fairy flame

Chapter 401

The hut is not big, Luo Yu took a few steps forward, and came to a side room that was originally the mother's bedroom and also used as the living room. There were only a few red candles lit in it, and the light was not as good as everywhere in the yard. The clothes are as bright as hanging lanterns, and through the screen, one can see a mahogany table in front of the bed, with some wine and vegetables on it, and a strong smell of ginseng soup permeates the whole small room.

Just through the blocking of the screen, looking over with blurred vision, it seems that there is no one inside.

Luo Yu took a deep breath, walked out of the screen slowly, and went straight to the wooden table. Looking at the bowls and chopsticks on the table, they were still the same ones that Mother had used before. They hadn't changed for so many years, probably because she couldn't see herself. That's why I kept these things so that the memory would flow away more slowly. Seeing this, Luo Yu couldn't help but feel a surge of sourness in his heart. He stretched out his hand to rub the sides of these porcelain bowls slightly, closing his eyes as if he was feeling something. .

Suddenly, there was a clear and pleasant voice outside the door, followed by several footsteps.

"You guys go back, as long as my wife is with me."

The voice is sweet and pleasant, tactful and gentle, and it sounds like the kind of young woman who is a lady of the family.

"Ti'er, it's getting late now, you should go back to rest, don't think about serving me, an old woman, it's time to tell you about your husband's family."

The next voice was extremely familiar and moving to Luo Yu!Often comes to mind!For almost many years, I have not forgotten that this is Luo Yu's mother's rather gentle voice.

"Oh, Madam made fun of Qingti again. Qingqingti only wants to serve Madam well, and the matter of getting married is still in the long run."

As soon as the words fell, the sound of footsteps came to the small room, and the person who came was a young, beautiful, tall woman with beautiful eyebrows, with delicate and pleasant features, a straight and small Qiong nose, and black and bright eyes. The red and alluring apricot lips can be described with the rare color of sinking fish and wild goose, shameful flowers closing the moon.

I saw this beautiful woman walking in with the help of a middle-aged woman with plain makeup. The middle-aged woman is not tall, but the beautiful woman bent down very carefully and respectfully and held up her hands to help her. with.

The two walked into the small room, and the beautiful woman helped the middle-aged woman to sit on a wooden chair, and then she raised her voice to close the door tightly, with an elegant and generous manner.

After the beautiful woman closed the door, she looked at the middle-aged woman who was sitting on the wooden chair staring at the food on the table in a daze, sighed slightly, paused and then said in a soft voice: "Madam misses Master Yu again." gone?"

As soon as the words fell, neither of them noticed that the screen placed in the corner of the room seemed to move slightly, but it returned to normal immediately.

"Hey, isn't it? Speaking of which, if I, Yu'er, were still around, I would definitely let him marry you as his wife. It's a pity that after so many years, things between you two probably won't work out." The middle-aged woman Hearing this, after recovering from his senses, he opened his mouth with a little regret.

"Ma'am, why do you ask Qingti to marry me all day long? Could it be that Qingti didn't serve her well?" After finishing speaking, the woman with beautiful eyebrows showed a charming expression, and tears rolled in her eyes inadvertently. It seemed that it might drip down at any time, and with his delicate face, it made people have the urge to hold her in his arms and love her a lot.

"Okay, look at your child, shed tears every now and then, and it will make my heart hurt. Then I won't mention this matter in the future. You girl can do whatever you want, okay?"

Seeing the delicate expression of the beautiful woman, the middle-aged woman hurriedly spoke to comfort her.

"Hee hee, that lady must keep her word, don't mention it any more."

Just after the middle-aged lady agreed, the woman with beautiful eyebrows immediately burst into tears and said happily.

"Okay, you girl has learned how to deceive people. It's really a girl who doesn't want to stay. The old woman can't control you well."

The middle-aged woman said in a helpless tone.

"That's because Madam loves Qingti so much that she was deceived. Hehe, Qingti just wants to take good care of Madam before Master Yu returns, and to repay Madam for her life-saving care when Qingti was in distress. What I miss is Young Master Yu, no matter how Qing Ti serves Madam, it can't replace Master Yu's position in Madam's heart."

The girl with beautiful eyebrows stood up and said while helping the middle-aged woman gently squeeze her shoulders.

"You little girl is still jealous, that's fine, since you think so, I will let you two get married as soon as Yu'er comes back, and then give me a good grandson, if that's the case , then I’ll be content for the rest of my life.”

The middle-aged woman joked with a slight smile.

"Oh, ma'am, look at you, I just promised Qingti not to talk about marriage, besides, Qingti often heard my wife tell me something about Master Yu, smart and hardworking people like Master Yu , how can Qing Ti be worthy of it?" The beautiful woman said as she couldn't help showing a blush on her face, adding to her coquettish and weak look.

"Why don't you deserve it? The old woman is still worried that you will look down on my Yu'er. After all, my Yu'er is not as good-looking as those playboys outside. Although he is sensible and well-behaved, he is not good at sweet talk, and ah, I still don't like it." Let me tell you a secret, when Yu'er was young, he had an extremely funny nickname called 'Dog Ganzi', which means he always looked like a weak scholar."

"Ah, Master Yu still has such interesting stories, so Qing Ti will only be more curious."

The laughter of the secret language in the boudoir is endless, but I don't realize that the person hiding behind the screen at this moment undoubtedly seems to be stabbed in the heart, and an indescribable discomfort surges out!

Suddenly, just as the two of them were chatting in secret in the boudoir, the window behind the screen in the small room was blown open with a bang, and a gust of cold wind rushed in quickly!

"Hey, why is the window open? It must be because the servants were careless when cleaning the room. What if the madam catches the cold?"

Seeing the cold wind whistling, combined with the swaying bamboo shadows outside the window, it looked extremely cold, and the beautiful woman who cared about the middle-aged woman hurried forward with a cry of surprise, and when she came to the window, suddenly a gust of cold wind It was blowing head-on, making the woman's frail body tremble slightly, she couldn't help shivering, then stretched out a pair of pure white jade hands to the edge of the window, poked her head out to look out the window, found nothing, then ' The window slammed shut with a bang.

But no one noticed that the moment the window was closed, a white light shot quietly onto the jade belt around the woman's waist. After the white light went out, it turned out to be a Wen Yu engraved with an unknown rune.

Outside the house, two lines of tears ran across Luo Yu's face that had never been washed by tears, and fell quietly, heartbroken but deeply enlightened.

The first update of "Xianyan", there will be four updates today, bookmark it!collect!


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