fairy flame

Chapter 420

"Hey, I searched with my spiritual sense just now, but I didn't find any hidden caves here, but then I thought about the records in the old man's practice method, and suddenly realized a possibility. Those who practice special exercises Because of the requirements of the exercises, there are often many seemingly unusual quirks. For example, have you carefully observed the sea of ​​flowers just now? It is not impossible to open up a cave, maybe just dig a hole for concealment."

The old man surnamed Mei suddenly touched the white eyebrows at the corners of his eyes and said with a low smile.

When everyone heard this, they immediately understood that everyone's spiritual sense just searched some places such as hillsides, mountainsides, and mountain tops, but instead they ignored that some people like to build their caves at the foot of the mountain. Isn't Luo Yu a living example of this!

"Having said that, the area of ​​this sea of ​​flowers is not small. Moreover, the root system of this strange Death Tuo flower grows like soil and covers it. The spiritual consciousness is limited, so it may not be convenient to explore."

In fact, Luo Yu had already observed the strange sea of ​​flowers under his feet, but he couldn't find anything.

"Hmph, even if this sea of ​​flowers is blocking the way, just burn it with a fire, so as not to let these poisons harm people everywhere!"

Hearing Luo Yu finished speaking, Xiao De on the side immediately yelled, and then ran away with a wave of his sleeves, only to see a flash of red light, and a fiery red and bright picture scroll flew out of his sleeve with a 'swish' sound !

Amidst the sound of Xiao De's lips chanting silently, the picture scroll flexibly revolved around it for a circle, and then it stopped on top of Xiao De's head. A row of red misty runes.

But before Luo Yu could see clearly what was painted on the scroll, he felt waves of scorching hot air rolling in, as if he was in an active magma.

As soon as this treasure came out, everyone felt similar to Luo Yu, and they backed away in fright!

"Yaoyang is really hot! Ning!"

At this moment, the sound of Xiao De's incantation suddenly stopped, and then he pointed at the scroll above his head lightly, and immediately the scroll floated to the center of the sea of ​​flowers, slowly turned clockwise, and kept getting bigger, at the same time, the fiery red scroll Rows of dense crimson fireballs appeared on the scroll like a rainstorm, falling straight down amidst bursts of 'swoosh'!

Suddenly, hundreds of fireballs shot out!

"What a fire rain to burn the sky! Fellow Daoist Xiao's move is no worse than the 'Fire Rain Art' performed by the ancestors of the alchemy period!"

Seeing the fiery red picture scroll on the opposite side that has rotated and changed to a size of tens of feet, and the overwhelming and powerful hundred fireballs like a sharp sword, Jiang Yuanshan couldn't help cheering and said!

Luo Yu was also surprised by this powerful offensive. He always thought that his strength was not much worse than that of ordinary mid-stage foundation-building cultivators, but now it seems that Luo Yu still underestimated the other party. Brother is now taking advantage of the magic weapon.

"Haha, Mr. Xiao doesn't have this ability, it's just that the newly refined 'Heavenly Fire Map' has some tricks."

After finishing speaking, Xiao De took a provocative look at the wolf-tooth monster who was also shocked, as if he had overwhelmed him.

It's just that the latter immediately snorted and didn't respond.

In this instant, hundreds of fireballs were extremely hot, and all of them hit the sea of ​​flowers, and the infinite flames flew out, causing the whole canyon to rumble with deafening explosions, as if the entire mountain was about to collapse!

Luo Yu also watched very carefully, and saw that after these fireballs touched the strange flowers, they burst immediately, the flames danced wildly, radiating energy, and the flowers one after another were blown to pieces. Strange streams of red liquid were shot out, but the red liquid was wrapped in raging flames and kept burning, and then bursts of pungent thick smoke came out.

Because they knew that the sea of ​​strange flowers was poisonous, Luo Yu and the others saw the strange smoke floating towards them, and they all let go of their spiritual power shields vigilantly, so as not to make a fool of themselves if they accidentally got poisoned.

In less than a moment, where the fire passed, mountains were scorched, and countless strange flowers were burned to ashes, and Xiao De seemed to be in a good mood, and his spiritual power rushed into the fire picture that day, The flames erupted from the latter are more dense, almost forming pillars of fire and descending into the world!

Seeing such a scene, Luo Yu couldn't help but secretly wiped off a cold sweat. This elder brother's temperament has changed a lot, but it's really desperate to use his hands. Fortunately, he is very magical this day, otherwise he will go on like this. It won't take long for the spiritual power to dry up.

Speaking of which, Luo Yu had heard about this picture from Xiao De before, but it can't be called hearing. After Xiao De was refined, he showed it off in front of Luo Yu, saying that four types of fire attributes were used to refine it. The 'Four Spirits Gathering Fire Formation', which is a super demon beast's demon pill, is a fire attribute treasure, which belongs to that very special treasure. The power is not much worse than the best magic weapon.

"Who is it! Who dares to destroy the old man's death flower, my poison lotus is incompatible with him!"

At this moment, the sea of ​​fire burned the sea of ​​flowers into a mess, and when there was only a small area left to burn, suddenly two powerful auras burst out from under the ashes of the Suduo flower, and rushed to the ground quickly. out!

Immediately afterwards, more than ten breaths of Qi training periods also flew up with the two of them!

These more than ten figures rushed out from the ashes of the sea of ​​flowers, and the light disappeared, and the figures appeared.

The leader of the two was dressed in a blue brocade robe, with an extremely elegant face, about thirty years old, holding an ancient yellow umbrella in his hand, which was a bit weird.

The other one is not tall, looks extremely sinister and cunning, and his eyes are full of murderous intent at the moment, but these are not important, the most important thing is that this person has a special lotus symbol between his eyebrows, which is very familiar!

It was Venerable Poison Lotus that Luo Yu was looking for this time!

As soon as this person appeared, Luo Yu's consciousness locked him firmly!

At this time, Venerable Poison Lotus seemed to sense something, and looked towards Luo Yu. When he saw that there were six foundation-building stage cultivators on the opposite side, and two of them were in the middle stage of foundation-building stage, Poison Master Lian almost fell over from the magic weapon in fright, but when he saw that the poisonous flower he had cultivated so hard was about to be burned clean by Xiao De, he couldn't help feeling extremely heartbroken!


Venerable Poison Lotus let out a loud roar, and suddenly, a faint blue lotus seat magic weapon flew out of his sleeve like lightning, exuding a light blue luster. Looking carefully, there are nine lotus leaves stretching and arching around the lotus stand. It is as beautiful as an ornament, but at the moment, in the eyes of everyone, it is as terrifying as a poisonous snake!


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