fairy flame

Chapter 637 High Price Chapter Report

"It turns out that this girl's surname is Pang. Although I have met several times, this is the first time Luo knows it, so I will call her Pang Daoyou." Luo Yu said calmly: "I forgot to introduce you to you, but I must The two fellow daoists should also understand that this is Luo's wife, Ling'er, and Ling'er and I are destined to meet the two of you. Why did the two fellow daoists not stay in the Black Feather Tower to practice properly? Near here, and being hunted down by Mrs. Qiu and others?"

Luo Yu's understatement of a few words clearly distinguished the relationship between the four of them. It seemed that they deliberately kept a little distance from each other. At least in Luo Yu's view, I did not save your life for nothing. Beforehand, you The promised return should come out.

Presumably these two are shrewd businessmen, so naturally they will not fail to understand the three tastes.

"Hey, to be honest, Fellow Daoist Luo should have noticed that Qian and Miss fled here in embarrassment. As for the Heiyu Tower, it must have been forcibly occupied by casual cultivators at this moment. In fact, after the Xue family rebelled, The old man should have thought that casual cultivators without restraint and scruples would not abide by some rules in the world of cultivating immortals. They began to plunder and loot some small shops crazily a month ago, and ambushed and attacked all the cultivators coming and going in Xuefang , doing ruthless and sinister activities, but because those casual cultivators didn't directly attack us big businessmen at the beginning, and because all the big business firms are trapped here, people are under the eaves, so we just swallowed our breath and pretended I don’t know, but luckily the old man felt that the disaster would happen sooner or later. To be on the safe side, he used some secret means and secret channels to secretly leave Xue Fang with the young lady. The alliance has already secretly sent people to monitor us, without the old man noticing, if not relying on Luo Daoyou's supernatural power, I am afraid that the old man would have been killed by a traitor."

The old man's words were full of lingering fear.

"The Black Feather Building has been severely damaged, and I'm afraid it will be difficult to open it in the future."

When he said this, the white-faced old man clasped his fists and said to Luo Yu with a regretful expression of beating his chest and stamping his feet.

"I see, Xue Fangzhong has become like this, but you don't have to be too sad and blame yourself, at least you still have life, it's God's favor, as for the rest, it's relative to life It's not worth mentioning, but now that both of you are safe, Luo has a request, so please don't take offense."

After some kind and comforting words, Luo Yu immediately stared at the girl in blue with a solemn face.

Seeing Luo Yu's meaningful eyes, the girl immediately tensed up, as if an invisible oppression appeared around her, making her breathing fluctuate a bit.

This woman was unavoidably startled and suspicious. Could it be that Luo Yu wanted to ask for a reward directly? Although she didn't know what kind of person Luo Yu was, but since she took the initiative to raise it, she was not an opponent at all. After using the means, they dare not have the slightest desire to resist.

But if Luo Yu is the kind of greedy person who wants the two of them to spend all their wealth, then what they have brought out through hard work are some secret treasures, and it is really reluctant to give them all.

Luo Yu's plain words immediately made the bodies of the old man and the girl tense up.

"Fellow Daoist Luo, when the two of us, young and old, escaped from Xuefang, because there were spies from the Black Feather Building who were guarding the shop every day, so in order not to attract the attention of those people when we fled, many treasures were not dared to take them with us. body, so we only have some simple protective treasures on us, but I dare not repay the favor of saving my life. Just now, the old man has carefully calculated it. There are a total of seven or eight thousand spirit stones in the lower body and the lady's storage bag. The old man I am willing to give fellow daoists five thousand spirit stones as a reward."

The white-faced old man was also very worried, and when Luo Yu finished speaking, his eyes were fixed on Luo Yu, for fear that Luo Yu would start to move his hands in dissatisfaction. In the face of his life, he had to be generous again.

But this is a full [-] spirit stones. The average foundation-building monk spends his entire life saving. Except for the unavoidable consumption for cultivation, the one with the most net worth is only more than [-] spirit stones. Stones are equivalent to the value of all the treasures in ordinary small shops.

And after this person finished speaking, he respectfully took off a storage bag that had been prepared at his waist and handed it out. He generously cupped his hands at Luo Yu, but he still couldn't hide the faint vigilance that emanated from his body.

When Luo Yu heard this, a wry smile appeared on his face. Where did this come from? He just had a doubt and wanted to ask, and he didn't mean to ask for "too much return" at all. At least he didn't have any idea about the spirit stones on these two people, but he didn't expect that his own words would be self-defeating.

However, the person in front of him took out five thousand spirit stones, although it was quite a lot, but compared to such a big and successful shop in Heiyu Tower, these five thousand spirit stones are nothing. Could it be that this person escaped and said Luo Yu wouldn't believe it if he didn't bring more treasures, and what he said just now was probably a bit of deceit.

To say that these two people are really rare "fat sheep" nowadays, it's a pity that Luo Yu knows his own situation best, even if he is that greedy, he doesn't have the strength to snatch it.

In desperation, Luo Yu glanced at Ling'er who had a bit of resentment in her eyes, and when she was about to say something, the girl "Pang Peier" at the side saw that Luo Yu didn't accept it immediately. Qian Lingshi was not very satisfied, and became even more afraid in his heart. After a quick thought, he gritted his teeth and took out a storage bag from his colorful sleeve, and handed it forward respectfully together and said.

"Brother Luo, my little sister forgot just now. When I left the Black Feather Building, I was very interested in those medicines for the advancement of spirit beasts since I was a child, so I secretly took some out without telling Qian Bo. My little sister remembers Luo Brother's spirit beasts seem to be very fond of intermediate spirit beast pills and sea beast bones. Although these things are precious, after I return to my father safely, I will not lack these advanced medicines. Now I will also give them to Brother Luo It can also be regarded as a meeting gift for my little sister to meet Brother Luo and Sister Yan."

The voice of the girl in blue dress was clear and sweet, and even more immature. When Luo Yu heard it, she really had the taste of taking advantage of a child.

Seeing that the two men took out their treasures and their faces were still full of worry, Ling'er was immediately annoyed and funny, and couldn't help but feel that Luo Yu continued to play tricks on others, so she was about to calm down, but Luo Yu was She waved her hands calmly before, and the storage bags in the hands of the two people disappeared with a 'swish'.

The next moment, a faint spiritual wind in front of Luo Yu came together, and the two storage bags fell on his hands intact.

Luo Yu looked at the two storage bags with a pensive look on his face, but didn't say anything.

This action naturally made Ling'er swallow again to say something, no matter what she thinks now, as long as it is what Luo Yu does, she will wholeheartedly support it.

"Actually, Fellow Daoist Qian misunderstood what I mean. Just now, Luo just wanted to ask Fellow Daoist Pang something that has puzzled me for a long time. The five thousand spirit stones and the sea beast skeleton are too much in return. In this way, the sea beast skeleton It is indeed what Luo needs, so I will accept it first, as for the five thousand spirit stones."

When Luo Yu's words came to this point, his voice couldn't help but pause, as if it was a bit difficult to speak——

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