fairy flame

Chapter 62 Handing in the Elixir

Luo Yu, who didn't take it seriously at first, heard this, and his surprised expression changed drastically, but he immediately returned to normal, looked at this person with deep meaning in his eyes, and then smiled as if nothing had happened: "It's just a fluke for Luo to have the current level of cultivation. The elixir that he has cultivated hard every year is handed over to the sect. How can he have extra elixir for his cultivation." When he said this, Luo Yu's voice paused After a while, he walked slowly towards the two of them.

The expression on his face suddenly became extremely cold, and he said with a low smile: "Luo is also very curious, why did he accidentally break through, while some people can only go around in circles no matter how hard they work. , It seems that this can only be said to be God's favor, why! The two senior brothers seem to be very curious about the next breakthrough!" At the end of the sentence, Luo Yu's voice suddenly became extremely cold, like a cold knife Straight to the heart.

Afterwards, the whole person's momentum also changed suddenly. The spirit pressure of the eighth layer during the Qi training period was released without reservation, and the mana in his body circulated rapidly, and an invisible coercion directly acted on these two people, even the surrounding air. It froze for a few minutes, Luo Yu's sudden burst of powerful aura immediately made the two of them sway, their faces were horrified and they hurriedly resisted with all their spiritual power. I'm afraid they never thought that Luo Yu, who was talking and laughing just now, would change at the same time. As an immortal cultivator on the eighth floor of Qi training stage, how could Luo Yu's aura be so powerful!Completely overwhelming one against two.

Luo Yu looked at the two of them coldly, and saw that after they used all their spiritual power to fight against the spiritual pressure released by him, they suddenly withdrew the fluctuations of the spiritual energy in their whole bodies. It's just that he has just advanced to the eighth level, how can he compare with the peak of his eighth level of Qi training, besides, the dual-attribute kung fu he cultivated is far more powerful than monks of the same level in the level of aura, and the changes between the two are also in As expected.

Seeing that Luo Yu took back the spiritual pressure, the two of them secretly breathed a sigh of relief, hurriedly stepped forward to apologize, and repeatedly nodded to praise Luo Yuxiu for being a master, Luo Yu sneered and watched the realization of the two without saying much What, if my cultivation level is not as good as theirs, I will inevitably suffer some humiliation at this moment. Now that these two people see their own cultivation level, they should also know it in their hearts. Luo Yu is the least fond of anyone who can threaten him People hid in the dark and stared at him. Under the polite apology of the two, Luo Yu remained silent, and then he waved his sleeves lightly and walked away. After entering the miscellaneous hall, Luo Yu paid After finishing this year's elixir, he disappeared without a trace.

At this moment, the two people who were scared by Luo Yu's spiritual pressure just now also just delivered the elixir, and stood together to discuss something in secret.

"Fellow Daoist Wang, why are you so restless, deliberately trying to provoke this person, aren't you afraid of ruining a big event!" The young man surnamed Chen said angrily to the burly young man next to him with an ugly expression after seeing Luo Yu disappear.

"Hey, fellow Daoist Chen, why get angry? It was Wang who was reckless just now, but this Luo Yu is only worthy of being arrogant for a while. I don't believe he can escape this time!" The strong young man's eyes flashed, and he said in a cold voice.

"Wang Daoyou, are you really going to sue this person to Mr. Xu? This man surnamed Luo is so arrogant, maybe there is some powerful person behind him to back him up!" Nian, who was surnamed Chen among the two, heard the strong young man say so. , then opened the mouth rather nervously.

"What are you afraid of! I've already checked everything out. This person has no other status other than being a closed disciple. It's impossible for the Cuixia Sect to have someone backing him up. Why, it's already at this point, and Daoyou Chen still wants to go back on his word No." Another burly young man said indifferently.

"Hmph! It's all come to this point, I don't mean to regret it, I just think carefully before taking action to see if there is any negligence, and besides, hasn't the 500-year-old 'Qingyelian' been given to you, Daoist Wang?" , I am only responsible for offering the elixir for this matter, but fellow Taoist is going to kill this person in front of Mr. Xu, what is there to be afraid of, Mr. Chen!" The young man surnamed Chen laughed a few times, but in his heart he was It's shameless to scold the young man surnamed Wang. Luo Yu's anger this time is clearly because he sees himself on the sidelines and wants to drag himself into the water. Now the two have offended Luo Yu, and there is nothing for him to turn around!

"Hehe! That's right. After the matter is completed, the elixir of Qingjun Mountain will belong to one and half of us. Fellow Daoist Chen is waiting for my good news!" After the strong young man finished speaking confidently, he went directly to Xu Lao's place. to the hut.

After passing through several aisles, I came to an attic. Old Xu’s hut was on the attic. The burly young man walked up quickly, and took out a few spirit stones in front of the door and handed them to the gatekeeper. , then walked in slowly, but he was secretly thinking about what he was going to say later. When he entered the house, he saw that the whole room was inlaid with gold and jade. How much has this old guy been greedy for?

But I can only think about it, I absolutely dare not say it, I glanced around, and I saw Mr. Xu sitting there in the corner of the bookshelf in the room, with his back turned to him, arranging what he was doing. The spiritual consciousness of the foundation building period must have discovered him, so he straightened his clothes a little, stepped forward a few steps and clasped his fists and said, "In the year of the next king, the Baiershan elixir guard, I met Senior Xu!" The voice was extremely respectful.

After hearing the voice, Mr. Xu didn't answer directly, but walked up slowly, looked at the man, and then he spoke with a smile on his face.

"Wang Nian? Is the Wang family, one of Feng Yunshan's three major cultivating families, related to you?" The gentle voice spread slowly.

"Back to senior, the head of the Wang family is my uncle. Could it be that senior knows the head of the Wang family?" The young man surnamed Wang hurriedly echoed, if Mr. Xu still has some relationship with his family, then there is a good chance of suing Luo Yu. !

"It's some kind of friendship. When I went down the mountain to practice, I walked with your Patriarch for a while. Seeing the situation after the old man, if you have anything to come to me, just tell me." Mr. Xu said with a chuckle.

"It's like this. I wonder if Mr. Xu has heard of Qingjun Mountain's elixir guarding Luo Yu?" The young man surnamed Wang was even more excited when he heard the words after the old man, but he didn't dare to be casual in front of the foundation building period. To show it, he can only pretend to be mysterious.

"Luo Yu... I have some impressions. Why do you have a grudge against him?" Mr. Xu suddenly showed a strange look after hearing the word Luo Yu from this person, but immediately returned to normal, and thought for a while before finally opened the mouth.

"This person has no enmity with this junior. It's just that this junior recently learned about this person's unauthorized use of Qingjun Mountain's elixir, so he wanted to expose this person to Mr. Xu." The young man surnamed Wang said seriously.

"There are other things like this, let's talk about it." Old Xu's face flashed strangely, and then he returned to normal.

(First update) Youdao took an intravenous drip for half a day today, and yesterday's fever and cold are still not healed, but Youdao signed a trial trial, and he can't stop changing for a day, so he still endured it and started typing!I hope that after reading it, for the sake of hard work, you can collect and vote. Youdao is very grateful!

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