fairy flame

Chapter 395 Magma Fire Tan

"Jiang Daoyou already knew about this, why didn't he mention a word during the gathering of all the cultivators just now, fellow Daoist, don't forget that the mission of our monks from all major sects is to protect the peace of the secular world, and fellow Daoist Could this move be to keep me in the dark until the final mission fails and I will be taken back to the sect and be severely punished!" After hearing this, Luo Yu became even more worried, and couldn't help asking with an ugly expression.

"This is really wronged. Fellow Daoist doesn't understand our family's difficulties. Could it be that Fellow Daoist Luo can't see that most of the foundation-building monks in Jiupan Mountain are willing to stay here because of my elder brother's cultivation in the later stage of foundation-building, or It is the identity of a Taoist friend alchemy master, otherwise none of you would want to stay out of the matter, and even if they really stay, they are probably the kind of people who play by ear and will not really help. If we don’t exaggerate our own advantages, instead Jiang has no choice but to spread a bad name for those casual cultivators, and I have to think about the family business, and I hope Fellow Daoist Luo can understand."

Jiang Yuanshan said with a face full of shame, it seemed that he had a big heart in his heart.

Then, after a pause, seeing Luo Yu's unkind expression and not answering, he couldn't help but speak again.

"Although I didn't speak out in public about this matter, I have secretly vented my anger with Fellow Daoist Xiao and Fellow Daoist Langya. Please rest assured, Fellow Daoist Luo, Jiang is by no means the kind of wolf-hearted person who will not trap Fellow Daoist Luo into injustice. If Fellow Daoist Luo doesn't If you believe it, you can also go to them to confirm it." Jiang Yuanshan said with a look of shame and helplessness.

Luo Yu sneered in his heart after hearing this, but his face gradually recovered, and he said calmly.

"Since Daoist Jiang has many concerns, and Luo is not that unreasonable, I just hope this is the first and last time. If something like this happens next time, then don't blame Luo. Don't talk about affection, I don't think there is any foundation-building cultivator in the Jiupan Mountains who likes to be led by the nose to work for his life, Jiang Daoyou, do you think so?"

Luo Yu said with a deep expression on his face, staring straight at Jiang Yuanshan.

"Ahem, brother Luo said that there will be no next time."

For some reason, Jiang Yuanshan was stared at by Luo Yu like this, as if someone had seen through the secret in his heart, and responded with an unnatural look on his face.

"Now that Brother Luo is done asking, can we make a deal?"

Jiang Yuanshan felt guilty at the moment when Luo Yu looked at him, so he changed the subject and said directly.

"This box contains blood needle mushrooms. As for the price, fellow daoists can give you a fair price in the market." Luo Yu looked away, and after returning to a normal expression, he patted the storage bag. He took out a silver and white brocade box, and handed it over without hesitation.

"Oh, is this the thing?" Jiang Yuanshan took it with surprise on his face, and opened it directly to look.

After half a stick of incense, Luo Yu and Jiang Yuanshan finished the transaction, said goodbye anxiously in their hearts, and flew towards their own cave without stopping, and their figures quickly disappeared into the sky!

When Luo Yu left for a while, Jiang Yuanshan, who was pretending to be angry just now, his eyes turned cold, his face was cloudy and uncertain. After looking around, he rushed into a wide area of ​​houses and forests in a blink of an eye. In the streets, and hidden cultivation bases are constantly interspersed in the bustling and bustling streets, and sometimes pass the same place back and forth. After confirming that no one is following him, he pretends to walk into a place called ' Inside the ordinary tea shop of Yiyiju'.

Immediately after entering, an enthusiastic young man came over to talk to him, but Jiang Yuanshan did not answer. After secretly making a strange gesture to this person, the latter's expression changed slightly, but he immediately changed to call Jiang Yuanshan to the back hall After walking, he brought Jiang Yuanshan into a simple hut, then bowed his hands respectfully and retreated.

And when the servant quickly withdrew and closed the door tightly, Jiang Yuanshan scanned the room carefully, walked slowly to a dark gray wardrobe placed in the corner of the room, stopped and watched for a while, then stretched out his hand to open it. Wardrobe, and then reached into a dark dark compartment inside and groped for a while.

Suddenly, there was a creaking sound from the whole wardrobe, and at this moment, Jiang Yuanshan also took his hand back at the same time, watching that the wardrobe here was shaking and separated to the two sides, revealing a deep underground passage, seeing this , Jiang Yuanshan's expression changed, he looked at the passage in front of him with a look of admiration on his face, and walked down slowly.

The inside of the passage is not considered wide, and there are no forks. The walls of the passage are inlaid with soft and bright moonstones, illuminating the narrow passage ahead, so Jiang Yuanshan's steps are quite fast.

When I walked somewhere, the light became brighter, and there were bursts of heat waves coming from the passage. At first, I only felt warm and very comfortable, but the closer I got, the more comfortable warmth became. It gradually turned into a scorching scorching flame, and the temperature suddenly increased by several times, and there was a tendency to become more and more intense, as if there was an underground active volcano connected here.

The more Jiang Yuanshan went forward, the more he felt as if he was placed in a big furnace. There was a raging fire burning under the furnace, and it was close to the limit he could bear. A green shield in the shape of an eggshell appeared outside the body. After being isolated by the spiritual shield, the burning feeling just now subsided for the most part, and Jiang Yuanshan's walking pace also picked up.

Gradually, the fire in front of him became brighter and brighter, and when it swayed like a wave, Jiang Yuanshan had already walked into a small cave, and there was a sealed stone wall in front of him with no way out.

At this moment, Jiang Yuanshan straightened his skirt slightly, then turned his gaze to a dark red pool not far in front of him with a radius of about a foot!

This water pool is even more weird. It is said to be a water pool, but in fact there is no water flowing in it. Instead, it is a mass of extremely hot dark red magma that can melt gold and iron. Sound, high temperature bubbles are constantly floating under the magma. Most of the high temperature in this cave is brought out by these bubbles from under the magma. If you look closely, you will find that there are circles of dark black stripes on the surface of the magma, floating Between them, like the meridians of the human body, it is very terrifying!

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