fairy flame

Chapter 48 Foresight

It turned out to be a middle-grade qi training powder. No wonder the smell just now was more than ten times stronger than ordinary qi training powder. The reason why Luo Yu knew this thing was because it was in Li You's cave. Li You explained some cultivation methods to Luo Yu I mentioned it when I was talking about interesting things in the world.

In the world of comprehension, there are low-grade, middle-grade, and high-grade medicines for the same pill, but few people still divide them in this way.

The so-called elixir now refers to some low-grade elixir, because once the medicinal material reaches the age required for refining a low-grade elixir, those monks will be eager to refine it into a panacea, and how can they wait until it grows to a middle-grade elixir? The year, not to mention the top-grade year, and the middle-grade pills are just some big forces who want to train high-level alchemists, so they will spend a lot of money to let the alchemists improve the success rate of alchemy, but they have the same ability. Methods The alchemists are cultivated by some great powers and sects in the world of cultivating immortals, and if you want to refine high-grade pills, it cannot be solved by the age of the elixir. At least you must reach the level of alchemy masters. Moreover, even alchemy masters have to rely on chance and luck, and top-grade alchemy was extremely rare even in ancient times.

This is also the reason why there are very few mid-grade pills and top-grade pills in the cultivation world. After all, the same medicinal material, there must be a difference between 500-year-old and 100-year-old pills. Li You also wanted to improve his alchemy. Level, I have only refined a middle-grade Qi Lian San in front of Luo Yu, so Luo Yu will be familiar with that taste.

Looking at the several elixir with a strong medicinal fragrance in his hand, even Luo Yu couldn't help swallowing, this white mysterious flame really has a purification effect, it can concentrate the medicinal effects together, increase the age, This is definitely a treasure against the sky!Heaven-defying effect!I almost lost myself.

With this mysterious flame, I won't worry about pills when I practice in the future. I just need to collect some elixir with a very low age, and then use the mysterious white flame to purify the essence and refine it into a elixir to maximize the potency. If you take pills, your cultivation speed must be extremely terrifying. After all, no one can take pills non-stop, even if you take pills non-stop, it is an extremely luxurious thing, let alone those with higher grades. Elixir.

Afterwards, Luo Yu carefully put away the four middle-level Qi training powders. Originally, after he reached the fifth level of the Qi training period, if he continued to take the Qi training powders, it would not have much effect on the growth of his cultivation base. He should take those The Jingyuan Dan recorded in this "Essence of the Way of Alchemy" is the only way to do it.

However, the refining materials of Jingyuan Pill are much rarer and more expensive than those of Qi Lian San. Low-level disciples like Luo Yu don't even dare to hope to gather those materials. If you go to buy from those high-level monks for your fifth-level cultivation during the Qi training period, others don’t need to sell it to you at all, just kill people and grab the spirit stones. Must have a strong cultivation base.

Now that Luo Yu can refine the middle-level Qi Lian San, he can naturally delay the matter of refining the Jingyuan Pill. Ability, Luo Yu can also refine a large number of low-level pills to earn spirit stones, and then buy medicinal materials for refining Jingyuan pills.

But I still need to be fully familiar with the ability of this mysterious Bai Yan, maybe there are other effects.

Thinking of this, Luo Yu meditated on the spot to recover the spiritual power he had just consumed. About an hour later, a gray-robed figure came out of the alchemy room, looked outside for a while, and then flew away with a golden rainbow.

In the next few days, Luo Yu continued to study this mysterious white flame day and night, and fell deeply into it, unable to extricate himself.

Luo Yu originally thought that since Bai Yan could play a role at sunset, he wondered if it would work at sunrise!After two days of continuous testing, the result disappointed Luo Yu. At sunrise, he used Bai Yan's ability to increase the age to calcine medicinal materials, but it didn't have the slightest effect. It seems that he is still a little greedy. It is rare to have such a great fortune. Extremely, one shouldn't be greedy for too much, Luo Yu thought secretly.

But in the past few days, Luo Yu took out all the medicinal materials stored in his hands, and when the sun set, he tried his best to purify the year, and then went to the alchemy room to refine the middle-level Qi training powder at night, and came back in the evening. Hurry up and take it while meditating. The effect of the middle-level Qi Lian San is really extraordinary. It is more than ten times stronger than the low-level Qi Lian San. Even though he has just broken through the fifth level of cultivation, Luo Yu still feels that his cultivation has improved rapidly , this feeling is really hard to express, Luo Yu even wondered unreasonably whether there would be any hidden dangers in his cultivation base.

"Bang! Bang! Bang!" In the early morning, when Luo Yu was carefully reading the book "A Simple View of the Alchemy" in his hand, there was a sudden knock on the door, as if there was something urgent.

Luo Yu, who was thinking about it, was startled, ran up immediately, and quickly opened the door, only to see the deacon surnamed Wang who had always cared for Luo Yu was standing outside the door, anxiously walking back and forth.

"Senior Brother Wang, why are you so anxious about something!" Luo Yu looked at the deacon surnamed Wang, and his scalp felt numb. I don't know how to face him. After all, although he wants to have some relationship with himself, he has treated him well this year, even though Luo Yu has never intended to recommend him to his master.

"Junior Brother Luo! This is a very good thing. Senior brother came to inform you as soon as he heard about it! Get ready and go to the Miscellaneous Hall with me!" Deacon surnamed Wang said to Luo Yu with a smile on his face.

"Senior Brother Wang, what's the good thing? I haven't been out of the house for the past few days, so I don't know what's going on outside!" Luo Yu was a little confused by what he said. No pie.

"Hehe! That's natural, and only a long-term closed-door disciple like Brother Luo can rush from the second floor of the Qi training period to the fifth floor of the Qi training period in just one year! Senior brother, I am sorry for you! I'm so envious of his cultivation speed! It's not just how the younger brother cultivates, I'm afraid he will surpass me soon, and the foundation building period is just around the corner!" The deacon surnamed Wang kept scanning Luo Yu's body, although it was early He already knew that Luo Yu had reached the fifth floor of the Qi training period, but he couldn't help being surprised when he saw it with his own eyes.

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