, the spiritual sense of the immortal cultivator during the Qi training period will not find the slightest abnormality. This thing is known as a third-rate treasure in Rongzhou, and it can only be used to bluff people. If the cultivator who uses this bead doesn't have eyesight and encounters a cultivator in the foundation stage, it will bring him a lot of trouble."

"The fetal breath bead that Miss Yan is talking about is this thing?" Luo Yu asked in a flat voice.

"Senior actually knew about the 'horn-breathing beast'. Yes, this 'fetal breath bead' was refined from a 'horn-breathing beast'. The spiritual power of the eleventh floor of the Qi stage fluctuates, of course, no matter how high the quality of the 'Fetal Breath Bead' is, it is useless in front of the spiritual consciousness of the cultivator of the foundation stage."

This woman actually said everything without reservation, and her voice did not dare to offend Luo Yu in the slightest, she was extremely polite.

"Well, although this bead is good, it is of no use to me. Luo came here today just to see if there are any rare goods in your shop, and to meet an old friend by the way, but Luo I remember that the 'Lingyun Residence' outside the Cuixia Mountains seemed to be the shopkeeper of a middle-aged man surnamed Zhang, why is that fellow Daoist Zhang gone now?"

After Luo Yu threw the fetal breath orb to the woman calmly, he suddenly asked curiously.

It's just that after Luo Yu finished asking, the face of the woman named Yan'er immediately became extremely ugly, her mouth opened slightly but she still hesitated to speak.

"Why, Ms. Yan must have some unspeakable secrets. It seems that Luo has guessed right. Just now, the girl deliberately sent away the young man from your store. There must be a lot of hidden secrets in it." Luo Yu is not a person who likes to spy on others. **, it's just that he won't let others lead him by the nose, but he doesn't care about it, not to mention that this woman is too obvious to let him know.

"Senior, forgive me, the little girl does have something to hide, but before the junior speaks out, please ask the senior to promise the junior not to speak out."

Yan'er said in a crisp voice with her jade teeth clenched tightly, her voice fell behind, and she couldn't help showing a charming and sad expression on her face, which was extremely lovable.

"Hmph! There is no room for you to bargain in front of me, but Luo is not interested in your trivial matters. If what you said has nothing to do with me, I won't bother to spread it around!"

Luo Yu's face suddenly turned cold, and his voice was cold. The female cultivator named 'Yan'er' seemed a little paler after being stared at by Luo Yu's cold eyes.

"Since Senior Luo said so, Yan'er has the courage to tell the story. It's a long story. The owner of the shop surnamed Zhang that Senior Luo saw had died many years ago, and I killed it with my own hands." When she said this, Yan'er ignored the surprised expression on Luo Yu's face, as if she was caught in a nightmare of memories, she continued.

"Back then, that villain surnamed Zhang coveted my appearance and showed me favor in every possible way, but when he found out that I had no affection for him, he planted a vicious restraint in my body by means of means. How can a weak woman be this person's opponent, she has no choice but to be humiliated by him in order to save her life, I hope that one day I will find a chance to kill this thief with my own hands, and after the revenge is over, Yan'er will personally kill him However, she didn't expect that the villain was treacherous and cunning. After waiting for a long time, Yan'er didn't find a chance of revenge. In the end, she was almost disappointed. When she wanted to commit suicide, suddenly one day, a trainee A high-ranking monk came to Lingyun Residence to buy a large amount of array equipment, because it was a big deal, so the villain surnamed Zhang asked me to receive this person. But this time God has eyes, the high-ranking monk who practiced Qi was actually a long-lost cousin of Yan'er. When the uncle heard about Yan'er's misfortune, he summoned several friends in a rage and arrested the thief. Capture him alive, and finally hand it over to Yan'er!"

Speaking of this, the voice stopped immediately, Luo Yu turned his eyes, and found that the woman's face was already covered with frost, extremely fierce, and the spiritual energy fluctuations around her body also changed sharply, it seemed difficult to continue.

However, Luo Yu listened to it for a long time, and basically understood that after the other party's tragic experience, the owner of the shop surnamed Zhang finally fell into the hands of this woman. I am afraid that the end of being hacked into pieces would not be able to dispel the hatred in this woman's heart!

Fortunately, after the woman paused, she seemed to think of something, and she calmed down a little, and continued to speak.

"After Yan'er personally killed the villain, she originally wanted to get rid of this unclean body, but the uncle begged and comforted her, and Yan'er had no choice but to agree to live for a few days. I was secretly looking for death, who would have thought that God would play tricks on others, in order to let me live again, Tang Shu placed me in this Jiupan Mountain Range, and cleaned up all the original inventory in Lingyun Residence, and put me in this Jiangfang again. Re-opened a new store for me so that I can continue to live, but these are not the reasons why Yan'er is nostalgic for the world. The reason why I can forget all the past is because I met my husband here - Tong Lang. "

"My husband is that simple-minded boy just now. He doesn't dislike Yan'er's defeat, and he doesn't care about my humble cultivation. He takes great care of me and loves me in every possible way. I can feel that he is wholehearted."

"It's just that Tong Lang and I have very low cultivation bases, and we can't stand here at all. That's why Yan'er came up with the idea of ​​using the 'Fetal Breath Bead' to forge a high-level cultivation base, but even so, The couple of us always have to keep our heads down, and the business of the small shop is not very good."

The voice was clear and crisp, and it was extremely pleasant to the ear. After she finished speaking, a trace of happiness and sincerity filled the woman's face, and when she saw Luo Yu staring at her, her pretty face became even more blushing, which was extremely endearing.

However, in Luo Yu's opinion, this woman's obsequiousness did not surprise her too much, because after all, he had even seen two of the three fairies of Mengzhou, and his resistance was comparable to others.

It's just that Luo Yu didn't expect this woman to have such a bumpy and touching experience, and Luo Yu observed the whole process of this woman's speech carefully, and didn't see any sign of this woman lying. It seems that this matter is probably true .

Thinking back on myself, although my cultivation base has become stronger and more respectful, but there are only a handful of real feelings lingering around me. Except for the relationship between siblings, master and apprentice, and brother and sister, it seems difficult to find others, even Among the first three, Luo Yu is very careful about the relationship between master and apprentice and brother and sister. To put it bluntly, he doesn't trust those people. From this point of view, Luo Yu feels a little sad in his heart.

"Fairy Flame" will be updated with [-] words today, and tomorrow will be a new weekly update. Youdao will fulfill its promise this week, and work hard.


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