fairy flame

Chapter 631

It seemed that he couldn't break through the old man's defensive treasure in a short period of time. Seeing this, one of the shadow black wolves hiding behind the old man immediately roared with extreme anger, and the sharp howling sound made people tremble!

I saw the body of the black wolf, which was about a foot long, kicked violently with all four legs, and the figure turned into a phantom-like blur, and it started to fly around the old man!

And because the black wolf moved too fast, and its own color was between translucent, in this way, after spinning wildly, it seemed to turn into a circle-shaped black light wall to wrap the old man inside.

From that black wall of light, a dark wolf claw protruded from time to time to attack randomly. In an instant, a blade-like black awn flashed all over the sky, and the black awn and the defensive white light released by the white hairpin were violently intertwined.

However, apart from the unsuspecting sneak attack just now, the old man has already reacted, and naturally he will not sit still at this moment. He waved his hand in time, and immediately released several low-level wood-earth attribute defensive charms that burst open in front of him, one by one. Layers of defensive masks of different colors were quickly formed, airtightly resisting the attack of the black wolf.

This method is a little too extravagant, but compared to being killed by mistake and all the treasures falling into the hands of others, it is naturally not a pity.

But even though the old man himself would be carefree for a while, he couldn't see any joy on his face. Instead, through layers of defensive masks, he looked at the girl in blue in panic and nervousness!


The situation on the side of the girl in blue dress is a bit interesting, because the phantom of the black wolf that appeared behind the girl was also struck out with one claw, and the black mans flickered with frightening light, and the aura in front of the girl in blue dress was shattered. Torn apart easily, the aura of body protection of monks in the Qi training period is as fragile as paper!

But what followed was not the ending of the girl's dead body on the spot, it was quite the opposite!

Just when the wolf claws were about to touch the vitals of the girl's neck, the panic that appeared in the girl's eyes at the beginning suddenly disappeared without a trace, and was replaced by a sneer!

After seeing this, everyone in the sky except the old man felt something was wrong in their hearts.

And at this critical moment, the girl finally made a move. With such an approaching attack, I am afraid that with Luo Yu's knowledge, he may be able to follow it, but he never has the guts to let the opponent attack so close to him, and the reaction time left for him is really too much. Very little.

But after the girl in blue dress clenched her seemingly weak fists slightly, an inhuman golden light flashed in the depths of her pupils, which made this girl feel very weird, but At the same time as the golden light flashed in the eyes of the girl in blue dress, a dazzling but hazy golden brilliance rushed out from all parts of the woman's body without warning, as if a golden Buddha had come into the world!

In an instant, the hazy golden light swelled and expanded to a size of Zhang Xu. Not only did the wolf claws and black light be sucked away by the package, even the black wolf hiding behind the woman seemed not to have expected such an astonishing change. The rapidly spreading golden light entered it again!

In less than a moment, the hazy golden light didn't know what happened, and suddenly there were several terrified roars, but the howling of wolves only lasted a few times, and all of them turned into a desolate 'sob' and disappeared without a trace!

At this time, the hazy golden light could no longer see the figure of the girl in blue dress and the situation of the black wolf who had been taken away, but there was a pure golden ball about Zhang Xu in the fierce battle just now, rippling from the inside to the outside. His breath fluctuates!

It seemed that the girl whose cultivation base was only in the Qi training period had somehow used some means, and she must have gained the upper hand right now.

"This! The hazy golden light and the color change of the pupils when casting the spell, isn't this Xue Yinyang's trick!"

At this moment, Luo Yu, who had clearly sensed the situation in the sky with his spiritual sense, suddenly said in a voice transmission with great surprise, his face was full of doubts and Linger looked at each other.

After the change just now, Ling'er naturally felt the whole process clearly, for the stinky girl who had a fierce battle with Luo Yu not long ago. "

Seeing the four golden round shields in front of the girl, the "spiritual energy fluctuations" emanating from the round shields were not what she usually understood. This surprised Mrs. Qiu, but she was also very annoyed that she hadn't taken back the black wolf one step earlier. As a result, everyone who is damaged and damaged is now injured!

Mrs. Qiu's cultivation was in the late stage of foundation establishment, so she naturally felt that she was too shameless in front of the same level of monks, so she cast a gloomy look at the old ghost Qian who was pale due to many pressures, with a ferocious look on her face Then it was exposed, and he uttered some threatening words viciously.

As soon as I finished speaking, I saw it pointing at the peach blossom cloud sea stick and shaking it from the air. Without aura, the stick grew to a size of more than ten feet, and at the same time, pink thick peach branches stood here. The magic weapon grows rapidly!

Countless branches, branches and leaves, and leaves blooming!In the blink of an eye, that inanimate magic weapon turned into a huge peach tree with luxuriant branches and leaves, bursting out bursts of refreshing fragrance.

I saw that this tree seemed to have spirituality, and there was a hurricane-like whistling sound from the countless branches and leaves. After Mrs. Qiu gave a low shout, she directed a strong wave of air at Qian Laogui's white scarf defensive magic weapon Swipe hard!

Before the magic weapon arrived, hundreds of thousands of pink peach blossom petals popped out from the huge peach tree branch, and all of them flowed like sharp blades into a pink rainbow, sweeping down like a galaxy rewinding.

At this moment, the original white scarf magic weapon was fully activated, and it was only then that he managed to resist the attacks of two high-level magic weapon flying swords and a group of wildly screaming firebirds. It was on the verge of falling, and now that there was another strong opponent, it was inevitable that it would collapse at the touch of a button. The white scarf magic weapon flew back tremblingly, and fell into the old man's hand automatically. At the same time, the old man spat out a mouthful of blood. His expression became more and more depressed.

The moment the old man was injured, his eyes flashed a look of incomparable determination, and his lips moved slightly!

Seeing this, Mrs. Qiu and the other three foundation-building stage monks were naturally overjoyed, and quickly cast spells, and their respective magic weapons rushed towards the old man and the girl with dazzling light. What is the defensive power of the girl's golden round shield, but if the combined attack of the four of them can't break it, it's a bit too impossible.

But at this critical juncture, the girl in blue looked extremely calm. She ignored the attacks flying from all directions, and pointed at the two dim gold shields in front of her. The change was that two golden long swords fell into the woman's hands, and then the woman flashed her body with the sword in a menacing manner, and shot out the magic weapon directly under her feet. Judging from this posture, it seemed that she was going to turn away regardless of her own safety. Deal with the phantom of the black wolf surrounding the old man!

Unexpectedly, a hazy golden light flashed in front of the old man, followed by the figure of the girl holding a sword in both hands, and after the girl shouted, Jing really raised the giant sword high, shaking all over her body. After the hazy golden brilliance circulated, he desperately crossed the two swords and chopped off, as fast as two golden phantoms.

If you hadn't seen it with your own eyes, it would be hard to believe that such a smart and handsome girl was really extraordinary in her actions!

Although the attack of the four was about to envelop the two of them, but before that, Mrs. Qiu, who had tried the power of the weird golden brilliance, naturally did not dare to take it head-on. Immediately, she made a fist with both hands, and the phantom of the flying black wolf stopped. Afterwards, it disappeared into the spot again without a sound, and the girl in blue clothes also fell into the empty space with an awe-inspiring slash——

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