fairy flame

Chapter 65 Chaoyang Peak, Biyan Cave

However, no matter how rampant those black-robed people are, it has nothing to do with me. The sky is falling because there is a tall man holding it up, so I should go to meet Li You first, and then make a decision. Disappeared in the distance.

Chaoyang Peak, at the entrance of a cave with a beautiful environment on the top of the peak, a golden ray of light flew from far away in the sky, and landed in front of the entrance of the cave in an instant. It was Luo Yu who had come all the way. He looked around the cave lightly, then strode in. The cave where Li You practiced was called 'Biyan Cave'. Luo Yu didn't know why he chose this name, nor did the other senior brothers.

Originally, there should have been a lot of powerful prohibition formations in front of the cave of Patriarch Jiedan. These prohibition formations were refined by those senior masters with great effort, and they were arranged around the cave to prevent them from becoming critical in their own cultivation. At the critical moment, some powerful enemies came to the door. Generally, the formation prohibition arranged by the ancestor of the alchemy would take a lot of time even if the monks of the same level want to break it, and this time is enough to alarm the brothers of the same school, so that they can quickly break it. Know it, and rush to rescue in time.

And just now Luo Yu checked the surroundings with his spiritual sense, and he didn't find any fluctuations in the formation restriction. It seems that Li You knew that he was coming, so he removed all the defenses outside the cave.

Walking into the cave, Luo Yu has been here more than once, and is very familiar with all the forks inside. There are several places that are Li You's collection room. Luo Yu has never been inside, but he is very familiar with the things inside. Curious, the collection of the Patriarch of the Formation Period will definitely surprise Luo Yu!

Luo Yu walked quickly inside and met many senior brothers along the way. That senior sister Xu has been pursuing senior brother Jin Ming all along. This is something everyone knows, but Jin Ming always looks like he doesn't care. But Senior Sister Xu clung to him without feeling shy at all. Not long after Luo Yu entered the cave, he met those two people, and saw the two of them walking away from Li You's cave hall, clinging to each other very intimately. After coming out, Luo Yu was very surprised to see this scene, and couldn't help but look twice out of curiosity, but was noticed by the careful Senior Sister Xu, who had always been careless, and rarely showed a blush on her face He turned his head and gave Luo Yu a look of feigned anger, and walked away quickly, making Luo Yu extremely embarrassed, while the senior brother Jin Ming beside him glanced at Luo Yu lightly and then turned his eyes away Open, this person has always looked superior to others, and Luo Yu is too lazy to bother with him.

As long as he himself goes out now, he will restrain his spiritual energy fluctuations, so that his cultivation base will appear as if he is at the fifth level of the Qi training period. On the eighth floor, I am afraid that my jaw will drop in surprise. Normally, Luo Yu always wants to keep a low profile. Luo Yu observes that the aura fluctuations around the two people are probably staying at the ninth floor during the Qi training period. For the Cuixia faction, it should be regarded as neither fast nor slow!Luo Yu didn't dare to glance directly with his spiritual sense, after all, that would be too impolite, but when he crossed past just now, Luo Yu could see a little worry hidden in Senior Jin's eyes.

"Could it be that they came back only after accepting Master's call?" Luo Yu mumbled, and then laughed at himself, thinking so much without knowing what was going on, but the more he practiced, the more suspicious he became, and when the boat reached the bridge, it would be natural Straightforward, if there is any danger, I believe Li You will not let himself participate.

Just like that, Luo Yu thought as he walked, and soon came to the reception hall of Li You Dong Mansion, where Li You was sitting on a wooden chair, frowning slightly, looking at the pale yellow scroll in his hand, obviously absent-minded, Looks preoccupied.

The moment Luo Yu walked into the hall, Li You spotted him, put the antique scroll in his hand on the table next to him, and after calling Luo Yu to sit down beside him, he said worriedly: "Recently, you There shouldn’t be any problems in your cultivation! Seeing that you have cultivated so fast and reached the peak of the eighth level of the Qi training period, I am also very pleased. I have asked you to do something, and this time the task is Those assigned by the Cuixia faction have no choice but to participate."

Luo Yu couldn't help but feel tense when he heard this, but he still asked without changing his face: "The task of the disciple is..."

Li You looked at Luo Yu, but didn't answer immediately. After sighing lightly, he asked, "You should have heard about some mysterious men in black appearing in our Yuanjiang country this time?"

Sure enough, it has something to do with those people, Luo Yu thought inwardly, but he still replied immediately: "I heard something about those people. It is said that these people are extremely cruel and killed many low-level monks in our Yuanjiang country."

"Yes, these mysterious black-clothed monks are doing evil in our Yuanjiang country, and they are extremely rampant, but whoever doesn't have some younger generations who go out, and once they meet the group of black-clothed people, they will also be killed. They will naturally offend many great supernatural powers. The three major sects of Yuanjiang Kingdom will not let it go. This incident has become more and more troublesome, and even alarmed the alchemy cultivators in the sect who are retreating. In front of the masters of the alchemy stage, those people in black are naturally difficult. Escape, after we captured these men in black, we investigated the identities of these people, but the result was shocking, none of these men in black were monks from their own country. From the point of view of magic weapons, we suspect that they are from the Shahun Sect of Hezhou, which is next to Mengzhou, which is a sect of demons. The monks of this sect are half human and half ghost, and they specialize in practicing some soul-detaining spells, which are extremely vicious." Li You said When he was here, there was also anger in his voice.

When Luo Yu heard this, he couldn't help interjecting: "Why did the immortal cultivators from Hezhou come to our Yuanjiang Kingdom to kill? Are they not afraid of provoking a war between the two states?"

"The war between the two states is not so simple. Besides, these men in black are only causing massacres in our Yuanjiang country. The Yundu and Xixia countries next to it will not interfere at all. Of course, what you said is not impossible. That is to say, they are afraid of a war between the two states, so none of the alchemy masters of the various factions dare to kill these men in black. After all, if the war between the two states really breaks out, no one can bear the responsibility, but we also We can’t let these black-clothed monks do anything wrong in our Yuanjiang country, so our three major factions in Yuanjiang country formed a three-faction alliance, each sending elite disciples from the sects to encircle and suppress the black-clothed men, so that the other side has nothing to say." Li After You finished speaking, she suddenly stared at Luo Yu, feeling quite helpless.

Luo Yu was startled, and vaguely understood why Li You called him to come, but he still asked in a low voice: "The master called the disciple to come, is it possible that the disciple is also on the list of the men in black?"

(Second update), Youdao is here to wish all readers a happy Mid-Autumn Festival!I hope that if you like it, you will support this book a lot and collect it more!Thanks!

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