fairy flame

Chapter 6 Rescue

At this time, everyone saw clearly that the person who caught the arrow was the guard Wang who let Fang Mu's wife and children go just now. At this moment, he stared at Fang Mu and said contemptuously: "You are a guard for nothing? The old man The golden snake wrapped in silk hands, the reputation in Jianghu is not something you can get." While talking, he supported the young master Luo who had just recovered from his panic, and said respectfully: "Young master, you are fine. I hope the young master will punish you."

Luo Feng gradually recovered at this time, pointed at Wang Huwei and said: "Punishment, of course you must be punished! If my young master loses a single head, I want you all to be buried with me. Now you arrest this dog slave first, and don't send me to the police station!" It can't be cut into pieces by thousands of knives, it's hard to get rid of the hatred in my heart!"

Fang Mu got up quickly when he heard this, and aimed his sleeve arrow at Wang Huwei who was approaching him again, "Don't come any more, if you come closer, I will shoot!" Wang Huwei smiled confidently, "It's up to you It’s impossible to hurt the old man!” Just as he was about to do it, Fang Mu suddenly looked behind Director Gao in great surprise, and then said loudly: “Master Shang Shu, Master Luo, save me!” Hearing this, everyone present was shocked. The master tensed up, and hurriedly turned his head to look behind the senior executive.

"No, I was deceived again." There was no one behind the crowd, and there was no one. Wang Huwei quickly turned his head to look at Fang Mu, only to see that he quickly took out two white beads from his sleeve, and threw them on the ground like lightning. Throwing it, "Puff! Puff" two explosions, two blindingly bright white brilliance, accompanied by bursts of white smoke permeated from the explosion.

"No, it's poisonous, protect the young master!" Wang Huwei was the closest, when the white bead exploded, he walked to Luo Feng's side in a blink of an eye, performed lightness kung fu, and within a few jumps, he led Luo Feng away from Bai Yan quickly. place.At this time, the other guards slowly came out of the white smoke, coughing continuously, and Director Gao was the most, his face was flushed.Can't even stand still.

Not long after, the white smoke quickly dissipated.At this time, Wang Huwei suddenly said to the people behind him: "Where is Fang Mu? Who saw Fang Mu go?" Before he could finish speaking, he slapped Wang Huwei hard on the face. It seemed that he knew who was making the shot, but he just didn't dare to resist.

"Idiot, everyone has run away, hurry up and chase after them! Remember not to disturb the father and the second brother." After several people respectfully agreed, they scattered around and started searching.

At this time, Fang Mu was bleeding too much and was unconscious. In this dark night where he couldn't see his fingers, he couldn't find a way out at all, so he could only escape in Luofu with one breath.Coincidentally, his shaky steps slowly led him to the backyard of Luo Mansion, near Luo Yu's residence.

At this time, Luo Yu was awakened as early as when the blue signal flare was lifted into the air, and couldn't sleep after that. Taking advantage of the moonlight, he went to the well next to the hut, and when he was about to pour a few buckets of water into the tank, he saw There was a shaky figure at the courtyard gate, who seemed to be seriously injured.It was already late at night, and he woke up in the middle of the night. When encountering such a thing, he was more or less afraid, but then he thought of his mother's teachings about dealing with people, so he plucked up his courage and ran out of the yard, trying to quickly catch up with him. He went to the man, but the man seemed to know that someone was chasing him, so he ran wildly regardless of the wound. For a while, Luo Yu really couldn't catch up. The two ran for a certain distance, and Luo Yu saw the man stop beside a tree. When he got down, it seemed that he was about to be unable to hold on anymore, his body was trembling constantly, so Luo Yu followed quickly.

Shouted at that person: "Uncle, are you okay?" Hearing this, the swaying figure quickly turned around as if startled, and this person was Fang Mu who escaped here by accident. After having a little boy, Xun raised his right hand, the dagger in his hand gleamed coldly, but halfway through the lifting, he passed out on the ground due to the rupture of the wound.

Luo Yu didn't realize Fang Mu's killing intent towards him just now, walked to his side, took his hand and whispered: "Uncle, you are seriously injured, I have some healing medicine at home, let me help you Take a look!"

At this time, Fang Mu looked into the clear eyes of the young man, and it was difficult to swing the dagger in his hand. In an instant, he seemed to think of something again, and said to the young man: "Little brother, I can't do it anymore. Before I die, I would like to ask you to do me a favor. Take this bank note, this letter, and this quiver on the back of my hand. After I leave, take it to the headquarters of Tongbao Bank in Guanshan City and give it to a man named Zhu Sheng. The person." After speaking, without waiting for Luo Yu to agree, he took out a bank note and a letter from his sleeve, then took off the quiver with difficulty, and put them in Luo Yu's arms.

Then he struggled to get up again, and said to Luo Yu: "I don't want to implicate you, don't tell anyone about this matter, otherwise you will be killed, and the things I gave you must be hidden. Anyone who asks When you have questions about these things, you must refuse to admit it." After finishing speaking, he staggered away, and after walking a few steps, he fell headfirst on the chair, and Luo Yu immediately ran over and shook his head. The man body, found that the man did not respond at all, and lightly probed the man's nostrils with his hand, and Luo Yu was so frightened that he backed up, "It's dead, how is it possible, just now..."

Luo Yu realized the importance of the matter at this time, quickly ran into the yard, ran to the old locust tree he often played with, put the things in his arms, and climbed up, under the tree. There is a hidden square abandoned bird's nest at the top of the house, Luo Yu found it by accident, thinking that there would be birds, but after waiting for several months, he didn't even find a lump of bird droppings.Luo Yu was so angry that he almost tore down the bird's nest. He took out the things in his arms and carefully put them in the bird's nest. After hiding them, he quickly climbed down again and quickly ran to his room and covered himself with a quilt. , Pretending to be sleeping.

Not long after, several yelling voices sounded outside the door, which seemed extraordinarily noisy in the silent night.Luo Yu was startled and ran directly outside the door. Before he could see the situation outside clearly, he saw a golden glove magnified infinitely in his eyes. Luo Yu was shocked, his eyes seemed to be pierced by the gold, and he narrowed his eyes.

Before the golden palm touched Luo Yu, the wind from the palm slapped Luo Yu's face so painfully. When Luo Yu was about to be hit by the giant golden hand, a man in a white ancient Confucian robe The middle-aged man appeared in front of Luo Yu like lightning.Looking at the golden palm motionless, a scorn flashed in his eyes, as if he didn't pay attention to it at all, the golden palm hit the white-robed man in an instant, but there was no loud noise, or the white-robed man moaned in pain, I saw the footsteps of the middle-aged man in the white robe sway slightly, and he seemed to be indifferent.

"Which bastard dares to stand in my way, I..." I was halfway through the sentence, but after seeing the face of the white-robed man clearly, I swallowed the words that came to my lips, with a look of fear on my face. "Commander Feng, why are you here? I'm blind. I don't know it's you. I was ordered by the young master to come and look for an assassin." A trembling voice came from the mouth of Wang Huwei. , as if this person was extremely terrifying, but he cursed secretly in his heart, "What kind of shit luck is this, to meet this evil star."

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