fairy flame

Chapter 56 Sneak Attack

The little monkey in front of him could actually help him manage the elixir garden. Luo Yu secretly thought that it would be extremely convenient for this puppet to do the daily maintenance of elixir, which would save him a lot of money. Kungfu, but I just don't know if I have enough spirit stones in my hand?

Luo Yu turned his head and asked casually with the people next to him, but Luo Yu was greatly disappointed by the result, and looked at the woman in blue in surprise, this is too expensive!The woman in blue didn't even want the spirit stone. If she wanted to get the little monkey puppet, she had to exchange it for a 'Pill of Washing Essence'!When Luo Yu heard the price, he immediately gave up the idea of ​​buying the monkey.

Wash the marrow Dan!

Don't say he doesn't have it, even if he had it, he wouldn't trade this pill for such a puppet who can only help with some daily chores but has no attack power. To be honest, Luo Yu once had a marrow washing pill. He came back from Dou Ying, but he had already taken it when Luo Yu broke through the fifth level of Qi training. Luo Yu only found out how precious this pill was after inquiring about it later. Before, Luo Qingqing only briefly mentioned this pill. Yu thought that Xisui Pill was as easy to refine as Lianqi Powder, but later he realized that he was wrong.

Each cultivator can only take the Sui Sui Pill once, and the second time it will have no effect. In addition to the effect of cutting the marrow in the Book of Changes, removing impurities from the body and helping immortals break through the fifth level of the Qi training period, this pill is the most effective. The most important thing is that only the ancestors of the alchemy stage can refine the Xisui Dan. It is said that one of the main medicines must be refined with the alchemy fire of the alchemy stage. Just this one can show that the price of this pill is not cheap up.

Generally, there is no blood relationship in the alchemy stage. If it is not the ancestral hall of the next generation, who is willing to spend time to help you make alchemy, even if they are willing to produce spirit stones, it is useless. Those spirit stones are simply a drop in the bucket for those seniors in the alchemy stage. The top monks in the alchemy period cannot be hired by spirit stones.

Luo Yu thought about it secretly, and when he was about to turn around and leave, he suddenly glanced at another item on the stall out of the corner of his eye, and suddenly became interested, so he stopped. It's easy to miss if you look closely.

Luo Yu leaned down, stretched out his hand and took a half-old book in his hand, flipped through it casually, and saw that it said "Cultivation of Immortals" written on it, Luo Yu casually flipped through it, and found that there were many books on it. Unheard of things, the things recorded on it are extremely heterogeneous, almost including a lot of anecdotes about cultivating immortals, including biographies, names of elixirs, herbal writings, introductions to magic tools, spells, and unknown ores, etc.

"This fellow daoist! If you want to buy it, it's priced at [-] spirit stones. If you don't want to buy it, please don't browse casually. If everyone is like this fellow daoist, then why should I sell it!" Just when Luo Yu became interested At that time, a delicate voice sounded in my ears, although there was a little anger in the voice, but I am afraid that anyone who heard this voice would not associate it with anger, as if she was acting like a baby.

Luo Yu was startled, and hurriedly put the book in his hand back to its original place in embarrassment, then stood up and pretended nothing happened.

"Fifty spirit stones are too expensive! Many of them are useless things that have never been heard of before, and I don't know if they are true or not!" Luo Yu showed a disdainful expression on his face, as if he didn't value these things very much.

"Hmph! These are brought from my family. They are all anecdotes collected by the ancestors in the world of cultivating immortals. If it weren't for my lack of spirit stones recently, how could I sell them! Shi, you can't go any lower!" The woman in blue gritted her silver teeth and said after hearing Luo Yu's taunt.

Luo Yu looked at it like this, this girl came here to set up a stall because of the lack of spirit stones, so the price can be lowered a little!

Afterwards, Luo Yu said a few words that he had no interest in this book. His attitude was tough and he was only willing to give out 35 spirit stones, otherwise he would turn around and leave. In the end, he was furious but helpless Under the expression, Luo Yu bought this "Cultivation of Immortal World Strange Objects" with satisfaction, then turned around and left, and wandered around casually. When no one was paying attention to him, he found a hidden place to change. Putting on a set of khaki cloth clothes, he slowly left Fangshi with a calm demeanor.

As soon as he left the market, Luo Yu took out the golden thunder sword and turned into a golden light, which plunged into the endless forest of the Cuixia Mountains.

Thinking of the harvest of this trip, Luo Yu is really satisfied. The most important thing is the formation of hundreds of woods in fire. This formation will definitely exert a powerful power in his hands. I am afraid that it is not an exaggeration to say that it is his own trump card. , and although I don't know whether the things recorded in the "Cultivation of Immortals" are true or not, it is good to spend Lingshi to gain a little knowledge of the world of cultivation.

After Duanguang flew over several hills, when Luo Yu was about to approach the edge of the Cuixia Mountains, suddenly a sea of ​​flames appeared in front of Luo Yu's flight, and the sea of ​​flames mixed with scorching force quickly pressed towards Luo Yu.

sneak attack!

Luo Yu immediately came to his senses in shock. As soon as the light of the Golden Thunder Sword turned, he turned around and walked away. He didn't stop at all and wanted to enter the Cuixia Mountains. It was obvious that someone wanted to ambush him here. Unintentionally, the idiots fought hard with them. Luo Yu quickly made a decision that as long as he entered the Cuixia Mountains, he would be safe. He didn't want to stop at all to see who wanted to ambush him.

However, as soon as the same Luo Yu turned around, the emerald green trees under his feet seemed to come to life. Countless green vines rose from the ground, twisted and rotated for a while, and then turned into a big green net and covered Luo Yu's head. It was as if a man-eating beast opened its mouth wide.

Luo Yu looked shocked!Under the unavoidable situation, he had no choice but to drop the Dunguang downward, stopped in a small tree, and spoke with an extremely ugly face.

"I don't know which fellow Taoist is blocking the way here? A few seniors in the Cuixia Mountain Range are not afraid to alarm, and they will kill you all!" The moment Luo Yu landed, he used his spiritual sense to find out that he was ambushing himself here. Not just one person.

"Hmph! Seniors of the Cuixia Mountain Range, they can't control this place yet! Your Excellency is already dying, why don't you hand over the contents of the storage bag first, and our brothers may spare you under the great mercy! "While speaking, a short monk in black came out from the dense forest on the side, his face was covered by a black veil, and even Luo Yu's spiritual sense could not penetrate, he could only feel the spiritual energy emitted by this person The fluctuation should be around the sixth floor of the Qi training period.

At the same time that this person appeared, another tall man in black also came out from the other side. The two surrounded Luo Yu in the middle, and it seemed that they didn't intend to let Luo Yu escape!

"It's not impossible for you two to leave the storage bag, Luo will give it to you now..." Luo Yu said as he touched his own storage bag, and was about to take it off.

"Haha! You are so real! I...ah! How dare you!" Just when the two of them relaxed their vigilance, Luo Yu suddenly took out four talismans from the storage bag, quickly shot at one of them, and then , and turned the Golden Thunder Sword into a golden streamer, like a phantom, across a distance of tens of feet in an instant, aiming at the top of the other person's head and slashing down, the whole process was completed in an instant.

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